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Everything posted by Soma

  1. First 4 bars is noise bass, single pole filter, low cutoff, low res, low env, as is popular in a lot of techier style stuff. Filter envelope: No attack, decay at around 60 to 70, sustain somewhere between 30 and 50, release set to max. Amp envelope: attack between 50 and 70, decay at about 80ish, sustain at about 80, release set quite low. Second 4 bars, 4 pole filter, low cutoff, res around 40ish, env around 40 to 60, groovier "umpa dumpa" style bass. Filter envelope: attack at 1, decay between 10 and 30, dustain around 30, release at max. Amp envelope: Attack at 0 to 12, decay at 127, sustain at 2, release really low. Third 4 bars, same as previous before, but a little more open. 1 pole filter. This had a little bit more top end in the attack, and could be easily modified to a melodic 16th note bassline by opening the filter a little more. The final 2 basses there were pretty similar, because well, I'm lazy, and I didn't want this excercise to take long. Both of those sounds were created from the "- Start -" patch, oscillator 2 was set to -5, with a detune value of around 5 to 16 or something, oscillator one's detune was brought down to 0. I used sync mode, and also Oscillator init to between 1 and 30ish. The reason I used sync mode was because I didn't want that second oscillator sound. Just wanted to add a couple of harmonics. They're not bad results for 5 minutes work. What I would recommend if you want to use the Virus for bass, and you want to do it seriously would be record a bar or two, and just cut one note out of the lot, and then do everything you need to that particular sample. You could get a much more solid result, I reckon, but then, I'm not gonna bother this time around. Oh yeah, I also set the distortion mode to "Light", and the intensity of that to about 20ish, to give it a little more bite at the attack.
  2. Thanks so much :-)
  3. Ahoy to all Thought I'd sign up here. I'm a South African that has been in the psytrance scene for 10 years now, great parties and labels - Vortex/Timecode etc etc / What I'd like to know is is there anywhere in Asia that has great parties ( outdoors ) Nothing when I lived in Thailand , and maybe something happens in Taiwan but I have no idea and have researched for hours. Besides that - whats the scene in Aus? How expensive are tickets? Steve
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