"ecstacy is an amazing drug and not nearly as dangerous as the rest"
well, I read (in a medicin magazin, since my father is a Dr in Chemestry we get those) that E fries your brain.. sorta "the more you take/the longer period of time you take it the less contact with your bains"
But remember, I'm not an expert.. I might be wrong..
I just don't like the whole idea of drugs.. like D-Dave said food, sex and other stuff can give me pleasant moments.. I don't need any drugs.. I've never taken any drugs so I don't know what I'm missing (which is a good thing to me)
by saying drugs I mean illegal drugs... (off course, but some of you guys here are so fukkin silly, if I say I never use drugs you say "but don't you drink coffee?". btw, Most researches proves that coffein is healthy.. )