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Everything posted by delars

  1. sooo typical i mean i just know he did it just for fun for example do you really think he (and i) likes the batman rmx by void? no, it's just laughs and i think it's even more fun for a dj to see that some people actually like it Look at it this way, how many times has he (and you) played at zazou? I guess he just figured 'damn, what the heck am i gonna play this time?' and then chose to play the damn track, not because he liked it, but because he wanted to do something different, maybe for laughs, maybe to shock people, or maybe just to be the first one to play it AND i bet he will play the offspring rmx next time when he is playing at 8 o clock in the morning at zazou haha i mean c'mon, the people still there are like 2 of em, and these 2 are soo wasted they probably don't give a flying fuck anyways, he won't play it in front of a huge audience, that's what i mean
  2. what party did you go to? the one in 'the zoo'? if so u could have expected that
  3. how do you think about 'menis-temporary insanity'? sort of the same as darshan imho and the inlay damn scares the hell out of me
  4. yesssssss really like darshan but i am suprised you are so suprised to find dark goa............ there's lots and lots of it i think
  5. good cd! but what the hell does he think he is doin in track 8 - Hyperspace Core??? the bassline makes me crumble in fear. it is thé typical israeli-crap bassline i dislike so much let's hope he was just joking
  6. really don't like how goa parties are organized in london Cuz it's always in the same place and like when u get in there's the bouncers that even check your bag for drinks, and your not allowed to smoke a joint inside but everybody is stoned out of their minds... then when u want to go outside for a bit, give yer ears a rest, they actually don't let u in anymore!! at 6o clock they actually turn on the lights and then the bouncers start to push u outside........and then when you stand in front of the place you get told to fuck off. don't they realize that these people are drugged to the bone, and they shouldn't be driving home now? guess it's just a cultural difference and you will find my opinion highly subjective but i just like the parties a lot more over here i mean there do are the same kind of parties in big cities with bouncers checking for drinks BUT it doesn't stop at 6o' clock man, more like 10 or 11, or an open ending. AND they don't check for drugs...... + for people who don't like that kind of parties there's also an option of the smaller parties, which are organized throughout the country, different location every time no bouncers, no problems, no boundaries AND cheap entrance i really enjoyed camden town, dispite the fact it's sooooooo crowded. Had a lot of fun trying to get the price down haha OH and i looooooove the dream temple they have a huge collection of old records, i found the complete koyote series there... +you can drink real good coffee upstairs, and they've got really good sleeping chairs joske and the shop on the other side called 'cyberdog' i think, you should take a look inside, soo funny I enjoyed london the most at 7 o'clock in the morning (after the party), walking around, seeing the cool stuff , without a living soul on the streets. i mean i saw trafalgar square with only pigeons........haha sounds stupid but i really enjoyed that. We ate at covent garden, if i remember correctly, that was e real quiet place as well anyway, hope u have a grreeeeeeat time there ! but that's not a real problem over there
  7. hey i really like that top 10 now hate me
  8. quite stupid to post a poll on this forum. i mean you already know the outcome or did u also post it on isratrance
  9. you should try the Kemic-Al album called 'twisted parameters' wich was just released on butterfly records this is where u can see the difference between dark psy and horror psy this is horror psy it comes pretty close to THE xenomorph and jea off course zik i luv s.l.x.c.m.a. any of you greek people know what it stands for? just the words for the letters should do it
  10. well, except for number 2 wich i don't know it's a real nice list u got there osom has been played too much here imho btw:you should check the new cd's by kemic-al and electrypnose
  11. there's this website called psynews........ just click the button 'interviews' on the menu on yer left btw, the texas faggot interview is HILARIOUS
  12. nice the one progressive song that always pops into my mind is karavena-psychodroid mmmmmmmmmmm simply love it it's on VA-Free (2004) wich is a real good comp btw
  13. right u are ! but is this a one-time accomplishment? cuz if u can do all this effort for people suffered from a tsunami, why not for people who suffer from something else? btw this does not mean i don't appreciate all the efforts you've done man i'm amazed
  14. every single one both his first album as his second are a m a z i n g
  15. delars


    loooool i remember being at a party (chinese elements) and during the lani live set i was walking in-andoutside, i remember thingking hej skazi? oh no lani, next time it was like wooow california sunhine...nope lani again, third time i thought wtf dark soho ? nope lani again..; but anyways lots of respect to these guys, wether i like the music or not, they do have made it, hats off for that
  16. nonononono check out their websites, it has photo's of both artists Xervana Filteria
  17. ubar tmar-tale of the taketori and transofrmer synthesizer pocket-overfly lunar asylum-van halen pleïadians-jungle traxx crop circles-lunar civisation and full mental jackpot (pleiadians rmx) twisted system-the eye artifakt-nosferatu osom-over game huopotassu mononen-kikapelaus (a spugedelik return to monoverse) THIS ONE IS JUST TOO MUCH hux flux - bring your own bios tim schuldt - pretty poison psycho disko - nobody man with no name - posessed slide-the search shiva shidapu-equilibrium chakra-hallucinator somaton-mks oist and melodic cheese total eclipse-chaotic circus trivia-delirium ominus-acid tester technossomy-vtol and electron bender (samsara live mix) this list has taken me over 45mins of searching my collection, gonna stop it now cuz i'm not even halfway through,and basically i've got better things to do (study ) edit:deleted the unrl, there's no use to post it anyways
  18. I am not blaming, merely pointing out a fact....
  19. for the belgian people check the line-up Live: Lani (be) DJ: Oonah (be) do i recall some guys called chris & schippe playing at rhakti deï????
  20. hehe ok choice made benjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ik weet waar wij nor toe gon deze zomeeer lot da is zien on den hazi btw frantic, wie zijde gij? werom pakt alleman ineens nief nick na psygarden godverdoeme, knsap er niks nimmer van sorry for the language, back to plain old english now
  21. that's what i thought full moon '04 was baaaaaaad but now i see this........i might think twice it's just a matter of beïng awake at the right times btw: LANI
  22. well, in a way, u are right never ever heard him make a mistake except when he's fooling around at home
  23. same here dude, just arguing doesn't really matter who i am anyway, plz don't get me wrong and damn why are fora so addictive!
  24. haha true it always ends up with people arguing about things that actually are personal opinions, while we should be doing something else better good luck to you too man I'm out, back to the books
  25. ............and just because you don't see the connection/influences doesn't mean there are no, the only one who really knows is the artist himself. My opinion is based on what kind of feeling i get when dancing to the music. i'd just like to mention this...........what kind of music is goa gil playing in his sets nowadays? penta and para halu now I'm not saying he still plays goa-trance, and I'm also not saying that the newer groups i mentioned are making goa trance. I'm saying that maybe this proves that the groups i mentioned are just as well related to goa trance as the other releases mentioned in this thread
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