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  1. There's a track by Navajo on VA - Psionic Earth (2004). Havne't heard anything else 'though... Trance-and-dance, e.
  2. I haven't heard Preacox and Sci-forest but I did hear Procs and Gregh on Earh and I certianly know what you mean Trance-and-dance, e.
  3. No problem. Trance-and-dance, e.
  4. It's on Boldly Audio that track I was reffering to. I'll get back to you on Navajo. Trance-and-dance, e.
  5. I'm glad I could help. I really only listen dark and horror trance so any topic about that makes me happy I'll try to remember which VAs Procs and Navajo are on and get back to you. Trance-and-dance, e.
  6. Eh? I haven't heard anything recently made but then earlier Matutero/Zik, like Underground Screams. My all time favourite Trance-and-dance, e.
  7. My way of saying good-bye Trance-and-dance, e.
  8. Matutero/Zik/Horror Place would be a good place to start. Trance-and-dance, e.
  9. Matutero - Undeground Screams Trance-and-dance, e.
  10. You can try these: Procs - Aghast (some VA, can't remember which one) Navajo - Drag Killer (some VA, can't remember which one) Ghreg on Earth Xenomorph - Qlippoth (the masterpiece of horror trance) Para Halu - World of Peace Trance-and-dance, e.
  11. Zdravo! ;o) Great - then you can contact me directy at pmmcof@eunet.yu. I check this account regulary. Thanks in advance! ;o) Trance-and-dance, e.
  12. Oh, I'm quite aware of copyrights et al. But I cannot buy anything on-line. Serbia isn't included in international money exchange yet, I think. Trance-and-dance, e.
  13. Why would ask here then? I don't have a credit card (can't afford one) otherwise I'd buy stuff without having to ask anyone.... Trance-and-dance, e.
  14. Hey all, I'm looking for someone who's willing to burn me some MP3s on CD and send me...I wouldn't ask it otherwise but I'm from Serbia and the trance scene in the city I live in is literally non-existant...There are no CDs in shops, there are no parties and there are only few who actually listen that kind of music...I'd be most grateful! ;o) You can write me at endymion_pan@yahoo.com and talk it through... Trance-and-dance, e.
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