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Everything posted by Daze

  1. What about Terminator - Spirits of the Plants? I personally feel that it fits the description very well, you should try it out
  2. Derango - New Analyze !
  3. Savage Scream - Rotting Side
  4. The Mars Volta - The Widow
  5. Great stuff Keep it up Trishula.
  6. I have to say I like what I hear Too bad you don't have a full track yet, those melodies suit me very well!
  7. I still don't get it to work Maybe you could upload it on some free sharesite? I would love to hear this one. Cheers.
  8. Dronebixie - Zo Moth
  9. Link broken
  10. Asianova - Love Like a Veiled Threat This is _AWESOME_ ambient!
  11. Derango - Secret Surroundings
  12. The Mars Volta - Concertina
  13. The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium
  14. Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker
  15. Welcome!
  16. Wonderful stuff indeed! Nice to see more people in here like it
  17. The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute !
  18. I mostly order from Wirikuta. They don't have much old stuff though
  19. Terminator & Dark Shire - Paranoid Sensation
  20. Maybe a stupid question, but it's really starting to irritate me now When I play, say a melody, with a sample and not a synth in Fruityloops 6, the sample stops playing at every new note, to start over. It's like only one copy of the same sample can be played at once. This can ofcourse be solved by making multiple patterns with the same sample, but that's not very conveniant How do I fix this?
  21. V/A - A Magical Journey !
  22. Cinos, I like bubble gum pop when/if it's good. Doesn't change shit.
  23. 1. Derango - Tumult 2. V/A - Mushy Mystery 3. V/A - Boldly Audio 4. Nystagmus - The Immaculate Perception 5. V/A - Invisible Incursion
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