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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Daze

    V/A - Mind Games

    I like this a lot Track 5 rocks!
  2. Mulholland Drive totally rocks! Really good movie (although not even half as crazy as Eraserhead)... haven't seen Lost Highway yet though :/
  3. Hahaha nick_InZoMNiAC
  4. Lovely! The end is beautiful
  5. I just got the Boldly Audio compilation (Sanaton records) in my mailbox, and boy does it rock or what! <3 Derango
  6. Nice covers all of them! And sorry about the thread name... didn't think of that
  7. This is obviously a very personal thing, but it's still interesting to see what other people like. I'll start off with my 2 favourites; 1. V/A - Forest (Doof records) 2. V/A - Schizm (Gi'iwa productions) Post yours. Oh, and only psy-releases!
  8. Yep Donnie Darko is for sure one of my favourite movies - gotta love it!
  9. Sounds interesting
  10. There are lots of movies with weird storylines etc, but I'm looking for the really weird stuff - movies to trip to basically To start this off I would like to mention an old David Lynch movie, called Eraserhead. IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074486/ Name yours!
  11. Wow nice! Didn't know about shizm 2 either.
  12. Okay, would be interesting to hear what other people are looking forward to the most at the moment. Only announced albums allowed! Personally I'm dying to get my hands on Derango's debute "Tumult"... probably my nr. 1 anticipated album ever And you guys..?
  13. Daze

    V/A - Mushy Mystery

    I love this Keep it up Trishula!
  14. Thanks for your feedback !
  15. I assume you know Megalopsy? :x
  16. Thanks for your help psyfi! I know I've got problems with my production... I find it really hard to get a good sound without losing a lot of ambience. Anyway, thanks, I will try to work on it!
  17. Very refreshing different style indeed. The guitars are just superb! Lovely stuff. Also very nice use of percussion! I didn't like the bass that much though - it sounds a bit amatuerish. Could be me though ;p I would also recommend you guys to stay away from VST presets. I know it's a good one but it sounds very lame when you recognise it Other than that it's hard to say anything more since the track isn't the full version As mentioned though, superb use of guitars and a very nice choice of style. Keep on posting stuff here, would love to hear more of this stuff and how you guys evolve
  18. Cute song ;p I agree with Serguei about the melodies in the start - they feel very childish indeed. I like the baseline and kick a lot though. Some samples feel a bit random in my opinion, like the echo thingy at 0.31 for example. Later on there are some very nice ones though. Overall a nice track - I like the style very much
  19. I would very much like some feedback on this song - I have really tried to take what has been said about my earlier songs into account here, hope it worked out Made in Fruityloops, with the following VST's; Vanguard, Albino, z3ta, and Audiorealism Bassline... if anyone would like to know URL: http://rapidshare.de/files/3628945/Daze_-_...rwoods.mp3.html Thank you!
  20. This is some very nice stuff! I love Machinery and Genetisis... favourite is probably Earth Signal though! Really nice stuff, shows how good you really are Some REALLY nice acidlines and percussive stuff here... and by the way, good luck with your "new era" ;p Hope to hear some more stuff from you soon.
  21. Nice! Gonna download later tonight :>
  22. Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help! Everything being said here helps me out a lot.
  23. Thanks man!
  24. Anyone? :x
  25. I don't mean "faster" as in increased bpm - I just mean when the percussion etc kicks ;p
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