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Everything posted by klml

  1. BUDDHAMATRIX :-:-: 27th JUNE 2009 10:30 pm till Late INDIAN CONNECTION invites you to another night of foot stomping music under the open sky. Positive vibes from our last adventure into the matrix has inspired us to continue our journey to invite friends to celebrate the summer celebrations. Location : Private Outdoor Location Time: 10:30 pm till 15:00 pm Infoline : 07732659843 (Call after 9:30pm to get party directions) Psychedellic + Progressive : Live Act's : Aphid Moon (Aphid / Nano Rec., UK) http://www.myspace.com/aphidmoon Dirty Saffi (Bom Shanka, UK) http://www.myspace.com/dirtysaffimusic Psymmetrix (Bom Shanka, UK) - ovi likovi kidaju!!! http://www.myspace.com/psymmetrixdotcom Fractal Fungi (Indian Connection, SA) http://www.myspace.com/fractalfungi Neutral Motion ( Wild Things/Turbulance Rec., JP) http://www.myspace.com/neutralmotion Noctem (OperationAvalaugh, UK) Dj's- Beardy (Wild Things, UK) Nuky (Bom Shanka, PT) Kawak (Chillum Tribe, EST) Zooch (Arkona creation, LIT) Impulse Response (Indian Connection, PAN) Seaone (The Globe, UKR) Baba Bholle (Indian Connection, IND) Visuals- Nadine Longinova (Indian Connection, Russia) Décor- Elana (Swomptales, Lithuania) Ginte & Ramune (Indian Connection, Lithuania) Vesna (Macedonia) UV & Lighting- Adam Lubkowski (The Travelling friend,Pol) Design & artwork- Elena Romanelli & Sasha Bajac Chai Shop Concept – Planet Bobs Chai Emporium & Indian Connection Sound : 10K opus Chai shop + Cafe Bar & usual schenanigan The location is a little paradise has plenty of trees and shade everywhere and all natural amenities to get lost. Eh!! Respect the nature - give it a cleap wipe Leave no trace No Glass Bottles Gates open 10:30 pm saturday until late Sunday pass it on to friends and family Boom Indian Connection
  2. And so it was.
  3. Huh, been travelling a bit through Northern Thai, been through Laos and Yesterday I arrived to Phnom Penh. Didn't meet any trance people on the way, heard trance occasionally in some bars, but it was mostly drunk British clientele. Noone posted any replies... Well I am going on, but it seems like my first party is gonna be when I arrived home to London.
  4. Hi, I am travelling around South East Asia. And I am heading to Cambodia. I heard there are some trance parties on the coast there. Anyone has some info? thnx :posford:
  5. Here I also invite everybody to come. People that are organizing it will put a lot of effort for it to happen and be the right way. i am sure we all going to have an amazing trip Everybody to Lithuania!!!
  6. Benefit party for a couple of squaters trying to go home to Lithuania, and for those that stay in Ams a fund raiser for lawyer fees psy trance DJ Niles + info and movie on police brutality on the CzehTech festival and the demonstrations that followed + vegan food vegan organic cafe De Pepper Overtoom 301 6pm-3am
  7. goa, emotional !!!??? sounds more like a mind masturbution for bringing ecstasy while on acid, but emotions, hmpf...
  8. huh, I didn't like it at first, because I am used to more superior ambient music (fsol, orb:) , and was dissapointed that there are all bits and pieces of music picked up from everywhere as for the world music, most of it is terrible on the other side after listening all the albums I found out some really great, happy tunes kinda reminds me on changing the stations on the radio on a bright sunny day, when I am in a very good mood sometimes it just goes over the boundaries and becomes ridiculous I see you trance people like to hear those ethnical melodies in your music!? I still think that some pure electronic stuff, composed by some genius musicians are far superior for tripping I think the problem with them is that the quality of thier music is so incosistent though the album
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