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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Wow, me too! Did you think about getting the newest double cd from The Void - Hole in my Pocket too? Case you haven't heard of it ... Poor & Needy Records.
  2. Very psychedelic! http://youtube.com/watch?v=HvUlLCUcDuY
  3. And like this one, eys: http://youtube.com/watch?v=E3ZRFaJefXo
  4. Isn't it better living through chemistry? Anyway, it's like a 40 years old slogan. Not that original!
  5. My day started with The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane in my head. Good so far!
  6. What about The Only Blip Hop Record You Will Ever Need, Volume 1 Why make a vol. 2 when the first is all you need? Funny.
  7. eej, cool man! waarom had ik daar nog nooit van gehoord? hebben ze ook een echte shop of bestaan ze alleen maar online?
  8. Rinkadink's gotta be my favorite! Especially his first album is a treasure to me.
  9. I don't get folks who don't get Eat Static. I mean, I can even understand people don't get Texas Faggott or Venetian Snares (even though I love that madness) but Eat Static is sheer brilliance, imo. I can never ever get tired of Abduction. How can people not like that?
  10. wtf is up with all the shpongle-threads these days? one is definitely enough, and preferably an old one. it's the 21st century people!
  12. Of course not, I'm just saying it's most probably useless. Especially if you're targeting the moderators, who are just trying to keep psynews online.
  13. Yes, but my point was that this is besides the point. See him as the dictator of this tiny psynews nation. You can argue, but he's got just a little bit more power than you (than anyone here) and he has the power to cut the whole nation off lifesupport, unless you follow his rules. The only option would be to discuss it directly with him, but as far as I can tell it's not gonna be of much use.
  14. Captain Beefheart - Making Love to a Vampire with a Monkey on my Knee
  15. Good post sherlock, but - although I'm not one of the old users here - I tend to disagree somewhat. Your analysis seems to be quite accurate, but I think you are forgetting one thing. And that's the same thing that everybody is forgetting (and yes, I'm defending the mods here, don't ask me why)... And that thing is: this is still someone's forum. And that person is mars, supposedly, and well, since he wants to cut down on crap, who are we to argue? Since the alternative is shutting down the whole website. Personally I feel that since Nemo took over he's trying to make a point, that point being that they're gonna be stricter from now on. If the mods want less flaming and less spamming, so be it. Hell, I wouldn't mind, the interesting offtopic posts always disappear to the background because of one stupid topic and then everybody copying the more or less same topictitle and then you have parodies and satires and variations on the theme and whatnot... All great, but if they want to cut down on that and on flaming, you can't really argue against it. Their will ís law... I do reckon that moderators are very reasonable (typing in red has nothing to do with it. . If anything, it makes clear if she's speaking from a moderator's point of view instead of from a personal one) but when everybody keeps discussing every single thing they do... well, they're doing it out of love for this website as well, right? They're your friends man, they're not like the others... Anyhoo: psynews is not all that for me as it seems to be to other people, but somehow I get dragged into this discussion, just because a lot of old users seem to be dogmatically conservative about moderation. None and not at all, because fuck the system maaaaan. Fight the power! And as I said some place else, I think nemo's just trying to get people to understand what he wants to change; if you don't like it, leave. If you comply, then welcome aboard and have a good time! Seriously though, I doubt psynews is gonna be horrible after this, maybe there's just gonna be less of these same old same old random topics and I for one am happy about that. Just my two rupees..
  16. Bought Plaid - Rest Proof Clockwork from some very nice swiss dude on discogs. And thanks to Shaft I had to order Global Communication - 76:14 off amazon.
  17. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
  18. Plaid - Peel Session Love it!
  19. I had no clue... and there was I thinking it was hard to find and really expensive. Immediately made an order from Amazon. Thanks, Shaft! [edit] I'm clueless, really. Even discogs has 'em pretty cheap. 9$ !
  20. Wow, nice! How much did you pay for that one? Last shipment from secondspin I got included (what I can remember) 1 Amorphous Androgynous Tales of Ephidrina 1 De-Phazz Daily Lama 1 Herbaliser & the Dream Warrior Road of Many Signs 1 Higher Intelligence Agency Freefloater 1 Mighty Math Spangled Up of a Tumbler 1 Plaid Peel Sessions 1 Sub Dub Sub Dub 1 Tipper Surrounded Orbital - Diversions was out of stock ( ) and they forgot to send Tipper, but they're resending it free of charge. Even though they seem to be making mistakes all the time, their service is rather good!
  21. Yeehaah, thanks dude! One last question: I'm not gonna be surprised by any other FSOL stuff, am I? I always skipped the AA stuf because of The Isness and I figured that was their style. But hey, after your poll I realised this album was released before Lifeforms and so I had to get it. And boy, am I glad I did. Sirius Lee Spike a Delix! I think I'm in love because, np: AMORPHOUS ANDROGYNOUS - TALES OF EPHIDRINA I really like being positively surprised.
  22. Amorphous Androgynous - Auto Pimp just god this cd in, I always figures AA were shit. Jeeeesus goddamn christ. This is fucking psychedelic as hell~!! Waaaah, I love it! What a brilliant song. Never would've guessed, but damn this shit is good ! Seraph, please hold me?
  23. Second order arrived pretty quickly but unfortunately without two items. Orbital - Diversions wasn't available anymore and Tipper - Surrounded they had simply forgotten. Sent them an email and within the day we had a correspondence going: they already promised to ship me the next copy free of charge. Mighty nice of 'em!
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