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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Most of the songs are deep heavy dubby stuff, and pretty psychedelic indeed! Haven't they released other albums under Children of the Bong? It's also a pretty damn good name for a group, I must add I've bought this only recently, maybe in 2004, and like many ambient-albums (fsol, orb anyone?) from around that time, they almost don't sound dated at all. Excellent stuff, to say the least! I think my favourites are 4, 5 and 6, but that's if I recall correctly. The more dubby songs, that is!
  2. amen! as you could read in a previous thread, i just started dj-ing and really only do ambient/chilled out stuff. which is kinda hard to mix, since the bpms differ so much. but i've NEVER (all 4 times i played! ) prepared anything. i just write down what songs are my favorites and then when the moment comes to choose another song i just franctically flip back and forth in my cdmap to pick one... thats whats been working best for me. if the crowd seems to go too much with the flow... then i'll just put on something surprising, hehehe, just to fuck with em a little bit. you can't tell me you can do that with a pre-fabricated set. its just not possible.
  3. I've always been convinced that while Blumenkraft does indeed mean Flower Power in German, its derived from RA Wilsons 'Illuminati Trilogy' in which 'ewige Slangenkraft und ewige Blumenkraft' were the main slogans for the evil Illuminati. Correct me if I'm wrong... maybe it's just as cheesy as a hippie-saying...
  4. muy psychedelic!
  5. Hmmm... sounds promising, thanks Moni! I've bought it and listend to it quite a few times and it seemed so much colder and less dubby than the first two albums which I absolutely love and have heard a great many times, also while tripping and they've helped me through some deep, emotional and very special moments. That's why I've been kinda disappointed with S&S so far, but I see there's still some hope. Nice! [edit] Ok, i keep on trying and trying but it just doesn't work as well as the first two albums did. I don't know why, the songs don't really stand out that much. It still beats a lot of psychill-bums but it's just not quite good enough to make a difference, I'm afraid. Ah well, too bad, I would still buy this because the cd's look so damn nice next to each other in my cd-case. Artwork kicks a lot ass!
  6. I was kinda surprised by the note at the end of the review. To me, following your description, none of the tracks sounded that special. And then you give it a 9/10! Maybe I should listen this again... I've got both Floating Point 1 & 2 and I expect nothing but the best chilled-out hammockstyle listening from Iboga... I'm curious! By the way, I really don't think Crowd Control had the weakest track on FP2; its just the vocals that made it really cheesy. Without those, the track is pretty sweet and emotional... imho of courso! On another note, I've heard a preview of Oliver Jones' album (some llink GSH gave for a freq-track) and it sounded horrible. His song on FP2 (Club Velour, which is a horrible name for a great track with a thumping beat) was really good, but the other songs just sounded like cheap ripoffs...But then the quality really sucked and this is going more offtopic. I'll post more when I've heard the entire Floating Point 3 in good quality.
  7. hahahaha yeah, i got this pointed out by various friends of mine who've been dj-ing somewhat longer than myself. Its not that I'm opposed to mixing or anything, it's just that I figured it would be helpful to have an idea in what direction I have to pitch. I mean, if its gonna be 20% I can already forget cause it'll fuck up the song too much (yes...i know... some songs sound even better when pitched up or down) but it was more to get a general feeling, so I can practice more, since I dont own cdjs (plus i sold my turntables a long time ago) Thats all... but its obvious I need to practice more and just fuck up from time to time. Thanks anyway!
  8. Sounds very finish to me! Love this album by the way, thanks to NT! Really nice, fresh and surprising stuph; which seems to be lacking in most genre-based-psytrance-releases...IMHO!
  9. in dutch, doof means deaf... but i think in australia doofs are big parties....
  10. why? what is the meaning of shpongle? and hallucinogen, ive thought about this before, is a pretty lame name, to be honest. i mean: seriously! it seems everybody likes his music and therefore also digs the name, but its not the most original name around, now is it? shpongle on the other hand i dó like. what goes for hallucinogen goes for astral projection as well. or alien project or anything with alien in it. W E A K !
  11. same as goes for nexus.. any word that is too obviously related to stuff like fractals, vortexes and all them 'psychedelic' words. its just not original! something like: fatal instinct, fatal attraction, basic instinct, etc.etc. etc. there'sa LOT of them around yaknow!
  12. i love Logic Bomb. plus it has a meaning as well, with 've forgotten... and hux flux i like too.. all their tracknames match the riming artistname. but maybe i'm biased about those two as well also too.
  13. i dunno why i expected it to be psychedelic... this is just atrocious!
  14. heh, i like Side A for an artist-name...
  15. hahahahaha ever wonder why they call it Intelligence DANCE Music ?
  16. hehehehe... there's programs out there that count the bpms when you manually tap your spacebar, but i was hoping for something thatll do it automatically. or am i just lazy?
  17. Higha guys, I've been trying to figure out what's a decent and reliable ways to count BPMs. I've got traktor but it's not really reliable, if ya ask me... Well, I should note I want to know the bpm's of my chill-cd's. Cause usually they're harder to mix cause the speed of the beats varies a lot more than when you play one certain kind of electronic music (fullon, prog, house, electro, whaddeva) I'm trying Traktor and am being very much not happy with it. I've tried Mixmeister BPM Analyzer as well, but that one only works for mp3s. Thoughts anyone?
  18. Rip van Hippy - Black Lodge (from: The whole world's hip and that's not cool)
  19. ^i TO TA LLY agree no variation whatsoever in the line-up, although there are some interesting artists for sure. tis a bloody shame chillout isnt seriouly considered @ most parties. and even when it is, who is the last to get paid? indeed: the chillout dj's...
  20. if you really want something you can keep listening to: get FSOL - ISND or FSOL - Lifeforms. For real! You'll keep discovering new things... and eh: trancey trancey, personally i'd get Scorb!
  21. what about Easy Star All Stars - Dub Side of the Moon classic floyd album redone in a dub way. there's no arguing that this ain't dub and neither that this ain't psychedelic. btw: check out some orb shit as well... towers of dub anyone? slvg dvb? Also: anything by On-U Sound!! I personally love Dub Syndicate (Stoned Immaculate!) and also almost anything done by Adrian Sherwood. Bluetech has done some dubby songs as well... worth checking out! I guess Children of the Bong has been mentioned already, hasnt it? And yeah, for oldy oldskool dub you've got to check out Lee 'Scratch' Perry, Augustus Pablo and the likes... furthermore: Alpha & Omega Zenzile Kaly live Dub ... i'm forgetting some, but well... there you have it. you've got a purpose boy, check out all these releases! NOW!!!
  22. thought it was waaaaaaaaaaay too cheesy. cheaper than cheap. didnt like at all...
  23. ^hahahaha undeniably one of the funniest replies yet. i had to read three times before i got it. and admitting this makes me a lot less stupid, innit?
  24. did i just see someone say: wild rumpus? how can ANYONE like that shit? my roommate bought that ceedee, after 1 listen he threw it away.. then i found it and wanted to know what was on there. after maybe two half songs i completely understood why he had tossed it away in the first place. it was even too ugly to serve as a frisbee. man oh man...
  25. i TOTALLY agree with you. wickedy wicked album!!!
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