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  1. ekekeek....sure m8...
  2. hi there im a portuguese producer of psytrance and i want find a label eheh...if there any interested contact me on msn-shakri@netcabo.pt updown festival in portugal comming soon.....im gonna put the main floor in flames ekek
  3. hello...hi want know wath you think about the track...leave your comment plese or send one mail to shakri@netcabo.pt PLUR http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=523725&T=1025
  4. Live acts: SIDEGATE (WorkStation.rec) Portugal PSILOCYBE PROJECT (WorkStation.rec/Soyo Toyo Prod.) Portugal SHAKRI (WorkStation.rec/Shivatri.org) Portugal (... mais brevemente) DJ's: Psycho Animal (WorkStation.rec) Portugal Tel-Mito (WorkStation.rec) Portugal Phyrex (WorkStation.rec/Psylosophy) Portugal Playtek (WorkStation.rec/Psylosophy) Portugal Ganeisha (Buddha Mantra/Psylosophy) Portugal Busy Mind (Soyo Toyo Prod.) Portugal TRL (Katximba Troopers) Portugal Psy.Hantz (StarProject) Portugal Psyreg (Cubexxx) Portugal (... mais brevemente) Live Chillout: VISÃO COLECTIVA (WorkStation.rec) Portugal SHAKRI (WorkStation.rec/Shivatri.org) Portugal (... mais brevemente) Deco: StarProject's Deco Team Local: Floresta Encantada, Calvão, Aveiro. Indicações serão reveladas brevemente... Entrada: Free Party Contactos: 933208973 / 234198307 proofy1337@hotmail.com Organização: WorkStation Patrocinios: Osiris Bar Mais Informação: Abertura ás 22h. Temos Bar, Local para montar tentas, etc... Todo o resto da informação e o respectivo flyer será publicado em breve... Espero que apareçam... 1006.gif
  5. thankz i make in cubase sx2 with many plugins..... but im learning more about construction ....in soon i out some trackz online for download peace love unity and respect
  6. hi there....my name is shakri.im portuguese and i make psy and progressive trance...i put here 3 demo songs..and i wold like to know what you think about this songs .... http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?songs=243015&T=5236 give me your comment please or send you comment to my mail : shakri@netcabo.pt peace love unity and respect
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