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el brujo

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Everything posted by el brujo

  1. el brujo


    I ve just fine that out and came here to write after listening to rock bitch album too much dope causes memory shortage I guess
  2. el brujo


    Ok it is th eone on the Tantrance 2 but how come? it doesnt say a remix or smt
  3. I think if deathposture made this comparison in 1997 we would laugh at it, but now we do not have a lot of goa coming out. We did have a lot of variety in goa just like in psy nowadays but its not there anymore. I mean we wouldnt compare Pleiadians with Astral as they were different ends, actually filteria and khetzal are as different as the above example but we do not have stuff coming out. So as there are just a few releases which are goa in the year 2005 they had a reference point, more then musically I think its chronologically. Still in a music review I think context is also important, so Postures review works ok together with the things mentioned later, This is why we have a forum, you can add up and talk about the album from different perspectives. Thanks to all of you and peace By the way the album is one good goa story that makes you wanna dance at the sundawn on the sands of goa (10 years ago;) )
  4. i am not against it Its good that you write your reviews There are also some people who are only into music itself that maybe good for them and also is nice to have another point of view
  5. ok to a certain point I can understand without psychedelics part but without attending to any parties it is impossible to understand a real goaparty is the experince to get it If people without the party and without the psychedelics experience all that is there to experience within their home I hail to those
  6. el brujo


    I ve got a problem Years ago my friend copied me a disc of cyclone and I loved it but the earth was the most crazy of them all now I have the vinyl and I also found the cd and the earth is not the same Both vinyl and cd has the same earth which is different then the copied one is it possible that; The earth in Tantrance 2 is different, cause he may have copied from there is it a remix or something. The copied earth i have has a crazy 303 line at the end and sounds very very different, any info from someone who has tantrance 2
  7. Hey great effort I really liked the track Matchu Pitchu Very nice intro with the mckenna sample if i m not mistaken nice use of sounds develops very nicely and sounds clean, even with the max layers together I liked the melodies of the second half too not that i say it is not good but for my taste I d really like some jupiter string sounds backing those melodies of the 2nd half What kind of a live act are you How many people and how do you perform How long do you play now or when are you planning to start the gigs We may invite you to our parties in the coming spring maybe (to Turkey) good luck and good fortune to you
  8. Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences Quicksilver Messenger Service - Happy Trails Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
  9. Wow I d be sooooooo happy if you play as Elysium, Elysium is one of my fave I may play too by the way, at least thats what turkish promoters asked for
  10. well You ll definetly see me there (its half n hour from where I live) I am so happy that all my friends from all around the world from Australia to Belgium from Morocco to Brazil, from Italy to Hungary they are all coming. I feel so happy that all these beautiful people I ve met all around this beautiful world will be there at this beautiful place to share their beautiful vibes. Beautiful it is
  11. Hahaha I didnt know Fantasma was in this forum. Hey I am playing here as Kodomo and the flyer is by me
  12. Miranda - Phenomena CHI A.D. - Anno Domini Etnica - Equator Lunar Asylum - Lunar Asylum Joking Sphinx -A La Recherche De La Banane Pyramide please reserve them for me, I am messaging you tomorrow
  13. so now as it is moved to music making hope I get some responses My pianist friends urges me to go classical methods Cherni Etudes and Hanon what else, someone should ve tried it from different sources
  14. Ok heres the thing I want to learn to play an instrument with keys like piano or keyboard or synth I want the basic knowledge, do not going to be or can be the next Chopin of piano or Keith Emerson of synths, just want to let out the melodies in my head I am a former drummer, I ve got basic knowledge in music theory and notation as I studied in a jazz school for sometime. (years have gone though, want to start form basic) The problem is I live away from the city now, and cant have private lessons or go to courses... What would be the best way, has anyone tried learning it by themselves with the aid of books or dvds or cds or software Has anyone tried any of them Help me out I d be happy if you can name specific ones and why they were good for you
  15. i wouldnt go reviewing as already DP has done an extensive one but just thoughts... This album is quite good, and much better then average ambient albums, but it didnt live up to my expectations. I couldnt see much originality and maybe some sounded less psychedelic than I expected... at least from a guy like Holweck. It certainly has its moods, maybe it didnt suit mine right now I hate to say this but the first album was better (i really hate saying this) All I can say is it gets groovy and it gets happy/fluffy but not OTT kinda fluffy, the highlight of the album for me is Hikari Land. I d give it a 7/10
  16. until now I ve ordered nearly from all online stores without a doubt the best is Chaosunlimited (while living in Uk) next day in the morning I was waking up around 7 and wait for the footsteps of the postman I ordered when I was back in Turkey and it was as good as in Uk and still with flyers, stickers, you know those make me happy. They event sent me single cd once and mags before that... Living overseas, Psyshop is reliable and good But Saikosounds i also as fast and I try to pay them back for putting longer samples and actually making me hear the album Hell I even ordered from Phonokols website and it came through with no problems Avatar Records shipment was stuck in customs (my bad too many cds ordered forgetting I was back in Turkey) but they were good... Wirikuta is also reliable and as fast as the others Has anyone bought from eat static website, twisted website and the other label or artist websites
  17. front line assembly & Hallucinogen
  18. wow that system is lots o money man That is just too much for me and anyways its impossible to afford for me btu a week ago I had an amazing experience One of my friends father who is a great guy and an old hippie who invested all his money on sound system he didnt give a fuck bout buyin a car or a house hehe we listened to some Shulman with him oh my god I felt like I ve never heard it before it was incredibly good cant explain I didnt know my ears could hear such cyrstal clear sounds so good sound system rocks but they are much more than overpriced I guess
  19. as everyone is aware it is the change in mentality people do not believe anymore that we connect through hypnotic beats and surf through frequincies sent by aliens whilst being aware of oneness and shiva dances along us creating and destroying the cosmos. People wanna have a good time, just like they do in somewhere else. Goaparties were sacred meetings believe it or not. I never felt more engaged spiritually than in any secular religious ritual. No mosque, no church, no synagogue woke up the feelings in me like when I found a fluoro party place in a forest looking like aliens have already been landed and furthermore started playing music and dancing. People wanted to be a part of it, now people want to be the audience. Rather than being they now started having which is the crucial part. The attitude was so naive and so pure, lets get all the mad, peaceful people who believes in a higher from of consciousness which can be experienced at a special kind of party situation that has been crafted for this by the people who are doing it and dance for it. I always loved the two words "Space Tribe" it sums up so well the things I felt towards this whole thing. So in short just like Erich Fromm said it is the difference "to have or to be"
  20. I ve sent a mail for these 3 Psychopod - Headlines EP - TIP Eat Static - Science of the Gods - Ultimate Pleiadians - Identified Flying Object - Dragonfly
  21. el brujo


    I went back home to download and its gone
  22. @ginn this is not the one that hallucinogen plays that one is in march 2006 in Turkey There is a thread about it in worwide parties section it also has a website www.soulclipse.com by the way i hope this one goes as well and happy
  23. eat static - abduction reminded me after cinos topic enjoying it
  24. Banco de Gaia - Last Train to Lhasa whole album
  25. oooh yeah I loved them, and I still play their songs intense melodic goa all the way They ve release a lot of tunes online the productions is not top notch but even pro cd releases lacked some quality back then goa syndrome - energy gate is one of my friends favourite goa tune great tune by the way
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