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  1. As i say, i have been unable to find any material like this. Usually most prducers go by a pre bulit template, like a primer. Like for instance, Psytrance artist are forever re-inveting the sound. Some do come with orginal ideas and the ideas are far beyond my production skills, and this is one of the main reaason why i love psy trance so much. But what im after is somthing i have not heard, and im so supried to find that no on has yet caught on to this genre, or shall i say, developed this unknow genre. I think its is true, Cybernetika, to say that labels who will be after this kind of thing are breaks and electronic labels but i have never been to a party that captures the atmosphere that a psytrance party does. Id love to have this following within my own sound, or a sound similar to my own. But the reason i do this is becuse i love to make music. Thankyou for the kind comments. May good deeds come your way!
  2. Hi, intresting topic here! I beleive it is very diffcult to find material that has the same full on energy liek psy-trance. I prduce breaks and take my infulences form psytrance. I have some psybreaks i have produced. I have only been doing it for a short while but looking for a record label that caters for this genre is proving very difficult. So i decided to make my own music. here is a mix readers of this thread should enjoy: http://www.urbanikons.com/breaks%20mix%20j...%20Rendered.mp3 if anyone knows of any lables that may be intrested in some of my material, please shed some light on me. I have looked all over and no one caters for this kind of thing really. Please enjoy!
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