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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Sounds nice! Will probably be pretty cool when the tempo goes up ;p
  2. I'm not that good at dutch but I think the link is broken :x
  3. As always top notch production ;p I also must say I love the percussion on this one. It's very hard to judge a track before it's done though, but what you've made so far sounds promising... Finish it!
  4. Finished a new song, I would really like some feedback on it! URL: http://rapidshare.de/files/3505023/Daze_-_...ardoor.mp3.html Scroll down to the bottom and click free. Thanks in advance!
  5. Megalopsy - Monkey Supernova Love it
  6. Very professionally made! You got some nice tracks there on your site ;p
  7. Thanks a lot Cybernetika! I'm already playing around with it - seems really nice!
  8. Ow by the way Cybernetika, what does "ring-modded" mean? I'm not that much into the technical terms yet...
  9. Thanks a lot guys! Everything you say helps me out a lot, as we all know it's hard to judge ones own tracks. Again, thanks
  10. Reply to other peoples songs and they will reply on yours
  11. Thanks guys!
  12. Thanks man! Your feedback means a lot to me!
  13. I enjoyed the bass pretty much, it was nice Those rightpanned sounds made me wanna tear my hair apart - VERY NICE In my opinion it gave the track an artistic and daring touch that few tracks have today... Overall it felt pretty empty though... It would have been nice if something more was going on. There's no need for a cheezy melody or something like that, but perhaps some playing around with the bass would have been nice - Midi Miliz style. Keep it up!
  14. Okay, I'm following up on my new forest-style with this track called Dead Loch. It has a pretty different bassline, I would really like to know what you think about it Anyway, here's the url: http://rapidshare.de/files/3338493/Daze_-_Dead_Loch.mp3.html Scroll down to the bottom and click "free". Thank you!
  15. I have made other tracks (none of the same style though), but unfortunately I haven't gotten access to my ftp server yet, because it was reinstalled recently. I'm working hard on a new track right now though
  16. Sounds promising! Nice intro, I love those... bubbly "drums" or whatever to call them. Hmm what to add... Perhaps make a break where this sample ends, and introduce a more tempoish bassline after that. Adding tempo right after a part based on atmosphere usually makes quite an impression I think *edit*; I don't know your intentions on this one though, perhaps you want to avoid fullon
  17. Hehe thanks guys... Really appreciated! I know I have to work some on my production to avoid distortion... I tend to overadd Cybernetika: Most sounds are samples (some actually recorded in the forest on the pic - me and my brother went out and cracked sticks etc ). A good idea is to sample sounds from nature shows on tv, with birds etc ;p Oh and ofcourse www.findsounds.com is great! About the bassline... I don't know what to say, I just tweaked it til' it sounded the way I wanted it to. As mentioned though, Waves Maxxbass is great! I think with the knobs in Audiorealism SB together with the ones in Maxxbass you can pretty much make a bassline sound any way you want it to. Again, thanks a lot for your help! It's very useful for me, I am learning a lot.
  18. Wow man, I really didn't expect anything that positive - this is my first attempt at this kind of music Thanks a lot, you made my day
  19. Actually I didn't know of z3ta, gonna try it out, thanks man! About the bassline; other than configuring it in Audiorealism, I also added Waves Maxxbass. Great for basslines. Thanks for your help!
  20. hehe okay i will check em out
  21. Lately I've gotten pretty inspired to do forest-music (a lot because of this: http://www.sthlm-herp.net/galleri/galleri_800/Judarn_800.jpg - 1 minute walk from my house), and so far this is what I've come up with: URL: http://rapidshare.de/files/3312410/Daze_-_Mossa.mp3.html Scroll down to the bottom and click "free". Feedback is very much appreciated - this is the style I want to work with. Anyway, I am also in need of help, I would love some tips on how to make a track a bit more... twisted Any special techniques or effects to use on samples? Perhaps melody-scales that work well on this kind of music? Fx-synths? Sample-packs? Anything! Thanks in advance!
  22. This is really not my style, so I'm having a hard time judging it... The production is obviously very good though, that I can tell I don't know... those synthlines just don't appeal to me, but I can imagine they would do pretty good in a normal club-floor. Would probably get people moving
  23. I like the intro, it sets a nice mood for the rest of the song. As Cybernetika said though, some elements are a bit distorted, for example the kick sounds a bit low-quality. The Acidlines though are indeed great, love 'em The melodies around 16.10 and 18.30 sound a bit offbeat... I would move the notes around just a little bit. I think some atmospheric effects for example in the start would do very well, especially when only the kick and bass are playing. Overall a nice track though, keep it up!
  24. I think "Talpa - The art of being non" should be mentioned as well!
  25. I love the intro to Derango - Secret Surroundings... it's as brilliant as the rest of the song
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