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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. I also voted Psychedelic Tunning, although well... except for neuromotors cover they're all too bizarre to be true. i mean: come on!
  2. :D Im so looking forward to this one! Plaintickets and festival tickets are in the mo'eh'fakking pocket! Hell yeah!
  3. Wow! Psynews is really incredible. Its just too funny, but most of the times its so much crap to read through that I don't do it. I shouldn't do that. I should check every thread for at least three messages to see what happens. I did miss that other topic as well... had something to with 'water' and 'ice' ... (not wanting to repeat the obvious) But damn, this shit is funny. I really honestly can't understand why some people take everything so seriously, especially on a freakin forum. You know what? The concept 'Full On' doesnt mean jack shit to me. Good music is indeed good music and repetitive trance-music with copied basslines is shitty, I think. Its all about creativity and originality... Back in the day I used to love stuttering, bouncing and rolling basslines. Now I still do, unless its the same the whole night Oh wow, I actually got into a discussion. I'm gonna quit before its too late. Bye!
  4. Vocals are 96% of the time really annoying to me... they do the trick so much better when they're incomprehensible anyway; way trippier! or when its just complete mumbo jumbo, that makes it a whole lot more psychedelic if you ask me. and yeah, screw american english. there's nothing to say in favor of it, i really find it pretty atrocious the way how MOST random americans pronounce their words. so exaaageeraaaaated! brrrrrr
  5. thank you! that singing gets me goosebumps every time and then when the beat kicks in again... niiiiiiice!
  6. Plaid - Not for threes. gRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRReat! album!
  7. Good album! I almost completely agree with Pr0fane's review, my favourites being 2, 3, 5 (most outstanding one) and 7. WTF is up with that sample indeed? I really think it ruins the beginning and the end of the track and I would definitely mix that part out. Annoying to see the least, which is augmented by the fact that I can't figure out whether its meant to be funny (which it isnt!) or whether there really ís a download at ... ah wait, ima go check that out RIGHT NOW. ok, that one doesnt exist. would've been unfair of me to not give it a chance Note? 7,5/10 something. Especially since there's not been that many special ambient-releases out this year, me thinks...
  8. He ís right, but I for one still don't fully appreciate the cover. It has something to do with the woman's face. Somehow it seems 'off'. But yeah, the idea is great indeed, entheogens communicating through speakers... hehehe Music is awesome, as far as i can see, the remixes all made the existing songs better. Especially Ott's; exactly what you'd expect from a cooperation between ott & entheogenic, f@cking brilliant! Vibrasphere's remix kicks ass as well, but i still havent found out why so many people seemed to like Youths remix. Its weird, didnt work for me. And that Billie Jean-thing... well... its been done too many times to surprise me, although its pretty wel made. Anyhoo, this is still a more than decent release, but not as good as the previous ones. 8/10 for now.
  9. well... there's two birthdays going on this weekend and i was emailing between friends about what to get them and all. mind you, they all know each other, i was so clever to make two mailinglists. and naturally i replied to the wrong one so he must know be now. but still: i'm gonna get him embarassed!
  10. Of all tacky remixes out there already, I want the cheesiest! And if not that, I want the corniest of em all! There just has to be a remix of Happy Birthday or anything like it. I dont give a shite if its bad, really bad or simply abominable. This friday our friend's giving his graduation slash birthday slash going-away party and him and a friend are doing the closing set. I thought it'd be pretty funny to play happy birthday as a final song, just to mess with him. Alright, maybe not the final final song, but there's gotta be room for 3 minutes of ULTIMA-CHEESE to pop in. I know it will embarass the living daylights out of him, especially if we start cheering and singing for him, so thats the objective Anyone know of an existing version? Ah wtf, I think I have spoiled the surprise already... but still: Hows creative enough to make a funky one?
  11. Benza - The Wolf all around cuteness makes me think benza's this cute little kid, playing in the woods
  12. aaah bluetech im still amazed of how many people haven't heard of or listened to bluetech. undoubtedly my best purchase last year and not even just because its a double cd for the price of 1. put it on, dim the lights, light a spliff and tell us how you feel OD. you can't not like it. they're just such emotional dubby psychedelic beats, the atmosphere is mostly just right. floating stuff, really topnotch!
  13. cool topic.
  14. best remix everrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  15. nice one man! forest-parties are the best... except for beach-parties maybe! our first party we organised was in a forest as well.. it all depends on the generators you have but i think the generator for the sounds DOES have to be stable. sorry i can't remember exactly why but it does matter for the sound, because the levels of energy seem go up and down quite a lot and therefore the generator needs to be able to cope with that... for all other things like light and stuff we used a different generator, just a small one, don't think that one really matters... and yeah, we did have to refuel every once in a while but thats no effort whatsoever and TOTALLY worth it. the police even came by at 11pm already and after a while decided we could continue if we cleaned up the place afterwards. forest-pix
  16. http://ions.goddeloos.nl/ http://satyr.goddeloos.nl/ two dutch deejays, there's chill, progressive and some heavier stuff on there. most are very nice actually.. and oh, 24/7 streaming mixes @ www.hbr1.com of course!
  17. correct me if i'm wrong, but isnt it 'optokoppler' ?? would make more sense too!
  18. first sensible reply if you ask me! thanks man! how many times do people need to continue to discuss on these subjects... BORING!!!
  19. finally wise things are being said. i personally feel that a lot of the ambient albums being reviewed in this part are very very very psychedelic, fsol and orb on top of it... and a lot of psy ambient releases fit neatly in the 'psy ambient' genre but at the same time aren't psychedelic at all... future sound of london most definitely is!!! masterpiece indeed and well: if you listen to it now, you will see that it is timeless, in the sense that it could've been made 10 years from now. trippy as hell, this album! so yeah: its psychedelic! and very psychedelic! pure psychedelicness...
  20. Wow, one of few albums that almost get no bad reviews at all... and it shouldnt! This is most definitely without any doubt the best thing i bought in 2004. I've listened to it A LOT of times and I still listen to it. That has to mean something! And yes: it is great music to trip on. Prima Materia was playing the first time I smoked dmt and i've grown more fond of both dmt and bluetech. Also: that hás to mean something! Maybe brilliant is the right word? Fantastabulous!
  21. aaah goddaaamn! i was just about to recommend it to you. check out the video (yes there's one, prolly out on mtv israel). outer space with live suckerass-mc, holy cowwwww. worst thing ive heard, dont matter if its trance or not. baaadassssss
  22. hmmm i don't consider Hallucinogen as 'the best' or whatever, but I do think that Simon Posford is one of the... Incredibly musical, I enjoy all his work, especially the more chill out work. Shpongle is already legendary and very influential to a lot of artists. Then, other things he did whether alone or together, like Younger Brother, Infinity Project, Mystery of the Yeti etc. are very well produced. Have never understood the fascination with X-Dream or Astral Projection etc. Maybe cause I didnt get to know them from the start but they kinda suck hard if you ask me (maybe it's better not to ask me, then )
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