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Everything posted by djmaxfactor1995

  1. This is what I believe happened with Goa and Psy. I think people made the dark distinction as a different genre. So, Light is Goa and Dark is Psy. But, as some already have posted I don't think it is a different genre. It is just the Yin and Yang of , IMO, the highest evolution of Electronic Music. You can't have Yin without Yang. So, I guess, you can't have Goa without Psy. But, what amazes me is the redundant darkpsy labeling. That's like saying hey did you here that housey house song...?
  2. Tatsu: Please, give this a listen. It was not planned, I didn't even use headphones. I want to know if you agree with me. I believe the ritual ostracizing of the Goa/Psy DJ created the issues we have today. The fact is that you need 3 elements in order to successfully experience Electronic Music. 1.Composer, writer, producer(the person or group that made the track) 2. The Audience (the fans of this music) and 3. The DJ.(The Shaman responsible for guiding your spirit quest). The complete absence of the DJ from goa/psy has led to many problems. People complain about how the music is not meeting their expectations. The DJ is the one that is responsible for distributing the music to the audience. The DJ is the one that controls where the music goes. The more tracks that are bought and played, the more that the genre will go in that direction. Uncommon Shaman Mix Slight collision at: 44:33-44:50 sorry about that. remember no headphones and freestyle. no planning.
  3. The DJ is the answer not the producer. All Psy DJ's be a real Shaman and mix yourself back.
  4. That was then...this is now. see below.
  5. I have also been listening to the two albums. And I agree with your analysis. I am just not sure if the softness that you speak is what causes a genre change. But, it may very well be. I mean Twisted is like the light-hearted-happy-go-lucky younger brother of the lone deranger. To me, Twisted is very loving and beautiful and kinder representation or the Yin side of Hallucinogen. Where The lone deranger is the darker, wicked, and almost demonic Yang side of Hallucinogen. But you know Yin and Yang can not exist without the other so maybe Goa is the Yin and Psy is the Yang and Goa/Psy Trance is just Yin/Yang Trance. and they can not be apart. It's funny that this symbol was not from Buddhism or Hinduism, but Taoism. Which if someone put a gun to my head and told me I had to associate with one religion or they would pull the trigger. I would easily confess, Taoism(Daoism is the same right?)
  6. You know what is more backwards than anything? Is most of the time, the Jews aren't the ones criticizing. It is some bleeding heart gentile that wants to curry favor with Jews and they publicly say what they think another Jew would feel about it. Guess what? Most of the time they don't care. And they feel the same way you do, Elysium. They just want to leave that in the past and move on. Imagine if you were a survivor of the Holocaust, would you want it to be brought up every other day in the news or would you want the whole thing to be forgotten? Of course, the media will answer completely different than the survivor. And the stigmatization o Muslims is also the media. I have not met one Muslim that has treated me more sincerely with kindness and generosity. I have no idea who these people that the news are talking about. You can't learn about other cultures on the news. You can't really learn about another human unless you engage in a personal interaction. Again, these are all methods of fear mongering. A government must keep its people afraid. It is much easier to control a scared person than a confident one. IMO
  7. politics, religion, and drugs. the big three no-no's Well if I say yes-yes to one of them and no-no to the other two does that make it okay? The whole anti-Semitic thing is so overplayed. I mean it is such a fallback. Anyone that knows what it is too be Jewish, knows that Jews are self-hating. That is the big irony of it all. Haven't you heard the term, "Self-hating Jew?" Well that means that all Jews are anti-Semites, in a way. Only humorless gentiles act so sensitive on this subject. Hilarious. The thing that Lars said about being rude and and sarcastic also is Danish. And, he doesn't sympathize with Hitler, at all...beautiful...hilarious. That is very funny except the place he was acting very Danish was not proper. He got booted from Caanes. For that, but his pornography and horror films are okay. That is funny. And then what he said about the French. Ouch...the French were very mean to the Jews, during WWII. Got to love the huevos on him. I think, he said he was more like a Nazi, and he was pissed off at his Mom for tricking him into not know his true father so he would succeed. The fact that it worked, he said if he knew, he would not have made films and he called her a slut. So, if he said " I am a Nazi." I think it was in a Danish (sarcastic) way.
