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  1. a bit later than late 80's, but "Leftfield" had a huge impact on me.
  2. i was missing a voov-tribe on tribe.net, so i created one. every voov-lover is invited to join. voov.tribe.net
  3. hi, i just downloaded the SouthernSunMix, listening to it now. I like the music, but the sound seems to be a bit flat... (though it's in 192kbps)
  4. i liked to listen to GWAR about twelve years ago. didn't know they still existed...
  5. they took a break
  6. they took a break
  7. He is the King of the Dancefloor:
  8. my tips: Magnetrixx - Trittschall Cosmic Tone - Overwhelming Trancefeld - Party Center 800 Antix - Lull edit: some very dark minimal stuff i listened to some years ago ( too dark for me now, but really good): XVKilist man of the last 3rd & dj lando - blow station paps ("2000 hands" is weird stuff) paste (especially "Hihatic") 3 point turn auricular ( i think it's the same as shiva chandra ) necton ( the "beverly hills cop"-cover is amazing!) ticon ("you can have my fraggles" is a great track!) and of course this:
  9. and you haven't ever sold the really bad ones from 5 years ago? p.s.: i also have the feeling that the quality of the releases has dropped, it's just that it crossed my mind, that the feeling could be generated by this effect.
  10. 5 years from now we will only remember the good releases from this year. as we now remember only the good releases from five years ago.
  11. this is because, you can define styles only in retrospective. people who are making music aren't thinking: "ok, let's make another style of (psy-)music." they just make their music, and eventually other people get influenced by this. so, the styles are in a constant flux, and there is no clear borderline between them.
  12. there's no point in disussing this, as mylo said, it's simple: either you get it or you don't, you can't convince anybody by arguments. you have to experience it. if you don't, you don't. no problem. move on, move on... nothing to see here...
  13. i'm devided between: atmos - 2nd brigade soul surfer - surfer's paradise buzzmonks - toms'n'jerry all not on the list
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