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Everything posted by GaySatanicHippie

  1. oh the eternal mystery.......that was one of the biggest questions on the german festival circuit when the record came out in 99. Back then the general consensus was that the first part of the sample was something intelligable in swedish, and the second part was "Marktstrasse", which means "Market street" in german. So then the rumour was that he sampled some subway station announcement where the lady announces the "Marktstrasse" station, which apparenty exists in Hamburg. So then the track was called the "Marktstrasse Song". But, a friend of mine is the best childhood friend of Mario from Haldolium, so when Haldolium remixed that track he got the original files, and Mario said the sample actually says "Virtualizer", but Atmos twisted it in a very weird way that makes it impossble to understand, which then lead to widespread rumours.
  2. I have the Maetrik album also and a couple of Robag Wruhme 12" releases and remixes, they are very good, but i like Eulberg better. Theres something about that album that makes it stand out from the rest of the Kompakt/Cologne crowd (and also from most of Eulbergs 12" releases), I guess its the overall feeling and story and everything. Gotta try Peter Spiess, never heard of him. about the samples, the kompakt mp3 store has samples, but they are very short. maybe try music-head.de, they have longer samples usually (50seconds).
  3. 1. Die Invasion der Taschenkrebse 2. Die Trottellummen von Helgoland 3. Keine Nieten bei den Herbstzeitlosen 4. "Brenzlich, brenzlich" dachte der Feuersalamander 5. Die Seeadler der Müritz 6. Das Röhren der Rotwildbrunft 7. Der Tanz der blau-grünen Mosaikjungfer 8. Der Judaskuss des Sonnentaus 9. Der Zug der Kraniche: Boten der Veränderung 10. Der purpurrote Sonnenuntergang am schilfumsäumten Bergsee This album was released on Traum Schallplatten , and as the more astute amongst you might notice, "Öh my fucking god, thats a techno label". Yes, you heard me right, i used the "T-Word", but the one that ends with "Echno", not the one ending with "Rance". If you pronounce "Rance" the german way, something like "Ranz" would be the result, and thats the german word you use to describe milk that turns sour or stale. And just by coincidence, thats the exact same word I would use to describe 98,9% of the releases eminating from our precious little scene these days. Stale, unoriginal music, using the same old plastic kicks and the same plastic basslines bla bla, you know what i mean. And no, Im not talking only about full-on here, most prog. psy isnt any better. So what do you do when your milk turns sour? You look somewhere else, and try to find new milk. And luckily enough, i found something really cool and fresh, something that really stands out, something that ive been listening to a lot ever since i discovered it, something that brings a lot of joy and pleasure to my life, and therefore, I wanna share with it you, even though its a year old by now. If I say Techno and you expect monotone, mindless banging a la Schranz, you are completely wrong in this case. Theres actually a lot of techno out there with lush floating sounds, atmospheres, things you would expect from Trance normally, but they are arranged and composed in a totally different way. And this album, as most of the output from Traum, is a perfect example of that. There are trippy sounds and sonic trickery everywhere, every track tells a story, its interesting, and most importantly, everything sounds so natural and organic. There is life in every single track. This feeling doesnt come fom nowhere, because Mr. Eulberg is a nature freak and biology student, and every track in this album is named after a different animal. Apparently he goes out to the woods with his sampler every week to record different nature sounds, and then he twists and tweaks them around. You can actually here the Critters here and there, and that adds a lot to the overall atmosphere. The overall feeling I get from this album is early 90's with a serious twist, so in that sense it"s somewhat like Son Kite Colours, just a lot slower and a lot more stripped down and different. And also like Son Kite he manages to put a lot of variation into these 80 minutes, to give you an example the dance tracks range from under 120 bpm to around 135 bpm, plus there are two chill-out tracks. Enough blabla, here are the short track descriptions: 1: This could actually be some old Intact Instinct. Very, very dry offbeat bassline, and if I say dry, i mean dry, creepy atmosphere, and a very weird memorable riff that keeps creeping up. Sounds like what i imagine it would feel like when you start to come down off heroin, you know when you are not in full withdrawal, but you realize the fun is over and you need a new fix soon.. AWESOME!!! 