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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. She meant that it took my 7 weeks to notice that I hadnt gotten my cd yet, she would've sent an email within a week. By the way, I did send her an email after two weeks, to which she replied that she had indeed sent a package and that she has proof of postage. I don't understand. Why would a package get lost in between Holland and England?
  2. Talking bout the devil... I just realised that I bought a Sabres of Paradise cd on ebay the 11th of august, which was supposedly sent the 14th but to date has not arrived. I had totally forgotten about it, cause I couldn't find it in my 'Won' list (is that only recent wins?) but last week I found it in my feedback-thread. I emailed the person, saying I haven't received anything and she replied that she was amazed I only answered now... Btw; she has a record of 3500 positive feedbacks and not one negative, so I figure she's allright. But what do I do about it?
  3. Woohoo, thanks for the coupon DP! Just ordered: seven cds for only 30 us dollars. Nice deal!
  4. I've had that once with an ebay-shop. I told the guy, he offered to send me half the money back and he did. Seemed like a fair deal to me, since I trust he didn't break it and send it to me. Must've happened in the mail...
  5. start? have bored you since forever, you mean! I second all the above said, btw!
  6. hey astro, care to elaborate a little bit about those names? are they all ambient/ambient or is there some other stuff in there too? Most names I don't know and since I'm always curious to check new things out, do me a favor! I do know (and recommend!) Atom Heart Bill Laswell Deep Space Network Timeshard (although to me they sound a little outdated...)
  7. acutally, the original was supposed to mean 'mind manifesting', but I guess that's all a matter of semantics. Although imo manifesting seems a bit more accurate than searching..
  8. hahahaha oh shit, you guys made me dream I went to a party with VOID. But, well, it was probably the shittiest party I have ever been to in ANY of my dreams... it was just really really bad.
  9. listen to kool keith's albums as dr. octagon!! pretty psychedelic, if you ask me! (but youre right, that's the exception that confirms the rule... or something like that')
  10. who said psychedelic was an invention by leary? blasphemy! it was actually invented by dr. humphry osmond in correspondence with aldous huxley. and to be even more exact, if it had to be translated into english, the correct putting-together-of-words (what's the term i'm looking for, here?) would've been psychodelic!
  11. true, true, but some of it is done very well and some of it isn't. meaningless discussion? probably true! some more names, of which a description will follow: autechre aphex twin adham shaikh amon tobin banco de gaia bonobo biosphere boards of canada!! bola the black dog (see plaid) capitol k dubphonic easy star all stars (winkie! ) future sound of london !!! gus til global communication higher intelligence agency!! high tone the herbaliser h.u.v.a. network leftfield luke vibert? massive attack mr. scruff! va mountain high 1 and 2 monolake ozric tentacles orbital!! oliver jones pole! pitch black plaid peuple de l'herbe rip van hippy subsurfing saafi brothers squarepusher sigur ros dj shadow tortoise lot of planet dog stuff! tipsy telefon tel aviv ulrich schnauss the well wagon christ zenzile zion train well.. descriptions might follow... that's a damn list I got there!
  12. mostly I agree, but I must add that this is also very 'psychill', a genre which has started to bore me for some time now. Very good music, but well.. doesn't go for all of it of course, but too much ethnical yipyap started to get to me. Oh well, it's still mostly excellent chillout stuff
  13. B-Born Droid!!!
  14. Ok, here we go, essential stuff right here (and please remember my taste is impeccable... hehehe). Other peeps that seem to know their stuff really well will include abasio, seraph Anyhoo, I'm just gonna give names, I think, and behind it I'll try to put a small description... Alphabetically! Oh and mind you: for atmospheric (or real) ambient, talk to Astro Cortex, Seraph, Bahamut, Nick etc. Adrian Sherwood (and anything by On U Sound: dub as dub was meant to be) Androcell (nice eclectic dub-fused psychill) Bluetech (idm-ish dubby emo and psychedelic chill) Boss-a-Troniq albums (electronic bossanova, very tropical and happy music) Capsula (recent very-full-dubbed-psychill but quality stuff) Children of the Bong (might sound a little dated, but psychedelic dub for sure, longspun tracks) Carbon Based Lifeforms (acidic ambient! floating stuff, very nice for listening all the way through) Digital Mystery Tour (not one of my favorites, but good psychill) Entheogenic (one of the godfathers of psybient. lot of ethnic influences, almost everybody knows it, that's why I'd never spin it ) Eat Static (not only known for their chillout, but the chillout songs they've made rank amongst my highest favs!) Flexitones (jazzy scratchy breakbeatish chill, not your daily cup of tea, but still very good!) Hi Fi Companions (see above, but then different ) Nodens Ictus (amazing afterparty chilled out spacelines, amazing stuff) Ooze (one of my favorite spaced out albums, perfect for tripping or smoking; I see whole landscapes before me; very warm and touching stuff) Ott (boo! needs no introduction!) Orb (well... see the necessary thread Solar Fields (everything by Ultimae rocks and so does he. Topnotch soundscapes, trippy, acidridden, original, very high quality) Sabres of Paradise (from the old warp-stable... I love this, but once again: not everyone will) ... shpongle ... Tripswitch (I used to like it more than I do now... typical psybient, imo, but not too cliché) Toires (totally ethnic chillout, but in a good way, most of it at least) Damn, these were some choices from my first cd-map, the most accessible stuff that is. There's loooaaadds more where that came from, but I'm tired and hungry and going to leave now. VA's Dissolving Clouds Fahrenheit Project cd´s Floating Point 1 II and 1I1 Natural Born Chillers More will follow, when I'm up for it...
  15. yeah, that is exactly my point. And I can't figure out why! Maybe less heart and soul put into this one? It's well produced, it's definitely bluetech but on the other hand the songs don't catch me as much as the first two albums did... weird.
  16. weird album, very abstract, gets better towards the second half if you ask me. nice one! one of my first electronic albums ever what about that one?
  17. was that name taken from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy btw?
  18. care to summarize?
  19. rah, I love you. And Colin: I thought as a joke it's a pretty good one. Unless it's attentionwhorism, in that case it's pathetic. But the joke's on him, so far, since a lot of people did believe him! And ehm: should I edit my first post? All those psy-bastards!!
  20. stress assassin - within the office of eye and ear Nice stuff!!
  21. hehehe, quite right.. but I guess I was talking about the names. I think only the first artist that came up with a name that started with 'psy' counts, simply because he was first. After that it's all lack of creativity, is it not!!
  22. A friend of mine recommended Mood Deluxe - Tangent Universe some time ago. What a great ceedee that is! Starts off rather jungley, but towards the end it gets more and more psybreaks-y. I'd recommend it too!
  23. psytrain psypilot psysex psyfactor psyknights psytekk psykovsky psynina psywalker [edit] and some more lame-ass names... [/edit] psychopod psychaos psygone psychlopedia psybaba psydrop psyside psycraft and all of those... I say: BOOOOOO!!!!! what's the best and the worst out there?
  24. wow, never heard any of those before. psychedelic folk you say? does sound interesting, i've always been more than normally attracted to the rhythm of polka. happen to know of any psychedelic polka?
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