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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Angry Dwarf - She Rains
  2. Nystagmus - Soulgasm
  3. Ah nice one!
  4. Derango - Mushy Mystery !
  5. Savage Scream - Rotting Side
  6. Wow guess I will surely have to order this one! Nice review as always, thanks man
  7. Nice! Looking forward to it
  8. Well... at least you had a good excuse :>
  9. Hehe well... I'm a student - have to think about the shipment costs
  10. So how's it going with that review? I'm very eager to know how it is, I'm thinking of ordering it when Tumult is released.
  11. Abomination - Redback
  12. Anytime honey!
  13. Talpa - First Ray of Light
  14. Hehe it's indeed not easy to pick just one track I wanna add that I love every single one of those tracks. Yes, love
  15. And by the way, the voices on track 7 are probably the most creepiest I've ever heard
  16. Since it seems like Tumult won't be released anytime soon, I decided to make a Derango-poll - sort of to keep myself interested My vote goes for Secret Surroundings. Have fun!
  17. For god's sake... "expected 14 october" now at Saikosounds :S What the heck are you guys at Inpsyde doing?
  18. Me like Favourite track for me is actually number 5.
  19. Dejan & Jellyheadz - Freakin' Six-Pack! !!!
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