  8. I keep reading that Trance Dance was the original namesake to Goa Trance at least Ray Castle, Steve Psycho. and other early explores, had said that.
  9. I have to add this one as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6zdNy1J3qM
  10. were you asking if I knew how to find that "Psychedelic Concentration Camp" Track from the Isle of Wight on RAdio 1? If so, All I could recover was the sample from the song. I searched everywhere. I have not had any luck. But, it doesn't ring a bell. so much either. I mean the closest track that I relate is Hallucination Generation by MeatBeatManifesto. Anyway, I did put some of what contributed to leading me to find This trance. I still need a few earlier additions to round out my circle of influence. I remember you linked a dj set from the eighties from Goa that was nothing like Goa trance. As I remember, you are a dancer? and we were talking about trance's technical nature. BTW, I did realize something. You know the monotonous and predictable psytrance that seems to dominate the spectrum? I realized this is exactly what you had mentioned. But I misinterpreted it. As a DJ, it is absolutely necessary to mix these trax in such a way that the audience is engaged and is surprised and just gives up to the DJ. This is such a revelation for me. Thank you. Your perception as a dancer is right on. But, the ideas seemed implausible. To change up the music so much. it would be very difficult with up tempo rhythms. So, I was experimenting with Etnica's Releases, KoxBox, and Hallucinogen's Lone Deranger. I freestyled a mix that I did not let one track play after another. I got into the mixing immediately and I found that I could control the predictable trance bass lines and groove by mixing and I realized this is the problem with the music. The DJ. The holy trinity of the scene is The producer, the DJ and the Audience. If one is lacking they all suffer and if one rises above the others, it allows the music to evolve. The ideas of new trance become easier. Check out my freestyle mix on soundcloud. I also, did not use headphones. This is what you as a dancer and I as a DJ, would call pure freestyle or I like freestyle psylistic. I am in the middle of adding old flyers of gigs to make the mix audiovisual and uploadable on YouTube. Then, I can link it. Later.
  11. Thank you, Gentleman. I will do better.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6zSU7fzdmY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXWVpcypf0w
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osQMG9f0HC0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uovIFH-MkLM
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDBnwV-wG4o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAkFBQ6sIcc
  15. Okay sorry everyone. Especially all of you that i offended. I am not good at engaging with others. I thought that was well-known. I can't blame it on something like, Turet's .. I am just an asshole, sometimes. But, I still believe my behavior is the essence of human. We all make mistakes, all the time, the issue is two-fold. First we are in denial of these mistakes and two, we don't claim them as ours. We blame some other person or situation. Am I completely barbaric? Can anyone relate? At least Penzoline writes to me directly instead of in the third person. Thank you, Penzoline. I don't really understand the proper use of the multiquote button and why I need to use it. Correct me, but isn't that to reply to more than one person? What, technically did I do wrong? I know that I am offensive, rude, insensitive, and all that. Again, my deepest apologies. As for my religious negativity. I did not mean it. I just meant to seek separation from the journey that many of us share with this music. And, I believe that you have the right to believe whatever you want. As long as it does not interfere with the beliefs of others. Jason Panandandi: This quote The deeper part of your belief, I have no right to judge, or dispel. I am truly sorry. I did not mean anything to you, personally. But, you are a practicing Hindu and you admitted that you are not fond of the superficial bond that goa trance and Hinduism perpetuates. Thank you. I did not know that is was offensive as I suggested. You have given support to my instinct that it must be a slap in the face to have your religion spewed all over with no regard for sanctuary or ritual. That is exactly what I was hoping you could teach me. If we both are strong believers in this music and you are also a strong believer of Hinduism. Look how close we are to actually talking as intelligent humans on the subject. If you would like to help me understand your faith. I would love to hear it. Again, I don't believe that escaping a situation is always best. Another quote: I think that you have already decided that you hate me... Emotions do not help us uncover the truth. So You cut me off immediately and you label me as arrogant and close minded and hateful. I do not hate you, I do not disagree as to the true nature of religion, and I am have not made up my mind about anything. But, one thing that can not help me is an emotionally unbalanced state. I hope that when you are not upset, you will pm me. So I can learn from you. One last thing....If you all want me out, please vote yes.
