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Everything posted by mind.breeder

  1. Looks professional
  2. Cyberbabas - The Second Revelation
  3. The mix is awesome. Excellent background and chill music. Thanks a lot for this one
  4. powerful tracklist downloading
  5. Yes the sound is improved. It's better now. But what I said above stays.
  6. Frenetic piece A bit scary too, Datach'i style. I love those background sounds. What did you use? (soft, vst)
  7. Damn good mix, escellent tune selection and intelligent flow. Nice website too. Downloading other mixes...
  8. I know I want another one
  9. gargoyles shpongle vs eatstatic (but more like the track from shpongle remixes than metal sharon) tripswitch vs deviant electronics tripswitch vs hallucinogen
  10. Oh yes it leaves only you to keep the level here You're posting in this section almost exclusively when it's about your tunes so calm down About the track > It's pretty bubbling and sounds very lively and organic. The synth transformation gives an impression of some acidic flow and other vivid visualisations As Daniel said, you shoul work more on percussion and rhytmic part overall. Drums are prety dry and serve more as a metronome than a part of composition. Also at some stages the melodies get too mixed up and it sounds more like 5 arpeggios running wild in the result. I would suggest adding some outstanding layer that would hold the whole thing together and fresh up the hypnose. I think you're too limiting yourself willingly by thrying to stuck to oldschool sound of Hallucinogen, Astral or whatever. I appreciate this endeavor, but some more experimentation with sounds and new elements would help your tunes greatly. You can for example sit down and play with your hardware/software until you create some really shpongled sample of effect, create a line and add it somewhere to make the sound more rich and interesting. Experimantate with rhytms, fills and effects So much for the constructive critic. I'm pretty tired so forgive my incoherence... Your song is pretty fine and interesting. However, it has much more potential and with more work,it canturn into something hilarious. Of course it's only IMO and you probably don't want to change it anymore. Good night.
  11. Sure I checked that out. Pretty good (and dark )
  12. There is also a guy called B-Complex who makes really nice melodic and imaginative dnb but I doubt he is very well known.
  13. I think I'm your fan No really the tune is good. Respect. Kick and bass are too loud and overyell the other layers. I think it was intended but it just evokes NHJO's tracks with his bassdrumline head destroyers. Lots of background noises are great. Atmospheric..
  14. I hope he'll read it some day. Along with "Have you ever touched Simon Posford?"
  15. Yes I got all these, quite fine music - most of it. I like Spiral from Pendulum But most psytmospheric dnb I have must be Future Engineers, they don't have album yet, only vinyls, most of their tracks are great, deep, listening stuff. BTW that bear of yours is super
  16. Also Future Prophecies - Warlords Rising (couple of psycho tracks there) Bad Company - Inside the Machine (some great psy moments and great flow..) J-Majik But still more orthodox DnB these are... Trolsk - that mix is not there anymore
  17. No edit: immediately after I posted this, Urban Train kicked in my winamp but that's only song I have from the ubergod. I don't know if Oakenfold counts though (I don't listen to him either, but have his album on a HD).
  18. Tip - Don't limit yourself to style, genre or specific sound. Be inspired by evrything, take the best of every music and blend it with your own ideas and perception. Don't make yourself those "undergound" barriers like - keychanges suck, complex melodies are cheesy, I must use :this:, or else it's not goa/psy/death/speedcore and so on. Don't be afraid to experimentate with what you got. Give your tracks catchy motives or melodies or something to replay them for. Most tracks where automated acids and arpeggios do all the work sound lifeless and become boring very soon. For me that is Hope that helped
  19. I know that there are many dnb artists with psy flavour in some of their tracks (Future Engineers, Future Prophecies, Black Sun Empire, Chris Su, Teebee etc.), but I haven't yet found dnb that is really psychedelic - using soundscapes and sonic manipulations to blow the head off and so on... Something like Day to Night/Day to Fright or Babelfish. I think there is huge potential even in such high bpm music to be colourful and interesting also outside the dancefloor. Time for some hallucinogen of dnb Is there any shpongled dnb I don't know about? - I checked Blunt Instruments, Acces denied, some Eat Static... but that's lighter stuff
  20. Excellent review furthur. Excellent album too - every track is very good end they cooperate well in a pack.
  21. Symphoid you've made a pretty solid tune here. Rich soundscapes accompaning mild melodies. Great for deep peaceful nights. You've chosen avery good rhytm (and drum samples), fits perfectly. As far as I can tell, the sound quality is just OK, everything sounds as it has to etc. I can feel a great amount of work behind the whole song, very admirable stuff It's a bit too much inspired by Vangelis , I hear Blade Runner from it, especially in the chords and during the intro sequence. I love vangelis though, so not a big problem at all... BTW what RPGs?
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