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Everything posted by Wizack_Twizack

  1. Hehe. funny it took 8 years to read a review of this album Made it 2003-04 got delayed and released end of 2005. I had basicly no idea of what i was doing back then, Just having fun with Fruity Loops. Just a PC and a Hifi in my 1 room apartment. It's a miracle someone wanted to release this imo. But people still reminds me of some of the tracks on it untill this date so something fun must have came out of it Shameless selfpromotion warning: 5th album ready to get unleashed now. Keep an eye on Ovnimoon Records in the near future. www.soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack cheers!
  2. their first 3 albums are really really amazing imo. Hardcore blastoff is one of my all time fav album. But after Yoni left the group and started Ace ventura, psysex really lost the touch, magic and uniqness. I personaly don't like a single tune after that from psysex. cheers!
  3. Little Sweden are full of filthy psytrancers =P
  4. Lots of partys in Dubai for sure, i played there some years ago, they have brought alot of artist-people there to their events. Also had the opertunety to play at a fullmoon party in kho pang nga and on kho samui aswell. One of the coolest i've attended to and played at i think. My friend living in China half a year and the second half back home here in sweden. He told me there are plenty of rave partys overthere in Shanghai and Bejing. And i've heard other artists telling me they've played at some really wierd places all over the world. It's nice to hear that its almost not a single spot on the globe that doesn't enjoy this kind of music. I also read about this huge festival in Zimbabwe or something, i think nano records organised it or something, could be wrong with both country and organisation, but it was somewhere in africa though cheers!
  5. Very nice production and some nice adds, but to be honest i was expecting something more, Both originals are top-killers. As you mentioned, diffrent bpm would have been cool to hear on mutoid imo, and some new heavy synthworks. cheers!
  6. V/A - Ex Animo (Warpbrain Records) http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/wbr/wbr1dw025.html Wizack Twizack - Audio Hustler (Ovnimoon Records) http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/ovn/ovn1dw905.html Wizack Twizack - Reconstruct (Planet B.E.N Records) http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/pbr/pbr1dw074.html Those are missing there aswell.. Wierd, someones doesnt like me in here cheers!
  7. http://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack/ovnimoon-middle-mode-izolan what do ya'll think? cheers!
  8. Hey guys! Here is a set from my new Circle project and Wizack Twizack tracks. Both new and few released. Hope you will enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack/wizack-twizack-vs-circle-dj Tracklist: Circle - Looping Toughts Circle - No Filters Circle - Orangutang Circle - Walking In Circles Wizack Twizack - 029 Receptors (Ovnimoon Records) Wizack Twizack - Breeze Of Heaven (Digital Distortion Records) Wizack Twizack - Reconstruct (Planet Ben Records) Wizack Twizack - Cocktail Effect Wizack Twizack - Complex Patterns Logic Bomb - Drop Target (Wizack Twizack Remix) Wizack Twizack - Northen Ways cheers!
  9. Anyone got this and feels like writing down a review perhaps? =) Lazy bastards If you aint have it but are a good for writing one i'll send you it streight away! cheers!
  10. thanks! Well, the LB remix i pretty much just finnished, and it need to be just alittle bit more polished before release. Im currently working on my sideproject Circle wich will have a few releases including EP and then Wizack Twizack Album or Ep's and last but not least Art of Existence album. So i guess the LB remix will be on my next Wizack album. cheers!
  11. http://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack Here are my soundcloud, with some new track previews up, including a fresh Logic bomb rmx and one new remix of huxflux + lots more! Enjoy!
  12. Dennis is for sure active, playing almost everyweekend somewhere, and making music alot. Ofcourse not same sound as in the cryptic crunch album as it was made in the 98-99. But still, its psychedelic and well made stuff hes doing. check out my 2 compilations i've released if you wanna hear some new hux tracks http://www.beatport.com/#release/ex-animo/397501 http://www.beatport.com/#release/pathogenesis/234412 cheers!
  13. Hoping someone will grab this and write a review. Would be lots of fun to read! cheers mates!
  14. atleast our Aoex remix got hearted most at the contest soundcloud page
  15. Thanks for the review man! means alot. Great to see someones actually cares to write something about the music he bought. Hope u get your hands on my compilation Ex Animo that's out now on warpbrain records. =) hope to read something more here cheers!
  16. Thanks mate! The tracklist are abit wierd on the shops i noticed. But this is the way i choosed the track-flow from the beginning, as i posted it here. For those of you who actually care i mean hehe. v Btw, who here aren't curies to hear Sienis version of this old Psynews compilation (V/A - Psychedelic Sparks) contest winners Agalactica's track? cheers!
  17. V/A - EX ANIMO (Compiled By Wizack Twizack) 01. Agalactia - Awkward Lightrate (Sienis Remix) 02. Hux Flux - Trompettes De La Mort 03. Remote Access - Dance Of The Cosmic Frogs 04. Space Tribe Vs The Grain Society - Dia Spora 05. Wizack Twizack - FLogicubasonareasonuendorion 06. Art Of Existence - Anything Else 07. Wizack Twizack Vs Virtual Light - Robots Revolution (Art Of Existence Remix) 08. Alternate Vision - Hold 09. Hux Flux - Bring Your Own Bios (Wizack Twizack 2011 Remix). Out today at all the important digital music shops! http://www.beatport.com/#release/ex-animo/397501 http://www.juno.co.uk/ppps/products/1786860-02.htm?highlight=EX Listen to it at spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/09Q9Na1asRK9D5Jzp0TSd8 www.soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack cheers!
  18. there are 2 new Art of Existence tracks up on the cloud! check em out fellas! cheers!
  19. this album are now availible at beatport and such. https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/387698/Wizack%20Twizack%20IV enjoy guys! =) cheers!
  20. I'm really diggin the Twizack sound. Keep it up!

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  21. Hello everybody! If you are intressted, here are my soundcloud page, wich i keep update with new tracks, remixes and sometimes livesets. Hope you will like my shit! Also my sideproject with Nevarakka: Art of Existence, wich is loaded with new tracks aswell. http://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack http://soundcloud.com/aoex cheers!
  22. Here are the last track of my album, free to download as a preview! http://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack/wizack-twizack-vs-nevarakka cheers!
  23. Activator is Udi (goblin) and a dude called Hila, thats what their soundcloud page sais. more tracks here! cheers!
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