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Everything posted by Mr-PsykotiC

  1. i realy enjoyd listenig to this album ,, some sapced trax for sure :drama:
  2. Free (EP): Mr-PsykotiC - What Do We Know? Track List: 1. Mr-PsykotiC Feat . Forest F0rce - Snuggling Visions 2. Mr-PsykotiC - Sub C [ Acid Mix] 3. Mr-PsykotiC - Jungel Biz [Radio Edit] 4. Mr-PsykotiC - Next Step [Open YoR Mind] 5. Mr-PsykotiC - Time Travel 6. Mr-PsykotiC Vs. Nero - Killer Technology Phenomenon 7. Mr-PsykotiC - Bitcrusha Download óne of my free Album (EPs): Mr-PsykotiC - What Do We Know? it includes some colaburation trax and own projects so download and Enjoy the ride -Download-Click-Here- Respect & Good-Vibes //Psy
  3. I Use Use Acid Pro 6.0D And VST/VSTi and it works Perfoect for me :drama:
  4. no comments ?
  5. 1. Mr-psykotic - Time Travel (Promo Clip) 2. Mr-Psykotic - The StarGate (Promo Clip) 3. Mr-Psykotic - Next Step [Open YoR Mind] (Orginal Promo) 4 Mr-Psykotic - Jungel Biz [Radio Edit] (Promo) All Feed-Back Are Welcome :drama: http://www.myspace.com/mrpsykotic Respect & Good-Vibes :posford: //Psy
  6. All my New Trax Gets Uploaded on Myspace :drama: www.myspace.com/mrpsykotic Respect & Good-Vibes //Psy
  7. Hmm Feedback wuld be nice .... i know the sound qualety isent the best ,, im going to fix it when i get the time to ...
  8. Hers my New Track (FullOn BassLine so it Can the Crowd STOMPING) <<Click On The link>> http://www.projectoverseer.biz/music/bands/15/ Btw Hi-Fi http://www.projectoverseer.biz/music/play....&mode=song_hifi Is the Track is Full Vers Lo-Fi is the old beta vers of the track dont know why
  9. Delirious - Beat Conductor
  10. Its an Cool Track with good sounds/Fx and sytnth lines ,,, Sounds little old style ,,, you shuld add an stronger kick and an worm Bass Line cuz its easy for people to get borred when they listen to an weak bassLine and kick... you get the feeling that the music is trapped in an metal cube/box No efence ,, just some tips //Mr-PsykotiC
  11. Thx. I try to make music little different Psychedelic,,, but in an Rythmic whey. With High Qualety sound Btw Hmmm do i have to post a new one in "Music Promotion" ???
  12. Some feed Back Wuld be !NICE! Hi-Fi on the Track is Full Vers Lo-Fi is the old beta vers of the track dont know why
  13. Hers my New Track (FullOn Bass Line so it Can the Crowd STOMPING) http://www.projectoverseer.biz/music/bands/15/
  14. Some Ganja Is Good Stretch your minde a little
  15. Encaphalopatycis - Last Wish Awsome Track With HeadPhones
  16. Ecliptic - The Oompa Loops
  17. GMS - i Can Feel Da Music
  18. You have Alot of usful stuff here at the forum , you can use the Search Engine. WeLcOmE
  19. G.M.S - Emergency Broadcast system Awsome Album
  20. 1: pic i dont know 2: pic ... Some Moog synth
  21. 1. GMS - Emergency Broadcast System 2. CPU - Computer Error 3. Braincell - Universal Language 4. Infected Mushroom - Stretched (Cuz its like an CD Singel) 5. Neelix - No Way To Leave A Lot of good Albums 2005
  22. WeLcOmE
  23. Talpa - Multiple Orgasm Disorder Awsome Track
  24. If its ok to add this here "Not PsyTrance/GoA" Its Some Hard to get, Acid Trax i have All the Brain1-43 Trax include All the ReMixes Not All on Vinyl (36 tracks on vinlyl) i have some on vinyl and some of them on Acid Flash CD`s Cuz i used to Dj.. Only at underground Partys,, not more im only in to Creat my own music now "PsyTrance" and some side Projects (Acid/Hardcore/Techno) http://www.discogs.com/label/Brain+Recordings *** Not ** For ** Sale**
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