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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Not bad, but I like his older stuff more. This just seems to lack that little "extra" ;p
  2. Oh and I almost forgot; Øresund Space Collective - Sunrise Øresund Space Collective - OSC Rides Again Check http://www.oresundspacecollective.com/, you can download lots of nice stuff there ;p
  3. Electrypnose I just realised how good he is ;p
  4. Oh and I can also recommend an electronica artist called Alias... I know it's not the same at all but his music kind of gives me the same nice feeling as bands like Ozric Check these songs out; Alias - Eyes Closed Alias - Again for the First Time Alias - Unseen Sights
  5. I advice everyone to check out Blandbladen... Three free tracks over here: http://www.audiostreet.net/artist.aspx?artistid=23296
  6. Maybe Uni?
  7. Sounds really nice
  8. The Megalopsy album It has really grown in my ears... gets better every time
  9. The music was a bit too techy for me I think although some tracks were very nice and rhythmic... the mix itself though had a wonderful flow in it though and I will definately keep this one
  10. Downloading
  11. I would produce Hip Hop with a touch of electronica in it... lots of good similiar stuff is available from Anticon, a U.S label
  12. Daze


    What the *! Thanks... it seems to work now
  13. Daze


    Are they still in business? The reason I'm asking is that I've been trying to enter their website for about a month, but it seems to be down. I assume this has not always been the case, since many sites link to it. Anybody know what's going on? Maybe nothing to worry about ;p
  14. Uni - Vagabond In the mood for emo-strings ;p
  15. Oh, and yes Gnome... Derango = the masters of psychedelia... to me at least!
  16. I love Derango, for many reasons. Imo they are some of the few that manage to make dark psytrance, that is still variated. The music is so full of sounds and patterns, that every time i hear a song, I hear new things in it. The atmosphere is great. Dark, mysterious, but still with comical elements. Not only is this music made to be played IN a forest - it actually, to some extent at least, creates the illusion that it's played BY the forest. Also, I must say that I like Derango much because of their melodies. They are exactly the way i want them to be. They don't give away too much of them, but still enough. They are often pretty evil, but still beautiful to me... The melodic climaxes in songs like Secret Surroundings are some of my favourite musical moments of all time... I can't get enough of it
  17. I know
  18. Great topic. By the way, rumour is that Sanaton are at the moment working hard on a second compilation!
  19. Ulver is great
  20. Haha I would like to hear that... could be cool
  21. Nice one! I recommend it
  22. Maybe you have heard these already, still worth mentioning. 3 of my favourite tracks from my favourite group, Derango http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=35097
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