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Everything posted by delars

  1. nah, seriously..how about we meet at the chillout on the first day r something
  2. i think we should meet...somehow....how about some1 makes a pienews flag and waves it around like an idiot for 6days? no?
  3. i can't follow all these names that are being added anyone have a complete and confirmed sum-up of all the artists that are coming?
  4. the ohm track is very good too bad the rest of the ep is crap imho check esion god for similar music.
  5. wickeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd
  6. Darshan - Freaky Frequency
  7. Creative Alienation - Psyborg EP
  8. the loudness just depends on how far you are standing from the speakers music quality is still primarily dependend of the person behond the desks
  9. dick trevor weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. i think the whole oldskool-craze would be over. as ukiro also said, the vinyl craze is already over.
  11. good question. i think then it won't be worth anything anymore...
  12. thnx BoOoOoM here i come
  13. i am, but it depends on the job i'll get...maybe i'll only have july as holiday. i'll probably come with ben (axis) but first things first, just gotta wait untill i graduate
  14. FUCK i need to buy tickets FAST where should i find em the cheapest?
  15. cybered-invasion
  16. the nam shub of enki - fuck piece does anyone know more music like this???
  17. The best Koyote compilation IMHO
  18. I just got these in my mailbox, they look even better than on discogs. man i could go on and on... this one i like very much in particular
  19. w0000t? are these guys still alive? anyways, goood news
  20. VA-Nuada VA-Psychedelic Krembo 3 VA-Psy-Harmonics 3
  21. i thought the live act was supposed to be secret? anyways, all you nagging oldskool-freaks on this board, BE THERE. this party is a trip back in time edt: anoebis, maybe you want to add the date in the thread title too?
  22. insomnia deja-vu hippie-killer productions should be added too maybe the last one suits you NHYO
  23. is this Kristian from transient?
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