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Everything posted by aut

  1. Do you still believe in 2024? 😍
  2. some progressive house and trance for rainy days
  3. They still travel the world with their music and obviously not focused on releasing new material. The effort is probably unjustified from the financial point of view. They seem to be doing fine without it. The new track is nice and that's about it. Good to see them back nevertheless.
  4. Cool new music
  5. Revisiting this one after so many years. Still so brilliant, hasn't aged a bit.
  6. I just hope it will be released
  7. Uptempo Scarce info, I know. Will have to check VB back catalogue to try to find it. edit Thanks for these suggestions, AP. I shall check them
  8. Now I need help to identify a Vibrasphere track which I enjoyed a lot years ago. I forgot its title, melody, the release it was on, everything.. except that it contained an element from a previously released Vibrasphere track (whick I also forgot everything about ). It struck me at that time how well the combination worked. It could be a remix thing and I think it was signed by Vibrasphere. Any ideas?
  9. Vibrasphere was my favorite choice for late night listening while riding a bicycle years ago. I could do miles and miles on empty city streets along their music. Erosion is the one that I played the most ever since it was released. Awesome build up and mesmerising unraveling.
  10. It sounds even better as the 2015 remix from Prana Remixes. Not much difference in musical terms, but it`s toned down a bit, more transparent, mellower and more emotional. Not so aggressive and pumped up like the entire Goa Classics Remixed. At least this brilliant track is saved this way.
  11. I was merely pointing out the key moments from the interview (for those who are interested, but missed it) in the context of this topic. I would also like to know the reasons for such a long delay, but that issue was not brought up by the lady from the radio.
  12. Thank you for your input, Skytrancer. It`s been 15 years since I saw them live last time so no wonder I didn`t recognize these. Dunes of Gold is a stomper and I`m really looking forward to listen to the final version. I think Lior said these two tracks would find their place in the new album and as for the album itself, he said "maybe a year, maybe half a year". According to him, they have enough material for three to four albums.
  13. I forgot to say that they threw in couple of brand new/unreleased tracks in the radiOzora mix. They say these are not the final versions. One of them has a full-on structure with goa elements in the second part, if that makes any sense (but it could also be 2 different tracks) and then there was one more of a morning, luscious vibe, with samples from Blade Runner and that famous AP bass kick. I`d say they`re very very good, although quite different. It seems to me they haven`t decided yet which direction to go in the future. The 90 minute show (interview plus mix) will be replayed tonight at 2AM.
  14. The sound design is the biggest issue I am having with this release. The production work is exceptional, as expected from these guys, but the sound volume is pushed way up. It sounds too loud, undynamic and zingy because they used that cheap trick to try make it more convincing and energetic. The sound graphs look horrible, with all peaks pushed to the max and it shows when I listen to this album through my headphones. I`m by no means a sound engineer, but I`m experimenting with some simple software and an option called Dynamic Range Compressor, trying to refine the sound and tame it down a bit by giving it more space to breathe. It actually works to some extent and now this album doesn`t sound like it wants to kill me when I play it. On the musical level I like Goa Classics Remixed quite a bit, though I don`t see it as a future classic in the AP catalogue. I will agree that the Mugen remix is a killer and it goes among my favorite AP remixes of all times (with God Is A DJ, Trance Dance, Strange World and Shiva`s India). I have listened to their mix on radiOzora tonight and they used it as a closing track.
  15. Congratulations! If my lady had allowed me to play an Astral Projection track at our wedding party, I would have been a better husband now. I was able to smuggle only one track of Kraftwerk..
  16. He sent me his Psynews giveaway CD across the world a few years ago, from Japan to Bosnia. An extremely kind gesture (and a nice CD too!).
  17. Thank you both for your fast replies. Tom!, you`re right, that`s the one. I have just listened to it on YouTube and it has a nice intro and a first couple of minutes but then goes a bit too much on the soft side. So I wish AP make something different. happy new year
  18. I didn`t know where else to put it, so here it goes.. Please, does anybody know what`s the first track from the clip below? It starts at 0:45 and again at 1:17. Tags are not really helpful. I don`t have time to check catalogues of all those people. (Yeah, I know it`s not an Astral Projection track (though I wouldn`t mind at if it was their new stuff) ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9XU0d-nhM4 This site is my last hope in the universe.
  19. The CD has landed safely over here on Friday. Thanx a lot guys, I appreciate the gesture and I like the music. There`s so much talent and deep emotions involved in The Long Walk Home. If only I could rewrite those hieroglyphs from the address bar and then send something in return..
  20. Now you know - Mordor is real.
  21. Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home OK, I`ll try my luck. Thanx and happy holidays everyone.
  22. aut


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  23. What are your top three non-trance albums of this year? Which hi-fi systems do you use at your homes?
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