  16. Wrong. Cannabis is not legal in any country, except ONE. Every other country it has been decriminalized, maybe, but not legalized. In Amsterdam it is illegal to smoke weed. Why else would you go to a coffee shop and press a big red button that reveals the menu and then you order it. But the coffee shop does not really sell marijuana. it just has a red button and a cashier. The money is received as a tax, or reparation for society. I believe you are limited to growing three plants. And, the countries you are referring makes your argument irrelevant. How does that help anyone else in the world. How does that help us as humans change our view of drugs? We celebrate booze and cigarettes and incarcerate a non violent drug user. And, we put all drugs as equal. You know and I know that Alcohol and Cigarettes kill more people, cause more domestic violence, more psychological abuse than all other drugs, combined. But, you eat mushrooms, you are a criminal. You drink a beer and smoke a fag, you are cool. But, forget all I said. I thought I the readers' of this post were more flexible and free thinking. The only country that does not have a law for or against marijuana? CHINA. A communist oligarchy that is less free than the west. Really? Pot smoking is legal. Chinese people are less free? HMM? Something is not right. Your own supposedly free country is not free. Unless, you do as they tell you. But,that is another topic for another time. First things, first, maestro: sex, drugs. and psy-trance, please. My bad, I didn't realize that enlightenment and inequality could co-exist. And what I was referring to is RELIGION. Not God or Spirituality. Religion does not teach God or Spirituality -- if you read the scriptures. The only entity qualified to guide you to those answers is you. YOU, yourself, and no one else. Knows you as you do. That is where we begin our spiritual awakening. I am sure the scriptures all start with self-knowledge. But they always end the same. Instead of know the self. it will say know thy self so that ye may see god...blah, blah, blah. Religion immediately seeks to separate and devalue your life. That is what religion does. It functions to control the way a human believes he or she can live. Again, do you not see the flaw in this. As most of you state that I regard my own experience as a generalization of all the people's experience. You are right, everyone experiences life differently. But, I use flawed assumptions to create a discussion of intelligence. So, if I say something that you would almost laugh at or mock, yet you hold back and are polite and reasonable, what I am doing is successful. Because only in the crudest presentations can we see everything and then we can chip away at it until it is perfect, like a sculptor. A sculptor does not add clay to create, he or she removes the layers of earth until its perfection reveals itself. "RELIGION TEACHES INEQUALITY. GOD DOES NOT PERCEIVE SUCH A THING." -- Me.(and you know it's true cuz it's in caps)
  17. I really enjoy your proper reply. It reminds me of my DJ partner and best friend, whom I owe much of this music experience. And he would probably say that he owes me a great deal in gear and as a shaman. But, friends don't owe each other anything. Friends are based on friendship not points. But, he was much better at behaving politically correct in society. I just don't care. I do, but I don't like to obfuscate the message. So, I just sound cynical and negative. But, I am not really. One thing I have learned, you must lost everything and make sure your sense of humor remembers that it is hysterical. So, then you can laugh like the comedown of 3 hits of lsd as the valium cushions your fall and you find yourself looking for bloody mary ingredients in a huge grocery store with your friends. The laughing is exascerbated by the glimpse of your friend in the next aisle. AT that point you are flooding tears from laughing so hard and you are pretty much helpless. That is how serious I can take this topic. So, don't worry about me. You should just be hyped on the compliment that I gave you. I would. BTW, Avatar of Vishnu is Krishna...like I would publish something that lame and be wrong. You never had a choice? I thought everything was awesome. All Glow sticks ahead. If you can't relate to what I was saying about the Murphy's law of DJing or performing, you have led a charmed career, and I have no idea how you did it. I also give mad props for being able to create anything besides migraines with a 40Mhz 386 PC with Cubase score as your midi sequencer!! Wow. How many times did that crash? I remember trying to use Logic with all external midi and I worked at Guitar Center's Keyboard's and Pro Audio Dept. in S.F. I was MIDI Certified and I still could not make the rig you list operate. Now, with the advance in technology!!!!!! This is where I see the return of Psychonaut. The Neurosynthesentient Nocturnal Trancemissions are ready for leadership. That is the big empty space that no one is willing to grab this bad mutha and command. C'mon all you mutha fuckers...listen all you mutha fuckas. You know what I am saying, we need some leadership and motivation. The music that everyone complains about polluting psytrance. That is not the artists fault. That is the DJ. I