referring to what anoebis said:
NO, it isn't wrong
the only thing that is wrong is when artists follow the mass instead of their own muscial taste.........if their musical taste is the new train, so be it! but don't jump onto a train because everyone does so, or because it's a train to lots of succes-read:money
and how i see the trance scene evolve? loungy fluffy style (the thingy EP likes)
2.dark progressive, comparable to 1
3.darkpsy splits up, lots of em go with 'full on' (listen to the new killer buds or shift, you'll see)
4.and the other part of darkpsy will remain, dark psy, referring to the trishula and nabi releases (they arent't the same as say the new timecode cd)
5.full on will go completely commercial, expect astrix on your radio and infected making psypop, this will be the new hit after this gangster-rap thing has passed
6.scando psy will remain what it is i think, but will gain more and more listeners, so hopefully they will be able to become more 'mature' (referring to releasing real cd's ppl will buy), along with
7.the 'new-melodic-trance' style, you know, suntrip shite but i think it will get very close and comparable to 6. hopefully none of these artists who began in this scene will go to nr5. just magine filteria gettig a reaaal good offer from and going for the money