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Everything posted by GaySatanicHippie

  1. well, i know you dont like mp3 stores Moni, but I just bought the Ticon album for €6.99 at the MPDQX store, half of what I would pay at psyshop, and less than half than the store here in berlin (€17,99). thats a very reasonable price, and i think the label still makes more money this way than on a normal CD.
  2. I just got the new Ticon from the MPDQX mp3 store, i havent listened to it yet, however
  3. ITs finally available in the MP3 store yay!!!!
  4. DONT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will save yourself lots of agony and pain!
  5. yes, I do, but Im still trying to compliment the man on his mixing skills, but I dont wanna leave the impression that I approve of the music, so I had to make the distinction clear
  6. After everyone was raving about your mixing in various other threads I checked this mix out a couple of days ago, and your technique sure is very good!! The music selection is a whole other matter, after the third track or so I had to tune out to avoid head explosion due to bubblegum overload , but still, mixing wise, you know what you are doing. I wish people playing at parties would mix as good as you.
  7. Are we talking that eiffel 65 song? yuck........when will the sesame street song be remixed? or the smurph song?
  8. Some time ago i swore to myself i would never listen to another full-on record in my entire life, not buy one, not download one, just ignore this god-forsaken genre until Satan calls me to continue my evil deeds in eternal hellfire. But, after reading review after review from people i respect telling me this is not your typical full-on release, its actually psychedelic n'shit, i took the bold step to download it, maybe all these people are right, who knows? But, what were you people smoking??? Fluffy, especially you? This Album makes me makes me soooo god-damn aggravated!!! AHHHHH! SERENITY NOW!!! After listening to this record all-day I feel my head is gonna explode. And i dont mean that as a compliment. Im not a full-on connoisseur, but i dont see how this is the "quantum leap" from all the other full-on stuff out there. Granted, its not cheesy and it doesnt have those epic breakdowns followed by drumroll and KAWOOM, you know what I mean. And, also granted, this sounds like a shitload of work went into it, very detailed, tight production, but i just dont like it at all. Now, unlike most haters and dissers, i hereby officially present you my reasons: 1.) The Bassline and overall Groove: I hate it when fast Psytrance tries to be funky. Funk doesnt work at 145 bpm. Im german, I like marching music, because, after all, marching in is still what we do best. Just ask the polish and french people. If it wasnt for that god-damn channel we would have marched into britain as well,and im sure VOC would have used a straighter bassline and beat. Just like they used to say: "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen!" Anyways, I digress, that always happens when I think of the good old times. Maybe that why I have a problem with that "fast-psy-funk", Im just getting too fucking old, at 25 my nutsack is already as wrinkled as the late Walter Matthaus face. The whole groove and bassline is also the reason this album aggravates me so much, its just too fast, in other words there is too much movement stuffed into too little time, i like my music too leave me a little headspace. 2. The Sound Selection: The sounds here, with that I mean synths and samples, are very generic psytrance sounding. Ive heard them millions and millions times before. The other day, in one of my more philosophic moments, I was wondering how many single beats I have heard in my over ten years of rave/goa listening, djing and partying. It must be a gazillion beats. The same goes for the sounds used here. I have heard them a gazillion times, there is really nothing new to keep me interested. Also the sounds are arranged in a way that add to the annoying "fast-psy-funk" feeling I described earlier. (btw, and this has nothing to do with this album, in that same"thinking session" i also wondered how big a pile of shit i have produced in my life, im sure you could drown an elephant in it. sometimes i think im a far decendant of socrates...) 3. Diversity: Listening to the whole album, I thought I was listening to one single track. I couldnt really tell any difference at all. So in that sense it is like a DJ-set from your average Full-On DJ, just one loooooooooong thing without arc or story. I like my albums to vary in BPM and to explore different territories, unfortunately I cannot find that here. Also the sounds dont change much at all from track to track. It reminds me of the way modern cars are produced. All big companies create plattforms, on which they build different models. For example the Porsche Cayenne and the VW Toureg use the same plattform, just the engine and the chassis are a little different. THats the same feeling I get with this album. There is a plattform thats very well thought out and crafted, change it around a little bit and Voila: An album with 9 different tracks! The only track that stands out somewhat is the just a ride remix. 4. Percussion: One word: Boring ( not that Psytrance was ever known for killaarrghh percussion, but still.....) Ok, there you have it. You might argue that I havent listened to it enough to see the difference between the tracks and to understand the subtleties, but if I listen to this record one more time, MY HEAD WILL EXPLOOOOOOOODE!!! But still, like I said earlier, I do acknowledge that this album is extremely well produced, its just that after reading all these reviews fom people that more or less share my taste in music, i expected something else. I was kinda expecting the reinvention of the fast psychdelic trance genre, something new and exciting with innovative ideas everywhere. Unfortunately, what I found was pretty average, so in a way, the points i have listed above dont only relate to this album, but to the full-on genre in general, because I dont think this album stands out from the crowd at all. So Im glad that i downloaded it first and didnt buy it, that would have been a major disappointment. If you dont like Full-on, dont be fooled by the raving reviews above, you wont like it (except fluffy ), it will annoy the shit out of you. If full-on is your thing, get it, because it is not bad music as such, its just not my cup of tea. * deletes VOC from harddrive*
  9. Master tempo is your friend!! only works for CDs, though
  10. Im actually very pissed that our track Gay Satanic Hippies feat. MC Assmann "Finding the Virgins" (Psychotic Date Rape Killargh Mix) is no included. Its because Psynews Recs is only for Pussys, you bitches just cant handle real music over 170bpm with real killarghh basslines.
