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Everything posted by delars

  1. i don'tknow, but don't worry, you'll surely find your answer here this place is filled with skazi fans !
  2. .......weird...............i'll listen to it again maybe theni'll like it now it's just plain....................weird
  3. GOOD!! really! compared to say killer buds...this has a wicked bassline luvit
  4. true! forgot that one very good as well i think nursery crime by dark nebula is on it, loved that one
  5. wel literally you coild make it out of "verskoon mei" because it literally means 'clean me' but it does mean 'excuse me'
  6. i'm very sorry to say trolsk is quite right in some way the new ketuh release is mediocre all the way, just the same as with their other VA, in crypto, wich also had only a few mentionable tracks nothing compared to their very first release........radical simplicity i'll never forget that one still, what ketuh is doing is nothing compared to some other labels, so it's all relative
  7. offcourse!! i'm always been disappointed with psy-cds because most of the time there's almost no booklet, while with 'regular' cd's you could read a whole book! now mostly it's only the tracklist, some cool image and the thank you's i want more!
  8. it's also spect-R wich is acid-trance can't seem to find the 'identify' EP anywhere i'd really like to hear that one
  9. referring to what anoebis said: NO, it isn't wrong the only thing that is wrong is when artists follow the mass instead of their own muscial taste.........if their musical taste is the new train, so be it! but don't jump onto a train because everyone does so, or because it's a train to lots of succes-read:money and how i see the trance scene evolve? 1.progressive loungy fluffy style (the thingy EP likes) 2.dark progressive, comparable to 1 3.darkpsy splits up, lots of em go with 'full on' (listen to the new killer buds or shift, you'll see) 4.and the other part of darkpsy will remain, dark psy, referring to the trishula and nabi releases (they arent't the same as say the new timecode cd) 5.full on will go completely commercial, expect astrix on your radio and infected making psypop, this will be the new hit after this gangster-rap thing has passed 6.scando psy will remain what it is i think, but will gain more and more listeners, so hopefully they will be able to become more 'mature' (referring to releasing real cd's ppl will buy), along with 7.the 'new-melodic-trance' style, you know, suntrip shite but i think it will get very close and comparable to 6. hopefully none of these artists who began in this scene will go to nr5. just magine filteria gettig a reaaal good offer from etnica.net and going for the money
  10. personally i think this cd is even better than their first one
  11. maybe it's worth to mention BLUE PLANET CORPORATION has a new track on this cd !!!!!!
  12. and what about infected mushroom - nothing comes easy? btw cybernetika: your post count is 303 !!! don't post anymore you cool as hell like this
  13. good album although i like 'earth moving the sun' even more posessed just rules everything
  14. menog-source energy membrana - 2f sugarcubes pradox - motenarc shat's theshort erm memory, maybe more later on
  15. for once i agree with cinos
  16. delars

    Doctor Acid

  17. notsurprised
  18. you can tell from the quality of the cd's that they are releasing too much btw p_mac has a bad reputation among artists
  19. i hate producers that put their own picture on the cover
  20. delars

    V/A - Apsara

    about frikkin' time DP!!!
  21. delars

    Serious Porn Collector

    really good listening music keeps u going very god when u try to study
  22. for people looking for a cosy festival right after their exams, this is what u need
  23. so to all my greek more's i'll be on paxos (underneath kerkira) and i'd like to join you for the gathering! i was told that there would surely be a bus from athens, but can you guys tell me when/where/price/etc etc?? thnx in advance CHOMATIAAAAAAA
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