Okay got some time so I'm gonna try to give a bit more serious feedback, though I know shit about mixing
First off, I love how the mix kicks off agressively with the first track. Perfect
One or two kicks sound a bit off beat at the entrance of Hypnotic Loop... though it's not a big deal cause it gets so ownage right after that. I love it how Clairvoyage lingers in the background to the new harder beat
The entrance of Overtures From the Oven is beautiful! And what a lovely track that is.
I might be wrong but the bassline of Creatures of the IGY sounds a bit distorted to me... don't know why that would be though The track itself is fucking awesome though
I guess things get a bit too busy at the last transition... but it's no big deal.
But man... overall this is flawless stuff. And brilliant music as well.