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el brujo

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Everything posted by el brujo

  1. first of all nothing in this world would take me out of my country to someone else s country to kill i d rather die or be called a fuck up or a antinationalist whatever a spy but still i wouldnt kill yeah i may pay a visit to nick to take some trips with me and to dance sorry but i believe music and drugs if you call them are nor seperate from reality there is no way to seperate from reality there is only one and all of this is a part of it you have such a strong precognition of reality that you can not even accept your own experiences into it just blend them in, believe me they re more real than all the tv programs newspapers, they are immediate experience, and trust your experiences that my way of looking at it and my grandfather is from greece I repeat again and I love greece and greek people and sont give a fuck whatever greek or turkish fanatics say, we re really much alike, especially the western part of turkey and greece.
  2. i am not sure but sounds like fruity loops to me though i am not experienced clean but a little bright sound you have its nice but every sound has its own depth rather than a feel of being together my humble opinion keep up your good work
  3. no my friend they dont mix dats they mix cd or vinyl but they think the same we love the songs and the intro and outro of goatrance songs are there for that mostly because we like the whole song whole structure it is like a book to read dont like to tear down pages of a good book anyways choice or taste whatever you call it and that also helps by the way taking attention away from the dj when dj makes a lot od things people start to have an awe on him therefore it may en up in a tiesto kind of way the way rock died the way dj s become superstars and so on... anyways again its a choice
  4. i was definetly reffering to goa parties and goatrance not many but still there is at least we make em down here and it still goes on both wehere the scene is old kind a back to roots attitude and the new scenes that prefer Goa to Psy both in music and vibes
  5. i dont give a damn about mixing and i dont like 3-4 songs going together goa songs (if we may call them songs) have a story to tell they re not just for yhe dancefloor so it is not emotianlly and technically produced for mixing and it started with dats and casette tapes so no mixing was involved and dont forget goa was too hot to spin vinyl and i danced for days and didnt care a bit about mixing i care about the stories of the songs getting lost in layers i dont want drive drive drive this is not the thing about this music altough the ones you re talking baout the full on guys and the israely trance crew maybe they should do what you say because they focus on actually only the dancing side of this phenomena
  6. this album was brought by a friend from Goa at 2003 and it was a recorded cd and the name was mushroom trance or somethin. i loved it but didint know what it was until someday i bumped into lsd over internet but then again couldnt find the original cd but it seems i looked at the wrong places would love to get this one, its one of my fave
  7. i am from turkey so one vote for turkey originating greek and turkish (eve lived in thessalonika for 3-4 months around 5 years old) dont care and cant understand all this quarrels with a little push of a button everyone starts acting a little nationalistic i hate all this border thing, the only thing I value is culture no need for these now, everyone talks of history and refers to books or education and says this is a fact but I believe every history book is far less than the fact (if there is a fact anyways), its a interpretaion. It is very very very very hard to say FACT to anything historical. but keep cool and remember how you felt the oneness in higher states of awareness and if you cant remember or didnt feel it yet, dance to trance and take a little help from Dr. Hoffman and keep what you learned at those trips, trust in experience at least thats what i do, and love all and if i cant i respect and thats at least i could do and i know most of us feel and think that way we just loose it when thinking too fast
  8. el brujo