can take two of those predictable tracks and mix the DJ back into the room. No wonder it's so cerebral and hollow emphatic. There is the holy trinity remember. Composer, DJ, and The Audience. Without one, none survive. So, Let's do it OOOD. NO rules; just sex, drugs and rock and roll. NO PIGS and NO SQUARES ALOUD. Would you want someone praying for you? Or handcuffing your hands together for attrition? That is the square pig. You guys are champions of trance. Take one thing from Hinduism and Reincarnate yourselves. Don't leave it up to the select few that don't even represent us. That is a reason that you may not see behind the decks. But Goa is like a secret club and only certain people have access and that doesn't make it mysterious, that makes it suck. FREE ACCESS TO ALL(except pigs and priests). Obviously not allowing all to be welcome, makes things weird and irreparable. Except, no hippies. I don't care. Unless, they have money, they are not aloud. Money is like kryptonite to hippies. Blah, blah, blah....enough ranting already. Peace out. OH BTW, I always used psy as psychological not psychedelic. I don't know why it became psychedelic. It is about the mind, not the psychoactive chemicals. I thought that was obvious.
  18. You think that. But, do you really take the whole drug thing home? Do you let your kids believe you, or what is advertised. I don't know if the war on drugs is purely american. But, you have to see the irony. Drug-Free America? There never was one. And, Drugs are bad except Booze and Cigarettes? One friend smokes pot, another drinks and smokes cigarettes. The pot smoker wanted to go to the drinker's house and light up. The drinker told the pot smoker that he couldn't because his younger nephew was coming over. So, the nephew would be there as the drinker, drank beer and smoked cigarettes. But the potsmoker was not allowed over. Do you see the problem here? This is not a local phenomena. It is everywhere. We do nothing, except secretly hide it. And, yes more than any other.
  19. Cleaned up from the other one to a new thread. -Penzoline I think what happened with the financial bullshit in the beginning totally typical of performing electronic music. I think many people believe that Composing and DJing this music is all sweet and smiles. But, they don't know the dark side. The side that makes you want to choke the promoter or the sound guy or the DJ before you. They don't know the financial, mental, and physical disasters that lurk around each gig. But, I must say, you guys rock. You have to see it from my perspective as a DJ in S.F. . Psychic Deli releases Deck Wizards 001 - compilation vinyl. wtf? Do you know how much vinyl dj's despise multitrack pressings? the sound quality is in the gutter. too many tracks means smaller tracks to squeeze on the disc so when you mix from an EP or Single to LP or Complilation it is like someone hit the amp in the balls. Anyway, VA-comps were the reason that the whole thing failed. But, we were so picky when we got records, so we see a major player like flying rhino (flying dung) really all the releases they had and only a few good. Like Unconscious Collective--fucking rocked. Then Psychic Deli with Deck Wizards -- Goa Gil??? Could not even look psychic deli seriously again. And Kundalini is a pseudonym for tehnossomy released on top of your Kundalini and btw another thing about Goa...you see how much Religious symbolism flooded the market. snake, kundalini, slinky wizard, prana, chakra, spiritual this and spiritual that. I don't give a shit about religion. Especially a horrific one of inequality and murder. Please, enough with the Hindu bullshit. Then your Krishna-like label gets shredded or should I say cabbaged. But not in the good way. So you see, of your releases, I own Unconscious Collective. Who I had no idea was you until now. And as you state, you don't know if what you write today would be considered Goa Trance except to a few. I think that you know exactly what happened with the Goa Trance scene. It ridden like a 2 dollar whore in a 10 dollar part of town. It was played out like Disney Land. It wasn't killed, it committed suicide. The only chance your gonna see is if BRAHMA LAND opens up in Florida. Next to Jesus Land. It is done. You know it, I know it, we all know it. That is crucial. Goa was a marketing strategy, as you know marketing = death of all that is holy. Let's be honest, shall we. It was and is all about getting high and listening to music. Who really had some religious experience that can be aligned with Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Jainism, Taoism, Scientology, etc.? No one. Why, because anyone who learned anything on this psychedelic circus knows that those are all control mechanisms and what we know as spiritual enlightenment is that it is indescribable. And, therefore, irreligious. What we need to do is stop the denial of drugs. The stigma that we cover up with religion and spirituality leads us away from our path. One big part of this path, I know is true for all of us that enjoy, especially this music, is the need to destroy the drug stigma. Drugs are not bad. M'KAY. shit you had a cabbaged Krishna on your first album. what kind of cognitive dissonance is that? Let's all evolve and lose the whole Goa stigma. IMO.
