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Everything posted by phobium

  1. The names listed here now, are those artists only? Or are some of them djs only? And have they released anything? I know most of the names, but there are some I do not know.
  2. The only tracks I've heard from him the last few years are remixes (rapings) of old tunes.
  3. Oh dear lord ... Europe - The Final Countdown .... why didn't I think of remixing that first? Perhaps because it's a shitty tune and has been ever since the day it was released? Goddamnit ......
  4. But when getting it from for instance Beatport, do you get 6 files then? So that there's a small gap between the tracks? Or can you get the image and a cue file? Listening to mixed cd's ripped track by track kinda messes up the flow. IMHO.
  5. God damn that video pisses me off so much. Fair enough I don't like his music ... But the whole thing about making those "take offs" ... it anoys me. Besides, he should hire some dancers instead. He's not really good at it.
  6. <off topic> The way I see Sven Väth is that he is a man behind a lot of things, whether it's music, parties or labels. He gets stuff done and is good at making people do what he wants to be done. Perhaps he was the muse when making music, throwing ideas all over the place. From what I've seen of him, he is a very energetic person with a great imagination. </off topic>
  7. They can also sell you mp3s from free compilations.
  8. Downloading now ... The tracklist looks pretty cool. You even threw in one of my tracks But the bpm there, is that after you've pitched them? Because "changeless" is running at 150bpm.
  9. 0. I've never tried either though. People need to figure out what they like for themselfs.
  10. I agree totally. I did listen though.
  11. I agree. The track is horrible. And it's free to download from hommegas site.
  12. No, because someone has put it on some p2p net already. Simple facts.
  13. That is true. But that's hard to know isn't it? There's no post-it on the track you're downloading saying "refused by all labels".
  14. Sure, that's fair as hell My question was more about downloading unreleased in general. Not "released" unreleased you can find on artists/labels sites, but unreleased tracks that someone has put on the net without the approval from the artist.
  15. You don't see the problem there? Edit : I checked http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=39066 and I see that the track is free for downloading. But still, downloading unreleased? You think that's fair?
  16. Nice to see you understood my point and agree with it ... or did you? So you are hating on full-on because your friend with a backround likes it? I see your point about people should know their history, but hey, newsflash : goa didn't start this at all. Goa originated from other genres, which originated from other genres and so on and so on.
  17. Tell me about it. I discovered Eat Static in 1994. At the age of 12. I can't say much about how the scene was back then due to my age at the time, but the music ... I loved it back then, still loving it now. It has evolved. For better or worse? That's a subjective opinion, innit?
  18. This also reminds me of a joke once posted on isratrance : How many psytrance DJs does it take to change a lightbulb? One to change it, four more to stand around shaking their heads saying how the old one was better.
  19. I think it's great. You're not a real psytrancer until you bitch and moan about how great it was in the past and that everyone making music now are complete dickheads with no talent and just race away in insanly high bpms, often over 150! Keep in mind, real psytrancers have been doing this for about 10 years now.
  20. Well, I was just thinking. How can this be a rumour about the godfather of psytribal, Sonic Fusion, when he's posting the rumour himself?
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