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  1. why is IM even a choice? Logic bomb Shpongle Hallucinogen
  2. thanks man
  3. do any of these offer mac support? eh?
  4. where's Bluetec on there? Shpongle Bluetec Shakatura The Orb SUN projects ambient song's aint bad either.
  5. Yo, i found "the otherside" available for DL legally. Grandaddy is a cool psy DJ for those of you who don't know em, but i'll let his mix speak for himself... here ya go
  6. from what i've played around with in Reason, it seems very possible, you just need to get familiar with the VRhardware in reason, its like $250 USD right now, if you've used hardware before it should be very straight forward for you, but if not it may take a bit of getting used to or the tutorial CD that PH sells on their site.
  7. hey, i'm just getting started in making music, i'm not good yet, but i'll get there someday, I have reason 2.5 already, and plan to upgrade to 3.0 on the 10th, does anyone know any worthwhile apps to get for making psy/trance/ambient tracks? like Live or Protools, or both? and does cubase work on mac osx? if you have any suggestions on worthwhile investments, i would be very greatful.
  8. Hi, i'm rather new here, i've been browsing around and people seem to be very helpful and not so flamey, anyway, i'm also new at making music. I started taking a class into to electronic music, and it was awesome, so I've taken my project for that class and started working on it at home. I've been using reason 2.5 for everything, and i was looking at live for sequencing, that has rewire in it right? so i don't have to spend too much money in the long run... anyway: The song i'm working on right now is more or less just a sketch of some medolic ideas that just popped in my head, in no particular order, the mix needs to be fixed badly, and I'm working on that right now, but since i only have software and a crappy Keystation for my controller, i'm pretty limited. So my questions are: What can I do to improve the overall sound of this song What programs should I look into investing in for Sequencing (Mac Os X) does anyone know of some hardware that would make it easy to controll different sounds on the synth modules such as the Frequency and Resolution filters? and anything you think might help me. thanks. Freedom Through Shock Therapy
  9. I really like shpongle, and the thing is, they are one of those groups you have to see live for fully enjoy their music, trippin hard. and its kinda hard to really classify shpongle as having a shponle sound, they do many many things with their music, weird arabic rythms to nice relaxing island jams. Its really hard to say "shpongle is great because of this cd, lp, etc." they are a group you have to see live, and you should, even if you 'dont' like them, because its always a blast.
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