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Everything posted by yantra

  1. Im not a fan of that kind of music, but that video clip is indeed Triping. ... Zodiac Youth - Mr Reedemer (Elysium Rmx) Good morning folks
  2. Check this out: Newbiews Thread
  3. Scozbor - It´s all goa to me Yamabikaya - The Arrival album Some old releases from infected... many more but im to sleepy now to remember
  4. Listening to Shulman album "In Search of a Meaningful Morning" - i just arrived from a thread where users talked about it, so i kind remember that i haven´t heard it for a long time, so now it´s in the stereo...time to relax
  5. Transdriver - The Nutcracker
  6. I don´t remember what i saw when i was in a Goa Gil party listen to that track, but i remember it was scary things.
  7. Yeah it kind of works that way when i listen to Portishead or Radiohead...sad and deep feelings. It´s good for introspection. One track of Radiohead thats his spining a lot in home right now it´s Wolf at the Door [amazing tune and lyric]. Btw that G.O.W. track rocks big time.
  8. Portishead - Mysterons
  9. yantra

    6X Track Ids

    Still looking, but no matches... sorry
  10. Ahah good one
  11. with this cover Fred of Neuromotor had become my personal hero
  12. Awesome taste you have
  13. yantra

    6X Track Ids

    I heard some old releases but i haven´t find those tracks...anyway i am positive that i have the tracks i´ve mentioned....like Anoebis said i think the first one is Shiva Shidapu. Try to check : Shiva Sidpao - The Album, Shiva Space Technology and The Digital Dance of Shiva.
  14. Hux Flux - Bring Your Own Bios
  15. Hux Flux - Nervo Servo
  16. Maybe you
  17. Thanks And btw im a huge fan of David Lynch!!
  18. Interesting stuff....the mystery girl. In a few weeks i think we probably know if she exists or if she´s just an alter ego.
  19. Im not as long as you. I am in the psy scene since 1998, but i respect your opinion and it´s kind of truth what you said now, normally you remember the music that have "turned you on"...but i also think we´re talking of tastes here: some people like it, others don´t.
  20. Thanks a lot D3lirious, i will check it out for shure... the thing is that in 98 / 99 i had a Hux Flux tape [that i´ve lost] with that track wich i really liked, and now im trying to find it. My apollogies once again by this thread abduction
  21. hey guys don´t get me wrong by abduct this thread for a litlle while... Anyone know the name of an old Hux Flux track that got some modem or telephone sounds ? Thanks in advance
  22. Im not a full on basher, but the thing is, i think there are too many artists repeating themselves and the only thing they did was grab into some "formulas" of making music and aplly it in every single track they release...but anyway i always respected all artists because they deserve it. I can honestly tell you that sometimes i hear some full on albums to check it and i like what i year, but as i mentioned in a previous post, these albums represent 10% of the releases... That´s only my opinion afcourse, not a true statement.
  23. Can´t possibly agree more.
  24. Catla - Minimal Disaster
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