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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. I don't get it... you enter your favorites manually and then someone else has to add 'em all up? Then what was the point of adding all separate releases into a database? I kinda expected a dropdown list for each position so you could just pick 'em from a list...
  2. Since Rotwang appears to sleep in again, I'll just post this supermegaultraextremelyeasy one, so we can pick up this game again. GO GO GO !
  3. Clubroot - Clubroot Very nice atmospheric, chilled down dubstep-influenced stuff. Worth a listen for sure!
  4. Yes! I think I got it! Pandemonium! (exclamation mark belongs to the artist, not to my happiness for finally resolving this difficult one). If I happen to be right, I'll offer my turn to the highest bidder, and otherwise to whoever comes first. If I''m wrong, for whatever unimaginable reasons, the hunt continues. But I'm quite sure this is the right answer. Let the games continue!
  5. Is there an artist called 'Random-Shit-Exploding-All-At-Once-Fucking-Everywhere-Near-Me' ? If there is, I'm pretty sure that's who you meant. If not: no clue. Ormion: a bit more known artists please. I have never ever ever EVER heard of Karash.
  6. And here we go again... you know this one for sure, oh Cheery One.
  7. Ha! I Awake! I knew it had to be something Ultimae...
  8. Why of course. I am terribly sorry however, but you are disqualified. You didn't raise your finger first.
  9. Ok, fuck it, I have nothing to do so I'll just post it.
  10. Wait, this counts as 'good'? You were kidding, weren't you?
  11. I agree. Go post something already! If you don't post anything, I'm going to feel completely free to post something of my own, which is going to be guessed by the very next person that sees it, so the game keeps its momentum and hopefully gives me something to do during my extremely super intensely boring office hours. Does anyone have a real job for me, by the way?
  12. Like a country with rivers. No clue what country though.
  13. By the way, I didn't get the 'g' in 'pigs'. Isn't that 'Q' from Star Trek?
  14. Hahaaaaah! Even though I have a picture ready and waiting, I feel that we should honour Rotwang's attempt before I post mine. (Mine's way too easy anyway) Anybody have any idea about his?
  15. Twisted System?
  16. Freak? Freakulizer? Freakquency? Freaks of Nature? WHICH FREAK IS IT?!
  17. Sad and droopy?
  18. I'm a bit clueless about both Droso's and Rotwang's pictures. Any hints, dudes? Haha, it's only 10am and I already made another picture just in case I get it right sometime soon. Sad, really.
  19. Yay for geek humour.
  20. Some hints please, Drosophila! I'm glad this game is picking up some speed again, makes several minutes at my job a lot easier to bare.
  21. I'd have known had I noticed. But you're right nonetheless Rotwang, nobody found out about my datura/hallucinogen connection either. And jisnegro (why is your name written in capitals?); tis your turn buddy.
  22. Alright, next one goes out to Ormion.
  23. Silent Horror? What do you use to draw, Rotwang? I like the 'painty' effect your drawings have.
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