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Everything posted by asura

  1. asura

    Asura - 360

    Hehe, I understand better now Yes I am working on a spacey album, I will let it grow, and give it to the listeners... when it is finished!
  2. asura

    Asura - 360

    Hi Abasio I must admit I am a bit surprised by your review. Not that I want to dispute your taste. You didn't like "360" that much, it's your point of view, I have nothing to add. But saying it's almost a "Life²" bis or in a close style, makes me perplex, moreover knowing that, usually, you are a very accurate 'specialist' in that kind of music, and especially in the Ultimae one, and that you know how to appreciate nuances. The two albums are more than slightly different, according to me obviously, but according too to many reviewers or listeners. Not that it should be better, just that it is different, even if it's not a revolution of course, I won't make music of another artist Anyway, thank you for taking time to review it, it's deeply appreciated!
  3. asura

    Asura - 360

    Problem solved on discogs
  4. asura

    Asura - 360

    Thank you very much Jon Cocco and Trance2movU for your great reviews. About what you wrote Trance2movU: "And I am here to tell you that the rating on Discogs might even be a little low..." Even more when you know that several accounts on discogs were hacked. The account "zzzeeennn" ,for example, who gave "360" a 1/5 has been hacked. He posted me a kind message (with his real identity, I knew him yet) saying he is not responsible about that. I sent a request to Discogs to give him back his account and they cancelled my request within the day without a single answer. So my humble point of view: Trust your ears before trusting discogs ratings
  5. 'Introduction' is for me one of the most beautiful tracks I heard from Magnus till now.
  6. "360" is released since the 10/10/2010.
  7. If you refer to the very compressed kicks of, for example, "Like a Summer Day" or "Life²", there is no more in the album, even if there are two "4/4 with kick" tracks. I let this kind of treatment for live act tracks now. But it's always a question of point of view. Some want me to do always the "Code Eternity" vibe, with low bass and big compressed kick, other want me to do only space ambient, other want me to do chill music with triphoppey beat. The only thing I can say Antic, is that, if the only problem you had with "Life²" was its kick, guess you will like ²360². You can listen to samples here if you want: Asura "360"
  8. Hello everybody! My new album, "360", will be out (finally ) on Ultimae Records the 10/10/2010. Pre order period still on!
  9. No it's not the same. The track has been totally redone (structure and frequencies) and it lasts one minute more.
  10. Three links to my new interview on Ashoka: - On Ultimae: http://ultimae.com/en/news/369.html (interviews for Chillbase and Ashoka) - on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ASURA/106457240133?ref=nf - on myspace blog: http://www.myspace.com/asuramusic Many people ask me when "360" will be out. As it changes regularly, I suggest you to stay tuned on these sites. Everything is mentioned on them, and I update every day my facebook page
  11. All your albums are brilliant

  12. All your albums are excellent! Thanks!

  13. I agree too with abasio. What is psychedelic and what is not? Take a dictionnary and you will see every music who create an image in your mind IS psychedelic. Let us be openminded, at least with the terms...
  14. Hi Bwhale. You think that Road to Nothingness is an 'happy and superficial' track? Can you give me an example of unhappy and unsuperficial melody track please?
  15. It's a pleasure to see u around. We were wondering at Ultimae why you don't post anymore your fantastic and exhaustive reviews about the new albums. Guess it's not because you don't like them anymore. To answer to your question, Asura new album will come at the end of 2009, but well, this is not the subject. Thank you all for your feedbacks about Ultimae artists, it's good to see that most of you don't hate us
  16. oH my god Deathposture, you're alive!!!
  17. I feel deeply honored by this tribute. The track is beautifully moving and the video too. Thank you so much Nick, really, if I inspired you such sensible music.
  18. asura

    Asura - Life²

    Hehe, thank you Life² has been reprinted in december 2008 so it's available now after several monthes of unavailability. The new album will be out in 2009, so stay tuned...
  19. Hello, everybody The fourth Asura Album, "360", will be released this summer on Ultimae Records, in june. If you want some news about it and more, please visit: ASURA on Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/asuramusic FACEBOOK ASURA Fans page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ASURA/106457240133?ref=nf ASURA group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/s.php?ref=search&a...gid=25436431171 ASURA on Last FM http://www.last.fm/music/Asura?setlang=en ASURA on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asura_(trance_ambient_artists) And don't forget to subscribe to the Ultimae newsletter to have fresh news regularly: http://www.ultimae.com Love and Light from here! ASURA
  20. It depends on the track u are listening to. Ambient is no more the proper term to describe Asura music for example (I can only speak about what I know best ) . And if you listen to Galaxies part one for example (rather spacey new age) it has nothing to do compare to Life² (4/4 with hard kick and acid bassline)? or Lost Eden (World electro) or Golgotha (ethnic classical fusion) or Back to light (Downtempo psybreaks ??? as you said). In all case, my music is always changing in its moods and style, I think you shouldn't take it as an example for a genre. Definitly. And I think it"s the case for (many?) other artists in this scene.
  21. asura

    Asura - Life²

    Hmm, I 'll be alone for the next album, as I was for Life² (unless for Golgotha, a track i did @ 90% and the Prophecy, a track Maze did at 90%), but it's cool to read you definitely think I was several....
  22. Ok, so chillmood, yes the mastering was done by Huby Sea and Vincent Villuis (aka Aes Dana), so the official Ultimae mastering crew. I can't believe the words you use for this album with such a nickname. Maybe you heard it in 128kbps, because the real sound is huge. The most chocking point of your answers is not in fact the gradual hate you put in each of your post, no. It's that you can think that this artist lies about the origin of the mastering. Incredible and ridiculous. Maybe you'll say i am a lier. Or that I am a fake. Or Maybe it's a joke. Hope it is. Sorry for the artist...
  23. asura

    Asura - Life²

    Another critic I found on this site, guess that's interesting for those who don't know yet the album: Life² on trancecritic
  24. Such a great album and many great tracks. A real classic for me, and above all, still a real pleasure for my ears 9 years after.
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