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Everything posted by asura

  1. Well, Shpongle is for the moment winner... BY KO!!!
  2. Klaus Schulze IS the Pioneer of modern AmbIent Music. I was surprise lately (and still) to ear the track Totem from 1973 and think that It could easily be a track from Nowadays. There is no electronic artist from this period able to concentrate such a technic and such a structure at the same time. Even Tangerine Dream sound outdating versus Klaus, though he has been member of the band in the very beginning, in 1969.
  3. Well sick bastard, you picked your .GIF in "Dogma", isn't it? What an insane and crazy movie it is. Fantastic! In France, the name of this guy is "Silencieux Bob". Nevertheless, I don't understand why you think that never religion and politic should be associate to music. Music is an expression mean as another, and when it's used with accuracy and intelligence, it can be useful. As any kind of art. Concerning cinema, Dogma is the best example for that, with his subversive vision of religion, who make things move and go on...
  4. Astralasia is in the list. Concerning OTT, sorry, it's hard to remember every chill artists!
  5. It's up to you to decide! Our choice is Klaus Schulze, cause he is the pioneer of all chill, ambient ans spacey musics we are listening to, nowadays.
  6. I don't see the interest of this kind of post. There is good and bad everywhere, so this pOll is a nonsense... And why didn't you put Psytrance in the choices?
  7. Hi Regbar, thanks for your kind words... Concerning your opinion about these two tracks, I think you are right. They have been cut by our past productor, for some no clear reasons. The extended (and so original) version of Fahrenheit is 8' and Land and Freedom 7,07'. But most of the new album tracks will be short (I mean 9/14 less than 5 minutes). It wasn't a will but the tracks came like that. Moreover, I think the third one will be loved or hated in the psy scene(those who didn't like Raindust will be surely dissapointed) cause the new album is more triphoppey than the second, uses much more vocals, especially our voices, but vocal samples remain of course. So one could say it sounds more poppey, and it does as few tracks were calibrated for radio. But I think good pop music exists, and I hope we make some decent one, even if the whole album is far for being exclusively pop. So Manuser, I think you'll be happy if you like Raindust! Nevertheless, don't expect Code Eternity 2 or Lost Eden: the return. This album is different again, but our tendancies are still here: mysticism, liturgical choirs, down tempo (not all time, but often) worldly rythms and instruments, melancholy, melody above all, light and shadows (cause we are fallen angels ), panoramic soudscapes... and chocolate of course! Definitly, it' s an Asura album, but I think more acoustic too. We used classical and electric guitar, bass, strings and we sing on 5 or 6 tracks. Well, in fact, make your own opinion when it'll be out, cause it's impossible to sum up the whole album with a single word. I'd say: very eclectic, but still asuraish! Thanks to you all for your warm words and keep the Y!
  8. Hi everybody, the new album is finished. 14 new titles with a totaly new musical shape, much more vocal, less psy, but hope soulful for the third album, codename "Redemption". Hope he"ll see daylight before september 2005... Happy new years for you and your nearest, and all the best for 2005! Asura asura site
  9. and you can listen to this weird bar song sample on asura music !
  10. Hi everybody, some optimizations have been done. The biography is now easily readable and the Xtracts for each column aren't looped anymore. Enjoy!
  11. Hi Psytrancers, Asura site is born monday, september the 21 th 2004! Thanks a lot to Vincent Villuis from Ultimae for his huge work, and his patience... ASURA official website
  12. Yes, we are proud! Maybe because Lost Eden isn't really an ambient album, don't know... And the third one will be again different, cause we want to enlarge the spectrum of our music. Will come the day when Asura won't figure anymore in the psy ambient cession, and will be feature in World electro music. Hope there'll still be guys for earing our music! In all case, thanks a lot Cryion, for your confidence.
  13. Merci à toi unikos for your warm words. That's for that we try to do our best in creating...
  14. The track Totem by Klaus Schulze is absolutly fantastic, too. The live acts "Poland", "Encore", by Tangerine Dream, and the albums "Ricochet" and "Rubicon" are totally awesome, a fantastic source of inspiration...
  15. Thanks Rain. You know, Asura evolved with the years, and what we want to do now, is to be the more ecclectic possible, and to go everywhere music allow us. The first album was a step in our story, the second another one, and the third will be a different one...
  16. Here are the first feedbacks of Lost Eden in the USA: http://www.chaindlk.org/reviews/reviews.ph...sura&type=music http://www.ivibes.nu/index.php?article=3303 http://www.kaffeinebuzz.com/musicreviews-asura.php http://www.smother.net/reviews/techno.php3?ID=203 http://dancemusic.about.com/od/reviews/fr/AsuraLostEden.htm http://www.avrev.com/music/revs/asura.shtml http://www.synthtopia.com/music_review/Asura-LostEden.html http://www.popculturespectrum.com/shortbursts01.html http://www.atomiclife.net/#records http://www.deadearnest.btinternet.co.uk/Electronic.htm http://www.jivemagazine.com/review.php?rid...72b4fe03eb2c0c9
  17. Hi Taiko, I am pretty sad to read that you found "Lost Eden" (it's the name of the album) one of the worst of creation. But, it's your point of view, respect. For those who don't know this album, please read some (professional) reviews that received the album differently: http://www.chaindlk.org/reviews/reviews.ph...sura&type=music http://www.ivibes.nu/index.php?article=3303 http://www.kaffeinebuzz.com/musicreviews-asura.php http://www.smother.net/reviews/techno.php3?ID=203 http://dancemusic.about.com/od/reviews/fr/AsuraLostEden.htm http://www.avrev.com/music/revs/asura.shtml http://www.synthtopia.com/music_review/Asura-LostEden.html http://www.popculturespectrum.com/shortbursts01.html http://www.atomiclife.net/#records http://www.deadearnest.btinternet.co.uk/Electronic.htm
  18. Prodigious... one of the best trippy ambient album ever made. 20/10
  19. The two are closed friends of mine, and I was at the master of "running time" in Lyon. So I confirm what Cf said. Running was recorded before the collaboration between these two french. These two guys are really fantastic. But it Doesn't really matter, buy it, Running Time is awesome! 9,5/10 PS: Cheers my friends, don't forget my phone number!
  20. asura

    Asura - Code Eternity

    To Zeus, who think Asura is bad because we use some stupid samples because we can't understand english(you are wright of course, I don't discuss with Zeus, you are far above the Asuras, in a different mythology, but far above nevertheless): Can you explain me the signification of this phrase, because my english is awfully poor: "Asura your french don't but in english samples you can't understand" or this one "it would be good if it didn't such stupid samples" Thanx a lot, Zeus, and sorry again for the samples, past, present, anf future, and notably for those in the forthcoming album which will be as moron and inconvenient as those ones...
  21. Totally agree with you, bug... Your review is constructive and open minded. Although I don't like at all Shpongle (even if Simon is talentuous), above all TOTI, there's no point in trashing some album or trax or artist, because it doesn't fit with some genre. Even if our critics are negative, just give them a sense...
  22. Our reference and the reference of every ambient lover. Magnificent and definitive, the Ambient masterpiece...
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