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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Daze


    I care!
  2. Daze


    Quote from Para Halu's website: "By the way we are working on new album..." YEEHAA!
  3. Oh okay... a shame - this totally screwed up my otherwise so well planned coming order
  4. By the way... howcome this is not available in Wirikuta?
  5. Awesome track indeed... my favourite from you so far The bass is really juicy and the whole chaos versus melodic atmosphere thing just owns. I really like those fast panning electro-like sounds...
  6. Letum - Sealed with no Belief
  7. Svartsinn - Misanthropic Odyssey
  8. Atrium Carceri - Twisted Foetus
  9. Cool, thanks RAH!
  10. I would vote Para Halu - The World of Peace... I chose The Delta now though
  11. Actually FL comes with a plugin that does this, it's called Fruity Slicer Works great too
  12. Derango - Secret Surroundings !
  13. Fractal Cowboys - Mega Jesus of Evil
  14. By the way... if anyone happens to know if there are any interviews with Para Halu on the net, please paste url here. I would very much like to read one, and I can't find any on google
  15. My number one vote still goes to Para Halu!
  16. http://koopjes.marktplaats.nl/muziek_en_in...5wt%2F1kH4&df=1
  17. Para Halu & Mubali!
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