  20. HUH When I DJ'd parties, the mainstream had no clue. Unless you wanted to cater to the "Goa Elite." That small group of super-hippies or I like to call: The Ohm Men. With spandex bell bottoms and Hindu Ohm shirts that revealed their power under black lights. For some reason if you close your eyes...B.O. and patchouli Oil suffocated your olfactory nerves, just like all hippies. Damn Hippies. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTmb9EvQYGI Different Styles? No. Does Dragon Tales suck, yes!!! Is Alien Protein sick, yes!!!. So, if you base your style distinction on shitty and good, well that would be totally subjective. But, to say these LP's are different styles, no way. But, Alien Protein, Rocks. And, Dragon Tales is super weak, yes I agree. Also, who here thinks that x-dream had the defining psytrance sound with Radio? Because, that is not a different sound it just sucks differently. Is this the miscommunication that I am mistaking style differences for how good or bad an album is? What do you like better Alien Protein or Dragon Tales? And what style do you define each?
  21. I just heard this on you tube. Isn't this the holy grail of Goa trance? If it is I totally understand the difference. It is pretty easy to distinguish them. So Goa is really Goofy. That is how you separate them. So, X-Dream is really Goa trance evolving. I mean how can anyone misinterpret "Frog." So, follow x-dream and you will find Goa. Goa Trance=Disney Trance and PsyTrance = Looney (Tunes) Trance - Awesome. The way to distinguish is just look if it is a movie from Disney, it is Goa. If not Psy. Let's test it out. Escape from Witch Mountain=Disney; Slinky Wizard -Witch Juice = Goa. Easy so far. Okay, the lion king == loin king by infernal machine=Goa trance...let's keep going. This is a stretch but I like it: Cool Runnings http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDp40edRcdI
  22. Psy-bient = Psychedelic Ambient or Downtempo Electronic Music with the purpose of enhancing the psychedelic experience. Really for the person, that is tripping so hard, they have no coordinated motor function. So, Psybient is meant for mental dance. I.E. Brain Wave Synchrony. It is important to note that Ambient music does not have the rigidity of most Electronic music. It is much less restricted than dance music. This flexibility, I believe is much more aligned with Goa Trance. Goa trance's mantra of Anything Goes(easier said than done) is made practical in the dimensions of Ambient. So, I think that Psybient is improper labeling. Mellow Goa maybe more appropriate. In that sense it is very important to use different time signatures and abstract sounds and samples and of course sound FX galore. Behind Closed Eyelids is a perfect example of Psybient or any release from Shpongle.
  23. From what I have researched, the majority of "Goa" artists have disappeared. And if an artist does still exist, they no longer produce Goa trance. So, if you are waiting for a re-emergence of Goa Trance, I think your wait is in vain.
  24. The only explanation that I have found that makes all of this possible, is that Goa Trance is a genre paradox. It is a genre that has no genre. It is music without music. Sound without sound. Tranceless Trance. Does this remind you of Bruce Lee's Tao? Fighting without Fighting. Form favors formlessness. Be like water. Bruce Lee's Tao was more than fighting it was a way of living. Bruce Lee's Tao of Jeet Kun Do was necessary to form a new way of fighting and with martial arts a new way of thinking. Bruce Lee may imply a system without a system. But, he gives a handbook on why and how to do it. This type of Handbook does not accompany Goa Trance. For this, I don't believe we should bestow such nobility and honor to Goa Trance as one would to Jeet Kun Do. What do you think?
  25. Amen, Brother. Correct me if I am wrong. Does IM seem to encapsulate the worst part of the psytrance sound?
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