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Everything posted by ajay_spunky

  1. hi i have not used the program myself but yes its good for goa/psychedelic trance though a bit compluicated,we can make nice psychedelic sounds with it
  2. thats true 1st get a nice computer that u may already have then get a decent software fl studio is the best of all if u use it with some vsts then u can shift to cubase happy producing!!!
  3. thanks a lot chirag and cybernetika for ur review will try to make it less monotonous from the nest time
  4. yes they allow 20 mb per upload
  5. www.acidplanet.com is a nice website to manage ur mp3s peace
  6. hello psy trance fans hello people here is the very 1st psytrance song my electro monk all the listeners and critics please review it thanks http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?songs=385527&t=9357
  7. hello psy fans i would like to know if theres any particular guideline to use ts404 there are lots of controls on ts 404 under fl studio so whats the best way to tunue it out!!! thanks ajay long love the psy scene!!!
  8. i wish if there were lots of people listening to rave or psy trance but yes places like goa and bangalore are best for rave parties i am from india myself,will let u know some
  9. hi i am using fl studio too it is one of the best softwares some people say get reason and u can make trance well its not the software but tye person using it may be we have to know fl studio better when u use cutoff on ts404, i think it sounds more cool,try using it with some delay and the see the wonders
  10. thnka a lot to allof u for helping me find an flp now i can learn a lot from it thanks all long live the psy scene!!!
  11. yes that would be nice we will have 2 forums music making song posting good idea
  12. hi i do agree flow of mind is necessary but i need to see a general make up of psychedelic trance in fl studio so even a simple flp showing that will work thanks ajay
  13. hi people i know it may sound a bit too easy but i am using fl studio for months now and i am interested in making psychedelic trance the only place where i fail is when i try to make a full psychedelic trance song like suppose when i make my intro,then i start to go further,i get stuck up i wanted to know if i can get a link to some flps or if someone can send me just one psychedelic trance flp file, that will greately help me i know many flp links on net nut none of them is a psychedelic trance flp can anyone plzz help thx ajay
  14. thankyou all for the replies i hope automation will be easier for me now thx
  15. hi people i am tryng to make psychedelic trance for a long time i am getting some success in it but i cant understand 1 thing to make trance music more interesting the same loop is played again and again but with some variations like sometimes the pitch goes high,seems as if the notes have been changed but actually they are the same the loop notes are same ,but as the same loop goes on it varies can anyone tell me how can these variations be made thanks ajay
  16. hi all i am working on fl studio for quiet a while now can anyone help me and guide me in automation on fl studio how can i use automation in fl studio thanks ajay
  17. hi cybernetica i just listened to ur psy kick and its lovely do yoy know some websites from where i can download some psy synths and samples,loops coz i cant find free downloads anywhere so if u can recommend me some sites from where i can downloads psychedelic loops and samples thx ajay
  18. i completely agree with that,but i am new to psy trance so i wanted to know a general layout of psy trance in fl studio but may be thats not a good approach so thx i will try to create it myself peace ajay_spunky
  19. hello psyfans well i am using fl studio and i desperately want to make some psytrance on it,i use some vsts also like albino i just wanted to know if anyone can send me some flp files from where i can learn to make psytrance,so that i can get to know the general layout of a song in fl studio any help will be higly appreciated just to add i have cubase sx and nuendo too so if anyone can send those files,they would be really helpful thx ajay
  20. thx a lot dude i will try the software MAKING WAVES thx
  21. hi people can anyone telll me which effects are the best to use when we make psy trance i have fl studio 5 which are the effects that i can use thx ajay
  22. hi psy fans i would like to know where can i get the vocals from how can i get those samples cleared and i would also like to know that in all the psy tracks theres 1 basic beat if we can manipulate it to some extent and make it unrecognizable would it still have some copyrights really confused thx
  23. well its good that u know the proper way to make basslines but i just take a bass sample and layer it in pianoroll thats it am i doin somethin wrong?
  24. well the best thing in sampling is either ask for permission or record ur own vocals and add effects after all they are just dialogues
  25. hi,yes u can check out the goa contest i mean thats worth they say they wil compile the best of tracks
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