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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Wow, I really dig this one! To be honest I think this is, for me, the best song you've done so far! Great stuff...
  2. Xenomorph - Tree of Death
  3. CPC & Kindzadza - Traffic Problem
  4. Nice! Looking forward to it
  5. Oohhh yeah! Damn I love that Derango track They never cease to amaze me!
  6. Derango - Masterdamnit
  7. GMS - Arabian Knights on Mescaline Damn I actually really like this one
  8. Gappeq - Macrocosmos
  9. Derango - Clairvoyage !
  10. Yes I agree on this
  11. Kaiko - Local Plants
  12. Yes same here... but for me Derango is just that! They're the ones that made me appreciate darkpsy in the first place to be honest
  13. Word Nightmare Trancer np: Derango - An Ancient Tale
  14. Everything by Derango! I personally recommend these CD's: Derango - Tumult V/A - Lyserg Lesson 1 V/A - Mushy Mystery Ghreg on Earth - Sigilweaver Xenomorph - Qlippoth EDIT: Derango - Secret Surroundings is the best song ever!
  15. Asianova - Ode Red Beautiful
  16. Yeah damn this rocks
  17. Letum - The Final Process
  18. Atrium Carceri - Twisted Foetus
  19. Electrypnose - Perce Oreille
  20. Derango - Implosions
  21. Desiderii Marginis - Worlds Apart Damn... this whole album totally owns!
  22. I will order when I got the cash
  23. V/A - Invisible Incursion (http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...howDetail=94848) Desiderii Marginis - That Which is Tragic and Timeless (http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...howDetail=98413)
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