2: The picture i get here is driving through a city really stoned at night with all the lights flashing by, there is the repeating sound of a photo camera and some weird bird chuckling sound, and then, best of all, a very scenic melody. With that I mean the melody is not touching or pretty or whatever, its a silk silhouette in the sky, the lights flashing by, hookers hanging out on the streetcorner, crackheads living in cardboard boxes, you know, the deserted downtown of a big american city at night flashing past the car window. 3. Now we are getting into analogue epic territory somewhat. Imagine standing on a hilltop overlooking the plains, kinda like in the lion king, where the little Simba is on that mountain overlooking all the animals and all his land. this track would fit that scene pefectly. plus it has a nice feisty beat and groove. maybe simba is the dj on that mountain and all the animals below are the ravers...hmmmm 4. the funkiest and bodyshakiest track for sure. its kinda like when us germans, probably the most unfunky people on the face of this earth, try to be funky. it still sounds like a military march, yet its quirky and cute in its own way, imagine oliver kahn trying to dance the funky chicken. I love it!!!! 5. Now we are getting into "pretty fluffy clouds territory". As i said before, every track here is dedicated to an animal, and this is the eagle track. its actually "the sea eagles of the muritz"and muritz is the place where the fusion festival happens every year anyways, very hypnotic, calming and pretty, could have been released on Eye-Q around 1993, just imagine the eagle flying over the fusion festival, looking at all the crazy ravers below, thinking "what a bunch of spastic retards, im way too cool and majestic for that pathetic assortment of assmunchers and rimjobbers" 6. my least favorite track, even though it fits its animal perfectly. its called "the mating call of the "rotwild"(a type of elk)". and thus it sounds, loud änalogue mating calls dominate, and our dear elk seems to have been succesful because in the end a little serene melody creeps in, probably signfying post-coital bliss GO Mr. ROTWILD! 7. OHHHHH SOOOO PRETTYYYY. Makes me just wanna cuddle and procreate. Naive atmosphere, little playful tweedly sounds, then this monumental analoguish melody, the track was made for MDMA and MDMA was made for this track, or so it seems. itys like the first time you did E, remeber how that felt, that what this tack feels like. A feel a strong urge to mix it with "Cosmic Baby-Liebe", if I could only find that goddamn vynil, its been gone ever since my last move. 8. Very slow, under 120 bpm, housy reverbs, and a nice delayed bouncy plastic melody, that gets better the more stoned you are. very nice track to end the dance part of this album. 9. As monumental as a chill track can get. Perfect for coming home after a hard night of raving, you know when your heartrate finally slows down and the Valium and muscle relaxers wrap you up in their sweet blanket of carelessness. very scenic, imagine the silhoutte of the tower on the alexanderplatz in berlin seen from the oberbaumbrucke as the sun slowly sets behind it. Im having goosebumps as i write this. 10. Another nice chill-track, not as moving as the last one, but also great, with the whole nature scenario going on, birds tweedling, insects chirping, everything. a very fitting and good ending to this album. Well, well, my psychedelicgoahippieshantifriends, i would strongly urge you to check this release out. If you are into Psytrance for the hard-house/rave/full-on element, aka the energy and the rolling basslines, then dont even bother, you probably wouldnt like it. But if you are here for the story, the psychedelic atmospheres, the trip, the hypnotic feeling of trance in its original sense, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? You can download the album for 9.99 at the Kompakt MP3 Store, you need to go to the section of Traum Records. And dont be put off if it sounds weird to you at first, it is a lot different then the stuff that is released in this scene, but the feeling and the emotions are exactly what you are looking for. Im sure you will love this album as much as I do!!
