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Liquid Phantom

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Everything posted by Liquid Phantom

  1. very nice brotha! good indian vibe + outer space props
  2. dude... your pretty fucking dirty! what the hell did you use? cubase? reason?
  3. Ok I was doing some thinking and I wanted to record my sets. I have ION ICDO3 CD turntables. (Ya I know cd's are bad and all that junk but o well im having a blast and it works well for what I want to do) ive plugged in all the right connections from my output on my mixer to the back of the computer. (i had to give an arm and leg for the right cable) and I did 2 15 min sets one GOA one PSY the mixing is chill and songs are good. I used Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer to record it. Its nice but its a lil to fuzzy and the bass scratchy & grungy if you will.... sooo do you recommend any other solutions? Also when I save it saves it into wav format. No problem I thought so I tried a converting program and when I convert it cuts off the last 1/4 of it wtf? does anyone know a good program for wav to mp3 conversion? Thanks a lot and also when the quality is good how do I post my mixes and give them to people like upload it on here? Thank you for all your help ^.^
  4. Hey everybody! sorry its been a while. well Xmas is comming up and that means mor monay for me! so i wanna start producing again. (its been a while and im getting tired of crappy Dance Ejay 7 lol omg it sux)so my friend got Reason 3.0 on ebay for like 90 bucks and ya its legit i messed around w/ it and we made some EPIC trance on it. but im more of a GOA head myself. so anways hes give reason to me for X-mas and i need a keybord. ive heard a lot about the Oxyogen 8 and im wondering if theres anything better or can i make some good GOA-TRANCE w/ it? (considering i have the talent aherm) and ya i want to get Cubase for Psy and GOA but nope, no $ just got a Xbox 360 (OMFG ARGGG ITS SICK) so im gonna stay with a free Reason for now. but just wondering what all you guys think with your glorius wisdom woot thank you for your imput PLURR & HUGZ (i made HUGZ up its Harmony, Unity, Gratfulness, and Zelousey for raveing) GOD Bless GOA
  5. kick ass man i like it. what do you use. ive been trying to make music like this for a while and fail miserably. i want to make this type with out spending a lot of money
  6. hey thanks for the info dude. but its harder than cubase and reason???? wow i guess im in for a treat. ive been using eJay and thats just a drag and drop. and i heard that cubase is all hard ....soooooo hummmmm well when i download it can i come to you for questions about it cause i dought that i will be able to make anything w/ out help thanks again PLUR
  7. Hey there my fellow GOA Heads. Ok Renoise Tracker... someone told me about this and i come to find out that i can get it for like 70 bucks. i want to start making Psy trance and GOA (u might know this from some of my previous posts) anyway can u make psy and GOA trance with this thing? and like more than just a couple of good songs and then its all crap... I currently have Dance Ejay 7 and it is all crap but I don’t want o spend a whole bunch of money on like cubase or Logic and be all lost. Please help me my brethren. Liquid Phantom PLUR GOD bless GOA
  8. lol witch part? and can u tell me about Renoise Tracker 4?
  9. really?? you have intreaged my intrest..... can it make uber GOA? how much.? details... thanks bud
  10. lol ya no shit theaes high end programs are like 500 and plus and i dont have a job. arggg
  11. LOL not really bro (i wish) i used ejay and made some ok songs but NOTHIN close to PSY trance or GOA. right now im using Dance Ejay 7 and its ok but more dance and trance than anything else. u can make your own meliodies and mess with them with a bulit in crappy synth. but its just not it.
  12. ok so i downloaded soulseeek like you recomened buddie. (execpt i dont have to pay 24 buck for yearly access cause im ninja too) anways i can download the full version of cubase and logic? what do i need to do?
  13. Cybernetika is a Ninja! what does he use?
  14. humm i want to hear it but i cant i clicked the link but i took me to a blank page for about 10 min....... how is Cubase SX? im thinking about getting it. can you make pure GOA trance? is it easy? how much? what do you need? ect ect ect... thanks. and let me hear you song bro
  15. Sweet guys thanks! but i still have a couple of questions. 1 how much $ are we looking at here? 2 what are vsts? 3 why couldnt i go straight to cubase? 4 where can i download them? thanks a bunch guys
  16. HAHAH dude your in the same situation that im in. i need 100% softwear as well. but how much would all that good stuff cost? and where would i get it? thankS a bunch GOD bless GOA
  17. Hey everybody i was wondering what would i need to make pure GOA-Trance? what software? keybord? synth? ect. Ive have made like over 20 something songs of mostly trance and dance using Dance Ejay 7 and techno Ejay 4. and quite frankly its pretty gay (the program! not my music lol) its just not what im looking for. please help me and tell me how much the damage will be. thank a Zillon GOD bless. and GOA bless GOA PS how do you get an icon next to your name?
  18. well im sorry you think im a loser for trying to make some music with Techno eJay 4 its not my fault for not having all kinds of money. and actually a lot of peope enjoy my music. they even played a coulpe of my songs at the school dance last friday. soooooooo HA! www.download.com/liquidphantom
  19. thank you both soo much!! and yes 2 weeks is perfect. i should have my CD finished by then. ok so what im looking for is something that has to do with eithe A. a phantom that is made of liquid of some sort. or B. something that has to do with cyborgs and robots. or C something that looks really bad ass. honestly i dont care what it is as long at its not Copyrighted and i wont get in trouble when i sell it. thanks again soo much guys your gonna save my ass. my AIM is Marine4241 and Email is Liquid_Phantom@comcast.net send whatever you guys want me to see there PS what kind of soft where do you use?
  20. hey dude holy crap you say that you have 2500 US dollars thats awsome. you can buy all kinds of stuff for trance. I use techno eJay 4 and its sounds ok and only cost like 30 bucks. but you really need Reason 3.0 you will love it. and buy a MDMI (or whatever) keybord. go to froogle and get the Oxygen 8 it looks sick. anays have fun and heres some of the stuff that i made with eJay:} www.download.com/liquidphantom PS can you tell me how to upload a pic next to your name?
  21. Hi everybody I need help. Ok I’m about to release my CD (A Cyborg’s Dream) but I need to some final details. I need some pictures that are not copyrighted to put on the CD Jewel case front and back and on the CD itself. Preferably I would like something that has to do with "A Cyborgs Dream" or Liquid Phantom. Here some of my songs to maby help you fit what I’m looking for www.download.com/liquidphantom Please help I would really appreciate it: D. PS if you could tell me where to get some software for this job that would be great. Liquid Phantom Liquid_Phantom@comcast.net
  22. "technomedics,Mar 1 2005, 02:45 AM I've finally got my act in gear and posted some original technomedical psytrance tunes on the net. " http://www.seph.net/viewdj.php?djuin=28 Hey man nice i like it! i want to make music like that really bad could you plz tell me how you made it? thank you Liquid Phantom
  23. Hey man i've just started making music too but all i have is eJay Techno 4 to make it. i really want to make Psy Trance but i cant do it with eJay 4. ive heard a lot of stuff about "Fruity Loops" and "Reason" can u tell me a lil about Reason like how much does it cost, can you make Psy trance on it? thank you Liquid Phantom P.S. plz tell me how to get a pic next to my name
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