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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Hopefully RAH will upload to Sonic Energy. Hang on!
  2. Talpa - Four Leaved Clovers
  3. The Mars Volta - Tetragrammaton Holy moly... this is better than everything I dared hoping for. Can't wait for the release of this - these guys rock
  4. Savage Scream - Bulimic Demon The whistle lines in this one own
  5. Okay, here is the link again: http://rapidshare.de/files/30157955/Derang...on_Rusakula.rar And yes, they are the tracks posted by Derango (although I didn't upload New Analyze - but if anyone wants it I can upload that too). All three tracks own by the way, so if you haven't heard them - do now
  6. What if I paste in the music promotion section, to promote Derango?
  7. [LINK] There you go (if this is considered inappropriate, let me know and I'll remove)! Edited by moderator. Please don't use psynews forums for mp3 exchanging. Read the forum rules.
  8. I believe it was New Analyze, Rusakula and the original version of Boomorgon.
  9. Samples from Krumelur - Paramoral Sound awesome
  10. Great pic man And the song is the most beautiful ever
  11. Artifakt - Artifakts 2
  12. It wasn't meant as an ironic comment. If all you "old school" people are going to do is whine about how much todays music and its followers suck I'd truly be happy to see you leave.
  13. And I don't?
  14. I wasn't trying to be funny you know
  15. I'd be happy if Rezwalker and Ale could make their own scene... take radi with you
  16. Aphex Twin - Vordhosbn
  17. Insane Behavior - Fix the Fluff
  18. Para Halu - Black Water
  19. Para Halu - Live in the Swedish Forest The first track in this set is nothing short of amazing
  20. However... is the title intended to be Cindarella or is it a typo? If it is I hope it doesn't make it to the front cover
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