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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Downbeat. Quite a boring list, actually. Nothing remotely unpredictable even. I feel so ashamed. I only tried to pick full artist albums, and only one album per artist. I placed them in reverse alphabetical order, per artistname. Solar Fields - Leaving Home Shpongle - Are You Shpongled? Sandspider - Music For An Imaginary Film Ott - Hallucinogen In Dub Ooze - Where The Fields Never End Krusseldorf - Smokers Lounge Entheogenic - Spontaneous Illumination Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Bluetech - Elementary Particles / Prima Materia Abakus - That Much Closer To The Sun Trancey & Upbeat (these are the ones I have personally enjoyed most...) Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps Texas Faggott - Pilluminati Cunt Roll Talpa - The Art of Being Non Scorb - Scorb Rinkadink - Rabbit From Darkside Logic Bomb - Unlimited Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom Frogacult - Something for Sundays Eat Static - In The Nude! Deviant Species - In The Hands of the Randomiser Sensient - Pressure Optimal Idm Solvent - Solvent City Secede - Tryshasla Ulrich Schnauss - A Strangely Isolated Place Ochre - A Midsummer Nice Dream Monolake - Cinemascope Electrypnose - Subliminal Melancholies Beefcake - Coincidentia Oppositorum Bola - Fyuti Boards of Canada - Geogaddi Aphex Twin - Drukqs
  2. Hey dude, didn't you write in some other thread that you're on anti-psychotic medication? I'm not trying to judge or anything, but from the sound of it, it seems like you're hallucinating. And if these are 'people' (if Lucifer and God can be defined as people) are doing things to you, or telling you what or what not to do, it might be wise to pay a visit to your doctor/psychiatrist. I'm not one to judge this, especially not from a distance and without knowing you, but I really think it's wise to consult a professional on this. Good luck!
  3. My first buy was Cinemascope and I still love it to death. Interstate is another really nice one, and so is Hong Kong (which is much harder to get, by the way). I'd say start from there and buy your way up. By the way, after some searching (Monolake's site isn't very helpful if you want to by physical media) I bought Silence off of play.com for only 12 euros (shipping included.
  4. Today's arrival! Yesterday's arrival: Monolake is sounding really nice at first listen, Ochre I already knew but didn't own. I was looking for his newest album, but couldn't find it at any regular site somehow... anyone know where to get it?
  5. You get some smiley points for this remark. :lol: I think two should be enough. And to clarify myself, I did not think you were female, I just thought you were suffering from a condition called silicate vaginosis. I have no idea where the sudden racism came from, by the way, only further strengthening my hypothesis that you are indeed suffering from 'the one illness that causes a beachy smell to emerge from the pink taco'. I must warn you however, if you don't get that looked after, you may end up as nothing but a huge Sandy Vagina. Very scary. Also, I thought you were deliberately posting negative comments, hence my suspicion of you being a troll. But then again, a combination of both trollism and silicate vaginosis is very rare and especially dangerous. I pray that's not the case here. Also, I wish you a very nice day and to conclude with a more on topic note, I would like to state that I have no contribution to the content of the topic itself. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7IHyGzPYIU
  6. Well, if you're looking for trippy breaks, then Eat Static could help you out... maybe a bit too d'n'b-ish and not standard-pietrancey for your taste, but you could give 'm a try. Crash and Burn! for example.
  7. Eat Static dubstepesque? Really? Which Eat Static tracks do you consider dubstep-ish?
  8. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  9. You must have had a whole sandbox in your vagina yesterday, Sentinel, cause every topic you replied in contained not much more than trollism, trolliness and trollage. Just pointin' it out, not trying to feed you at all. Really.
  10. Damn. That circuitboard one is a whole new level of awesomeness.
  11. Don't understand how I'd never heard about Organized Konfusion before, but fuck, that's some of the best oldschool shit I've heard! And that coming from a big fan of Pharaohe Monche's Internal Affairs (and in fact, of most the music that came off Rawkus Records). Thanks for that recommendation!