  11. im glad you liked it, firebreath! im gonna check out that thinnerism site, sounds interesting. "chocolate with mustard", hehe, funny expression.
  12. AHHHH I KNOW HIM; I KNOW HIM!!!! "dance for the celestial beings", thats a pretty shanti title, hehe. Did it come with a fractal cover? I didnt know you were Sheyba, I have some old sheyba record methinks.
  13. WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full-On is the Israeli equivalent to Happy-Hardcore!
  14. well, sometimes public outrage says a whole lot more about an album than any well-conceived mild-mannered review ever could
  15. to make it short: Yes I do!! Because most of the stupid comments are in one way or another related to the music or the emotions caused by the comments. Just take Mars Eskimo thread as an example. That random assortment of Busllshit tells you all you need to know about that album, more than any detailed review ever could.
  16. Leave it the way it is!!!! Stop setting all these rules and stop creating hundreds of subsections of subsections. Just because one or two people dont like it the way it is, doesnt mean you have o shut it up. Actually, I thought about it for a while, and I think its one of the strength of our review section tha it is open and free, Music is emotional and alive, why shouldnt we set those emotions free in the reviews and have living discussion about the various releases and reviews. It would be so sterile and boring when you only have serious reviews.
  17. You guys are insane.... theres nothing else i can say about that. the eview section worlked perfectly, someone makes one stupid comment, and all hell breaks loose and an otherwise nice section is questioned over and over from all different sides and angles. keep it as it is, who needs to change it? another thing, i dont review much, but when i do, i very much appreciate feedback. like fluffy said "never underestimate the effect of public backstroking". if there was no feedback whatsoever here, i wouldnt post my reviews here at all, i d just go to isratrance to post them. a forum is all about interaction, why take that away. i mean, what good does it do to spend 2 hous on a review when no one can tell you if they liked or not.anyways, my point is, if comments on the reviews will be forbidden, i will never post another review here.
  18. the modern talking song mixes well with prog.psy, it has that galopping bassline "brother louie, louie, louie..." DIETER BOHLEN FOR BUNDESKANZLER!!!
  19. I once started a a morning set at an indoor party with "Man with the Harmonica" by Ennio Morricone, and the next song was "Brother Louie" by Modern Talking, and then I went into the usual stuff.. needless to say i was xtreremely drunk at that point, but so were the listeners, and so they all wnt crazy and liked it..
  20. WOW!!!! Thats by far the dumbest statement in the history of Psynews! You just earned yourself the award of honorary SKAZI, here this is just for you: so only music with a killaaarghhh roling bassline is psytrance, you are a genius, you have just defined a whole genre by one sound. now go do the elephant walk with your friends
  21. i also dont think IM has sold out, they sound very unique, theres no one like them, you can always tell their tracks apart at a party. certainly better than the usual full-on. and you dont even wanna know how much a GaySatanicHippies full live PA costs. we only travel with 20 fully stuffed coke mules, then we need the whole stage to be lubricated, but it has to be a certain vaseline that doesnt fuck up our records, then we each need three fluffers, one for each ballsack and one for the shaft. oh, and those fluffers need to be midgets, so they fit under the table while we spin. and then fluffy needs his beercase to stand on so he can reach the decks..
  22. I dont know shit about the finances of labels and the mechanics behind it all, but i can figure out that no one, absolutely no one gets rich with a label in our scene. how could you with 10000 sold records being absolutely marvelous. so, i dont think anyones in it fo the money, and as strange as it may seem, some people really like full-on. the people running shitty full-on labels really like what their doing. just look at raja ram spinning, he is having a BLAST everzy single time. just look at isratrance, try to insult skazi and vlook what you get. really really pissed off people, who really like their skazi. so, ithink its ridiculous to say tip goes commercial, or they are in it for the money. i knew this guy in the states who played in some shitty unknown rock band on some shithead label and he sold like 15,000 records just through underground networks, and he wasnt happy. our scene is so small compared to the rest. the tip people really like full-on, you just have to accept that fact, thez are not getting rich and they are not selling out, they just have an amazingly bad taste in music. and about your case kris, to me it sounds like the label you are talking about had its artiistic vision and you had yours, and it just didnt fit.
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