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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Lighting candles and drinking loads of water
  2. Ghreg on Eearth - Chapel Perilous
  3. You should actually check Cybernetikas stuff out!
  4. Old school is what got me into psy, but it seems I got tired of that sound pretty fast for some reason... now basically all the psy I listen to is quite new (I voted modern).
  5. Looks tasty
  6. What do you mean?
  7. radi, radi...
  8. If you wanna try something slightly darker, check Derango out
  9. Atrium Carceri - The Call
  10. Only Talpa for me I think Or maybe Steptime on Sienis - In the Forest.
  11. The Many Faces & Electrypnose - Testicule Killer
  12. The Mars Volta + Lots of IDM and breakcore + Hip Hop from artists like Sole and Sage Francis + Chopin, Satie and Piazzola
  13. Maybe something like this... 60% Psy 15% Alternative rock 5% Breakcore 5% Hip Hop 10% Ambient 5% Classical
  14. Loopus in Fabula - Let's Dance
  15. Atrium Carceri - Twisted Foetus This is one scary piece of music...
  16. Yep! Discussion over
  17. Atrium Carceri - Dark Water
  18. Yo! Currently working on this experiment (although I guess it's pretty much finished). It features a bit of violin play from a friend of mine and some other cool stuff I would very much appreciate some feedback! Here is the URL: http://www.dsv.su.se/~dan-bane/Daze-WorkInProgress.mp3
  19. Daaamn nice shit
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