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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. I'm kinda disappointed in the amount of response here... this is a topic I was looking forward to, a lot! Bring on the recommendations, guys. I got such a lot of inspiration out of last year's topic...
  2. Yeah, I get that, the more abstract Autechre are really... well, abstract. I found it hard to get into as well, but I guess you have to really focus on the music, on the structure, on the clever rhythms, etc. As background music it gets annoying really fast. Anyhoo, sounds like a buy then! On a strictly offtopiquish related side-note, I heard that Younger Brother almost have a new album ready. Was that quick or what? And what I'm listenin' to, right now, is: Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun - from Smoking Blues, nice spun out psychedelic live version.
  3. YOU GO GIRL!!! Good guess, and yes that's an artist.
  4. New Ae? First impressions? Cool beans!
  5. Super lazy one:
  6. Alien Hand Syndrome Damn, Psydb is useful.
  7. Godammit Ormion, post something already. It's tuesday, I'm at work, what are you waiting for? Give me a purpose to be in this superior-being-forsaken place. I BEG YOU!!!
  8. Well, if you know Machinarium, then you probably know of Samorost 1 and Samorost 2. The guys from Amanita Design make some pretty amazing stuff indeed.
  9. Hahaha, fuck dude, thanks for that 'entertainment' ... Damn it, they're both Dutch parties. I feel bad now.
  10. Fuck it, I'm going offtopic... PhD? What area? Just out of general, and personal, interest.
  11. This is why. On a brigher note: the above does imply I'm not a genius, which is just as well, cause otherwise my lack of any accomplishments whatsoever might have caused a nervous breakdown between now and 15 minutes into the future.
  12. Hmmm... if you intended to draw an ethanol molecule (alcohol) there's no way that oxygen atom goes in the middle and without it's good friend Hydrogen. Even so, I'm assuming that -O- is water and that your first drawing refers to the central nervous system. (If you'd meant the circulatory system, you'd have drawn it in red, I guess). Anyhoo... can someone else work it out with these hints?
  13. The Flippy Dippy Project ? I would just like to state that if I'm correct I'm a fuckin' genius.
  14. I care because you do. Wait, this is what you do in Japan? DNA cloning? Interesting work dude.
  15. Is that supposed to be a real molecule?
  16. Such a touching song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDdleGysNys I still can't get over how good that album really is. Incredible.
  17. In the vein of Koxbox and Hux Flux, I'm thinking of Flip Dip, but I'm sure that's too much to ask for.
  18. Whaddayawaitingforman?!
  19. I knew you were into it when you used the Log Lady's log as 'log' in 'Analog Pussy'.
  20. By the way, isn't Colorbox also a possible answer to jonne's picture?
  21. No matter if you're right or not, yours is Analog Pussy.
  22. Bah, at work I can download Chrome and the standard browser is IE6, so I can't really vote here. Which sucks, because when I have most time is at work. Imagine that, huh? Governments... still using IE6.
  23. I wondered too. Did you make that yourself? If so; kudos! I really dig it. And stealing it is very uncool and at the same time it seems to be the nature of the interwebs. Sad though it may be.
  24. That sounds right, jonne. You go!
  25. Really? That's odd, my ff didn't work then. Might have to try again tomorrow then! Cheers, dude.
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