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Everything posted by delars

  1. Hi there I'm sure you all know this track. But the weird thing is that i can find dozens of cd's with that track released on, but it appears to me that the version on 'shamanic trance 1' by return to the source is totally different from all the other ones.In a positive way that is IMO it's sooo much better than all the other versions of that track. Sadly, that cd is a mix cd and (you guessed right) i want to use that version of trommelmaschine in a mix....wich is very hard because i only have the mixed version, on that cd. So, do any of you guys know on wich cd i can find that version of trommelmaschine, UNMIXED?????? So not all the other ones (wich are quite broing actually) thnx in advance PS: i looked the track up on discogs etc. but it doesn't say anything about a special remix or something on shamanic trance 1, while it defenitly IS totally different from the original version.....
  2. although this album is a lot "lighter" than his older releases, i can still appreciate it. Psycho Bitches is the one i like most. Some tracks however are too soft and sound too 'israeli' but dispite that i think it's a good album. But i like his first releases more....
  3. delars


    no i don't know that guy, but i do want to jeah i heard it.......don't like it at all
  4. ...... frederic axellson from subcouds is also in phlat phase and fripic bounce
  5. yeah he's a frikkin' gaint i always go stand next to him so i don't feel that tall anymore
  6. uh-oh no not the one in front, that's jos' father
  7. NOOOOOOOOO no effects!!! heard the ones on cdj100's tooooo much!!
  8. 1, cue the kick. as most music nowadays is 4/4 i always cue the kick on the first beat of these four, in that way the music still runs synchronized after a break or something. 2,kick it in, always on the first of the 4 beat sequence, otherwise read above:) 3,check it, keep it running synchronized for about a minute or 2. 4,while testing look where the breaks are in the track u're about to mix, remember certain events like change in high, change in bass etc... 5,rewind and kick in when the other song is about 2min from end (depends on the track offcourse-with oldskool it's a bit later) 6,turn mid and lo down, and on event from other song fade in (don't use crossfader) 7,put the headphones off, from now on you just have to let the song blend in. I always turn my equalizers on events that i remembered while testing. for example something happens in the hi, you change your lo a bit, etc. 8,don't forget to cancel your lo, otherwise the bass doubles and you don't hear shit no more 7,on a beak, just before one or during, take the other song out i think most important is mixing in such a way no one notices. depends on the track offcourse mxing oldskool tracks is more difficult cause they don't resemble that much, the bass is always on a weird rythm and a track ofter stops like 2seconds after the big climax :s
  10. hmm didn't realize cyanescens is progressive or maybe some sort of they had releases on digital psionics, and that's far from progressive
  11. that's what i wanted to point out to you..so you write your review and classify it in a subforum, based on what YOU think a certain style is but what if suddenly your ideas arent't the same as the other people's ideas? for example lots of people -offcourse not the regular psynews ppl- thought of filteria as psytrance instead of goatrance isn't that the reason why other sites haven't got subforums? and this one? but hey maybe it's just me being too picky i'm out, time4zllllleeeep
  12. ...personal view...
  13. maybe it's a better idea to split the different music styles up in different subforums, but still, who's gonna decide wich album should be put in wich subforum?
  14. what is psychedelic?
  15. crap you're saying: 'people who like the right music should have their own subforum' and who's gonna decide wich music is fit for that section? come on
  16. i like Sykoroknyx - Ergot (w&p by Andreas Werner) the most on this comp, it's really fun to mix
  17. tell us a bit more about andreas please! jonas (trashlord) told me they 'split up' because the guy took off one day, and he hasn't heard from him since then......
  18. sorry about the confusion about ka-sol i meant that his album won't be released on stoneage, but surely they will appear on compilations (schlab etc..)
  19. well jea they sounded new but the stoneage guys don't think so.. and about the pictures......let's hope mars didn't find me sleeping backstage...during filteria's set i did hear the last few tracks -wich were GOOD
  20. ka-sol's tracks won't be released, because they sound 'too old' ....?? you will find them on schlab compilations probably and about the fluo: were you wearing it?
  21. 21 and supposed to be mature now.................jea roight
  22. Guess what! Filipe's first international live-act +some extras I'll post the flyer ASAP PM anoebis or me if you'd like to know the exact location, we'd be more than happy to see some psynews people here!
  23. [PANIC_TEST] -~Experimenting Life~- Laborants Four Carry Nuts (Aurinko Rec., Germany) ==Tim Schuldt + Detlef Funder== The Lost Buddha (Suntrip Rec., Portugal) promo tracks: 1 2 | info Kluster (Stoneage Rec., Sweden) The Dagda (Psywaves, Bel) Anoebis (Suntrip Rec., Bel) Sole (Bel) & Axis (CosmicFools, Bel) Laboratory is confirmed, and will be nearer than you think ! (especially when u live in antwerp) --check Flyer (out soon) First testing session starts@22.00u No Reservations needed, BUT max. 500 participants==Come Early!!! Suiting decorations will be provided by Wombati Food, drinks and other shops will also be provided Damage==12€ (tbc) (we take no responsibility for any mental damage done)
  24. thnx for explaining AB too bad i don't get the load of it the fx layer combinations (one of the important characteristics in psytrance) ??? the classical indian goa melodies ?????? hmmmz
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