  12. Snapinho

    Recent ratings

    Have to wait two months or so before it's out here... can't wait.
  13. Well, Mark Knopfler is no doubt a great guitar player, but I just really don't like the Dire Straits, so I can dig the solos, but most of that music is wasted on me. Let me say just this: why say that other people play 'whiney guitar solos'? Fine if you don't like it, but I prefer seeing a big topic with excellent guitar solos rather than a 'my hero is cooler than yours'. That being said, I checked out Joe Sartiani, man that dude has serious skills. Heavy rockguitar playing, very impressing. That Andy McKee sure knows how to touch them strings too, by the way. Nice one, guys!
  14. Nieuwe batch! Bersarin Quartett - Bersarin Quartett classical/ambient Parallax Corporation - Cocadisco electro, one of the I-F (Space Invaders Are Smoking Grass) guys The Congos - Congo Ashanti reggae Koxbox - Dragon Tales oldschool trance. Have never been that into trance, so I'm picking up oldies as I go Wax Tailor - Hope and Sorrow hip hoppy Radiohead - In Rainbows mooie radiohead release Aesop Rock - Labor Days conscious hiphop Ochre - Like Dust Of The Balance first listens, sounds very good David Bowie - Lodger Bowie! Coil - Love's Secret Domain some trippy shit from 1991! MF Doom meets Clutchy Hopkins Nurbs recommended this. Hiphop. Beastie Boys - The Mix Up Beatsie Boys, what else? The Heliocentrics - Out There fat funky & jazzy Red Snapper - Prince Blimey jazzy triphop stuffs Deru - Pushing Air idmbientish idm Wisp - The Shimmering Hour strong idm release from 2009 Squarepusher - Ultravisitor one of my favorite squarepusher releases. varied and very musical Point 7 - What? newest (and first since 2005) release from toytronic label owner
  15. Nice. Very DMT-ish vibe to it, I diiiiiiiiiiig.
  16. Ok, next time let someone else write your promo texts. This looks plain silly coming from yourself.
  17. Damn, I was so hoping for a topic like this and had some things I wanted to add here, but the only one I can think of right now is: Bibio - Ambivalence Avenue (WARP) highly original mix of styles, there's a little bit of everything in here which can be both a turnoff for purists and a huge turn on for eclectici like myself. More will follow! Wisp - The Shimmering Hour Clubroot – Clubroot deep, dark dubby & steppy tunes. Yagya - Rigning excellent theme-based album with a lot of atmosphere. for rainy daze. Contenders that I haven't yet explored myself (how weird is that?) but that I feel can still make a big impact on me. (Where to buy, by the way?) Telefon tel Aviv - Immolate Yourself The Black Dog – Further Vexations Ochre - Like Dust Of The Balance Monolake - Silence
  18. Yesssssssssss!
  19. Nope, it's the general (and official) name for the type of effect this plant produces... if it's too hard, I'll give the answer in a day or two. Also, this artist features on most people's 'Best Psy Ever' lists.
  20. Downloaded most of 'em, I did know that Beastie Boys already, I have listened and really dug the Heliocentrics indeed, but the rest is on the waiting list to be downloaded onto my iPod, so I can give it some serious listening time. This weekend I'll have to refresh what's on my iPod, so next week I can let you know more.
  21. Have to admit I've never even heard of them.
  22. Cause you gotta use: [media]link[/media] or [youtube]http:/www.u-tyoobz[/youtube]
  23. Hey Joe (dig that teeth solo yo!) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLnKUiybiFo&NR=1 Ok, ok, enough youtube videos for now... time to get some work done.
  24. Some Jimi for your enjoyment then... Voodoo Chile http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtFNYApYi7E Purple Haze http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIvs4j4IniA
  25. The guitar solo in Time (quality not that good, but you'll catch my drift ) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgO1ThS3v_U And just the solo at the end of Comfortably Numb http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3duAGTJ_QJI Damn, can't post more than two videos per post? Alright...
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