    Psygone - Optimystique

    one of my first moments were on kashmir and i have introduced psy to many with psygone i think this is a very very good album wish he was making a new album or at least playin live or something so we could hear him
  9. i remeber downloading from a russian psy portal astral projection - dancing galaxy astral projection - people can fly shiva shidapu - india magic gnotr - rock bitch miranda - phenomena prana - boundless man with no name - teleport there were some more I guess, still in my psy folder, but believe they are 3d animations that suck biiiig time, except shidapu, it is nice to see goa in 90s along with his famous technotorgon and the party. Prana was like a plug in or like an early vj demo ...
  10. i think morocco has a local scene i ve met some locala freaks when i headed there both for spheres and camp desertview actually spheres were organized by moroccans i think and by the way aleikum selam
  11. they also have some nice classics too but a little pricey in my opinion the inifinity project - feelin weird over 50 bucks what do you think of the price
  12. wohooo good news eagerly waiting for this
  13. i understand that and i have nothing against him i know the difficulties talkin about this subject I have given a postgraduate thesis on goa parties made a whole ma centering that idea
  14. i played the Greg Didge from live album in our last party it was the last morning including me jumping over the decks danced like maaaad i think its energy level is really really high it wouldnt be everyone s cup of chai though
  15. not something new though and someone should tell this guy lsd s samples are not Terrence Mckenna but Ken Kesey oh and he is a music student i see but this music has magic in between those technical stuff this is something that you should read between the lines deconstructing the songs to understand them would end up in technical bullshit dancing to them would tell much more but his tutors may not like that eh
  16. i just found monzoon celsetial sounds over psyshop and ordered them
  17. i have always listened to a variety of music and I still do my collection of trance (psy/goa) is maybe 25 percent of my cds it is my favourite genre though and i can not categorize goa as music it means so much more to me anyways as this is psynews i am talking about psy/goa dont need mentioning what other stuff i listen for variation under elysium topic it just occured to em that i love it and it takes me to places that i long to be for a long time it was interesting that i knew these albums but i didnt take the journey before and new works of kristian doesnt do it for me but these 2 albums are incredible now i am looking for monzoon anyone has a spare (the other 2 as well, as they have been copied by a friend to me)
  18. Beyond the Infinite Bible of Dreams Shango Transmissions Labyrinth
  19. now this is a group i LOVE have all the albums and the last live album is great gotto see them live
  20. i justed wanted to say this I am happy that goa is released again I have posted on Lost Buddha s mp3 webpage when he had one that in turkey we love lost buddha/amithaba buddha before he released anything I think his name back then was Amithaba Buddha I had all his songs downloaded and was it 2003 you have put astral mountains that was a regular in my set at parties and everybody loved it (right here in turkey) besides production actually i have enjoyed those songs more than metomorphosis psyramid and astral mountains were top songs maybe not productionwise but the feeling and enerywise but for this fan thingy (tha lb loves to talk about) i am no fan of anyone but this music itself and thats the best side of it fans and idols killed rock music
  21. I cant believe After all these years of listening goa i rediscovered (a month back) Elysium I used to know but now I understand (or thats what i think) Maybe I was too tripped out or too young I was looking for the craziest maddest fastest goa Now i cant believe the power and the details of this music Yesterday night I had such a good trip with Dance for celestial beings i could almost cry i swam across my room without any external stimuli but music i have dance for celestial beings and celestial sounds and neurotic tribal beats both of them are excellent i mean it and i cant believe how this happens i had them and never knew that a gem was buried in my case waiting for me my friends were also shocked and they were asking me why havent i played this before to them i played aliens during dusk at an open air and people and the vibes turned out to be so good anyways now i am looking for all records and cds i can find from elysium
  22. actually i downloaded fl demo i ll check it out i ve read a bit and everyone was bragging about how limited it was but i see it supports vst i and everything maybe not so bad then but i am a mac user and i am testing it at my office i may end up logic or go for a laptop lets see, a lot of online info on logic, cubase and fl
  23. nothing like psysex i sometimes feel i am on the edge of cheese then i found myself tripping like mad lost in frequincies and then comes those open sound dont know how to name em didnt like remixes album that much but have you ever danced with a head full of acid on alien cop (goblin remix) psysex was very different back then dont know if they can keep that level of psychedelia without turning into cheese or boring full on their new unreleased stuff didnt do it for me
  24. i am open for any kind of recommendation i am a mac user and this thingy connects to my mac too so i thought returning from travels i can connect and master/alter my productions like i said i am open for any recommendations but i want a machine dedicated to make music which i can fully concentrate on lap tops are not within my budget and not very welcome as a travel companion to me
  25. I am thinking to buy yhis piece of hardware What i want is a kind of production studio on the go with sampling abilities has anyone used it? it look good to me it s like the reason in a box i want tot ravel with it making my music it has a sequencer, a synth, a sampler, onboard effects, expansion slots, drum machine... i have some music in my head for some time, i am/was a live musician in some bands, for some time and has been in psychedelic electronic music for some years too, i feel i have to get out the songs in my head out but i dont like computers alone, i need hands on and travelling capacity the music i have in my head may remind of elysium to shulman, ethnic tribal to ambient but without much of these boundaries. Anyways if anyone knows this piece of hardware please tell me if it is woth buying
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