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Sputum Rotgut

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Everything posted by Sputum Rotgut

  1. Just got this album and really liked!! Or better say Loved it! Technical dark style gives me good vibrations. And most weird thing happend when i was listenning song Psychomachine.. Listenned it with phones and quite loud.. When this psychosound started and then This boom whooom, i got really euphoric feeling like i had took something.. u know.. And i was just.. What the fuck.. Song made me huge impression. Almost every track is good on their own way, but best tracks are The Invisible Witness, Dos Canones and last but not the least Psychomachine! MiliZ ruleS!!
  2. It takes me deep in somewhere, where i got balance with everything... It combines me with many of my friends.. It's like a little trip where you can touch your toughts... See what u feel... Hear what you taste.. It's not like some rockmusic.. It's more deeper. It's me.. Whee.. That was a story!
  3. Midi Miliz RuleZ!! Their new album NO STANDARTS is also Great. Dark & Technical.. Yumm. BTW! Now playing: Phutureprimitive -Ritual (Athmospheric soundtrip)
  4. Luomuhappo. You better listen to their new album -Pog-o-matic-pogomen-3000000- ....
  5. mmm... Im really waiting 4 this 1!!!!
  6. Listenning to radio!! Im in job and i have to listen this finnish popmusic crap and listhits... Damn I HATE RADIO!!!!
  7. Slowhill -Yesterday star Finnish Jazzy electro hiphop
  8. Exciting! It's really intresting to see what kind of sound xenomorph brings to us! Qlippoth and cassandras nightmare are past but best tracks they made.. Hope they bring dark to light again!
  9. Now playing Stakka & Skynet -Mutationz Bit darker dum&bass beat..
  10. Peter Gun -Pressure point mmm.. Dededeeep Houzysound..
  11. Vote really went to right adress!! Im quite much friend of darkpsy and i think there's one artist i can remind here! Planet B.E.N -Test [album] Im really stuck track called Straight aHead!
  12. Xenomorph! U forgot this one too. Mmm i like their song called haunted
  13. Type O negative -Love you to death [october rust]
  14. Planet B.E.N -Straight ahead (Like it says "straight ahead" into dark) Really nice song!! I like it's truly, absolutely dark atmosphere.
  15. It's absolutely Penta!! I Luv the sound of their album. There's bit russian melancholy on tracks and it fits really good. Really personal sound. ..and rough! But how about Dark Soho? It could be called darkpsy. I think
  16. It's pity that vinyl is going to leave us. Day by day there is less these vinyl publications. These facts, that people said here are true and cd is altrough much practical. But i think vinyl is that original real source of music for dj-use and i respect those who buy and mix with vinyls
  17. Good sound man! Melody could change bit more, but after all not bad!!
  18. Joti Sidhu -Punkuator Keep rolling rolling rolling!!
  19. Luomuhappo -Nainen (video) from album [Pog-o-matic pĆ³gomen 3000000] Great funky finnish Psychedeli sound tasted with real instruments! Check! http://koti.welho.com/rkorolai/luomuhappo_-_nainen.wmv or.. http://www.pasilankaista.com/tattari++/fre...po_-_nainen.wmv
  20. Boo Reka -Scar (Nice cowbells )
  21. I used to like that song.. It's kinda energic and i like those speaks like "You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug". Of course taken from "Fear and loathing in vegas". So come on let's so take some mescaline!! Would u?
  22. True!! But sure u have to buy this one. I know you like it. It's not shame to tell how much But welcome to psynews.. It's more fresh to hang here than those "I got the knowledge" finnish forums
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