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Everything posted by delars

  1. says who...
  2. i emptied it!
  3. are these vinyl only?
  4. does anyone know where i can find the 'suntrip news' topic?
  5. ahhhhhhh so that's what this whole thread is about....
  6. OI keep PERSONAL things PERSONAL OK? this is no good for either one of you, AND for suntrip too and i ain't pointing fingers here, am i cinos 'arguing on the internet is like competing at the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded' !!
  7. well ukiro, you read it as well, you could've had a huge ass car or some women or maybe even a big house on a tropical island by now, IF you hadn't bought all these records still, what is the point of his post?? 'i've got the biggest dick because i have the most records' ???
  8. waaaaahahaaaaa yesssssssss finally a new transdriver track
  9. helo wat langwats joe spiek? i kanot oenderstend...
  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah THIS IS AN OUTRAGE i'm gonna have u kicked off the internet for that! depth? where? this music is so shallow it evaporates (i know i know it's a personal thing but i just like 2 bash you because you're anti-filteria and that's like not cool )
  11. dmtree=*BANNED*
  12. true! it's not like he done something awfully wrong here!
  13. no no ! VA-Explorer search it on DC++, you'll find it ;-)
  14. edited, sorry !
  15. i don't like it. filteria alone= tha best but "x feat. filteria" suck, very sorry mate! at least i'm honest! oh jea, it's on the new Solstice Comp.
  16. do you know MegaDeath - The Killing Road (Shift Rmx) ?
  17. i'll add: Satori - Event Horizon Liquid Lunar - Hydrophobics
  18. delars

    popcorn tune

    naaaaah but thanks i'm kind of looking for a <2000 track, i think
  19. i can understand that u suspected an mp3 mafia conspiracy instantly i just don't like ppl taking that tone to me (even if you're older, or have like a bisillion million times more original records than i have). go and ask yer buddy jannis who lars is you grumpy old man oh jea i'd like to add kaledoid - anjuna (twilight rmx)
  20. hey kiddo you are a bit quick making your decisions check my discogs list i have the cd, but put up the wrong name kiddo damn that was arrogant of you
  21. quirk-saturnalia always pops into my mind
  22. i am looking for the oldskool goa one. i know there is one by aphex twin. there's a new one by prosper. and 'the evil turkeys' has the sample too. but these are not the ones i'm looking for so plz? thnx
  23. works now should copy/paste more instead of typing it myself
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