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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Wooot? When and where?
  2. Look. I have no problems with radi thinking and saying that a thread about Derango would have gotten more replies. However, he nags about how bad Derango are (note: not how bad HE THINKS they are) in EVERY single thread. It's totally pointless and quite frankly, really irritating. I know LOTS of popular artists whose music I can't see the point in - and I choose NOT to discuss them, as I don't get it. Radi should do the same.
  3. Astor Piazzola - Pulsacion pt. 4
  4. It's like... an accordion + a laidback orchestra! Very nice chillish stuff.
  5. Astor Piazzolla - Volume 2
  6. You can't possibly mean that is it THE TRUTH that Derango is bad. Pointless comment and totally off topic. Ofcourse it will piss people off... About not getting the replies you were looking for... first of all, you many times act like a jerk and thus I find it hard to believe that there are many people that would actually want to help you. And second, did it even occur to you that perhaps not that many people here happen to know any unreleased/unknown songs by Posford? You are probably his biggest fan in here and you obviously don't know of any, since you are asking. Take it easy dude. Be greatful for any help you get...
  7. Instead of listing already released songs I'll make a list of artists I would like to see on my dream dark compil (as it looks today) ; 01. Galaxy Madness 02. Hallucinogenic Horses 03. Para Halu 04. Mubali 05. Derango 06. Grapes of Wrath 07. Ocelot 08. Savage Scream 09. Xanopticon
  8. I didn't mean to insult you. I just find it really irritating how you bring up how much you hate Derango in every thread you post in. It's useless and noone cares.
  9. Dude f*ck off. Obviously Derango and darkpsy in general has great value to a great deal of people... If you don't get it - shut up
  10. High quality stuff as always Astranimus is real great stuff... I still consider it the best one from you. Really enjoy that one. The beat in the second track is fecking sweet as well I enjoyed the whole album, though Sub Neural didn't quite fit my taste (didn't really like the kick and bassline)... but overall this is very nice stuff. Atmospheric as hell and really nice percussive elements. Go get signed already
  11. Is there any? Recommend me some!
  12. Para Halu - Phenix Beautiful!
  13. A track I am working on right now:
  14. Can I still order this somewhere?
  15. Haltya - Dancing into the Night
  16. Thanks a lot guys
  17. Thanks Cybernetika, I really appreciate you in-depth comments! I don't have Spectrasonics, so I mostly use samples... And it is indeed a bongo, I recently bought it It's a lot of fun to play!
  18. Derango - Mellan Mitten
  19. I actually sort of enjoyed Dropship Some nice ideas in it. However the sound quality in all three tracks is very poor... you should indeed consider switching to another program! Since you are using VST's anyway I think it won't be a problem for you!
  20. *bump (sorry)*
  21. Sole - Bottle of Humans
  22. Yeah this is damn sweet stuff indeed
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