  5. check this out on Ticons Website , go to mixatrack, you can actually mix 3 ticon tracks, pull in the different channels n"stuff, its so much fun!!! and the albums finally our, too!! gotta get back to mixing, hu nt some mammoths n'shit...
  6. word! gotta love those djs that play on 145 for 3 hours, fortunately for these guys most full-on is exactlty 145 so they dont even have to work the pitch!!! Awesome!!! and to radi6404, also word!!!
  7. did youcheck out their new release on traum schalplatten, its got nothing to do with anything they have ever done, it doesnt sound at all like the jaia mix or little sisters. kinda like space techno. but still, i like those toms
  8. and if you also like the minilogue mix of orchestra 2.0 better than anything on the real album, then we have rreeeaaallllyyy similar taste
  9. knowing your music taste you would looooooveeeeee that cd, tatsu, trust me
  10. if you want recommendations, you shall get recommendations that like those tracks you mentioned: V.A. Vibration 2 - Medium Records (Vibration 3 is cool, too) is probably the best comp. in that style also V.A "A Progress in Trance" from Transient Records is a good comp. Great albums along those lines: Phony Orphants - Symphony (the new album it cetera rocks as well, but its different) Antix-Lull (same as above, the new album Twin Coast Discovery rocks, but is different) Son Kite- Colours (also check out "Perspectives of...") Ticon-Rewind everything by frogacult , especially their album "Something for Sundays" you might like Beat Bizarre-Lewd , its very dark though you might like Lish - Freefall if you are into Cosmas proggy side
  11. that song sleep of peace is quite proggy if i remember correctly, but not very good imho. You are right about these two Atmos songs Fugpuggler, they are pretty deep, trippy and absolutely outstandingly amazing on all accounts. I would 100% agree with you that they are highlights of prog.trance history. But like Kris said , these best of's are kinda pointless and redundant.
  12. Word!!! I only got the jaia album like 2 months after its release after i heard all the hype and really liked their set at voov, and i was quite disappointed. some tracks sound full-onish, and it seems quite shallow. i like serial groover, rouge marine (but thats too short) and i also like orchestra 2.0 for all its operatic weirdness, but other than that i think jaias previous tracks on compilations were better (the one on limelight, or hypnostatique or peterpansyndrome). not a bad album, but not nearly as good as antix or phony orphants for example.
  13. i agree with everything alien has said so far in this post, and i really, really dont see the connection between the antix and freq sound. freq is a lot faster, psychedelic, some tracks are almost full-on (lifeline?). i wish freq would go slower and groovier and look more towards antix , but lets see what his new album brings about PO, aliens fav. tracks are about mz fav. tacks as well, especially i want to feel, but i how much that album really rocks i only noticed last weekend when i saw po live. The PO album is certainly more danceable and party-friendly, whereas antix is better for home-listening. anyways, i agree with the initial poster, the prog . sound is becoming incredibly sterile and boring, the best example is the new gaudium CD. thats why i listen to mostly minimal and electro house these days
  14. i was just kidding, you are 100 % right, especially this album should get a proper first review, damion, why dont you post your lovely one?
  15. moni, i have something for you: http://forum.isratrance.com
  16. imagine skazi, just without the dick up his ass!
  17. PO had some electro influences, but I dont see PO on that list. From all the artists on that list I havent heard anything electro'ish so far.
  18. where do you see the clubby/electro?????? thats all pure prog. psy, pure iboga if you will. It for sure aint electro, and apart from Liquid Soul I dont see anything even remotely "clubby". Anyways, looks awesome, that release schedule!!!!
  19. i like the DJ mixes idea, but it should be in the general section, not in music making
  20. there's a timecode on the vynil, so when you accelerate the record, it accelerates the file playing on your computer by the same amount you accelerate the record.
  21. ill for sure post a set once i get the recording figured out! and tell your brother to get FS or mixvibes, it rocks!!!!
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