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el brujo

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Everything posted by el brujo

  1. If you like Infinity Project style or like Astral Projection ambient tracks, it is possible that you may enjoy my project. Please listen and comment http://rapidshare.de/files/17629106/01_Jou...e_goal.mp3.html
  2. I am really sorry guys those are Tatsu s Dont know what to do You cand each other the cds I can pay for the expenses or send another cd as an apology or something please pm me in what you ll like sorry i am so mixed up these days
  3. it was an MD of course you may not know but old times many music were shared through md s by travelling freaks what a format it was.
  4. well, count me in come and say hi too, its easy to find me as I play
  5. 2 cd's traded and marked as eerrm traded 8-)
  6. If anyones interested in these cd s, I can trade them with old school goa, they do not have to be rare or anything and can trade multiple cds for a single one. VA - Zero 1 - Spun Records VA - Spunout (compiled by G.M.S.) - Spun Records VA - Digination's Vol.1 (Compiled by Safi Connection) - Spliff Music VA - New Religion (Compiled by Dj Osho) - Spliff Music (TRADED) (shrinkwrapped not even opened) VA - Heat.Nat.Koot. (Compiled by goma) - Spliff Music (TRADED) (shrinkwarepped not even opened) VA - Swamp - Doof Records Zirkin - Dance Show - Doof Records VA - The Usual Suspects Vol.2 (Compiled by Dimitri) - Solstice Music Europe TRADED VA - Sally Doolally's TranceXpressions - Transient Records TRADED Take a Trip to Goa - Dance Factory (check out www.ramshorn.nl under goa) This is an unusual cd I got but could not enjoy, it is not my style of goa if this is goa, anyways check before you trade please.
  7. I always liked this album, though it was copied from a friend a few weeks ago I got the original disc and a present from Dr. Hofman s 100th birthday and after these many years It both stands to test of time and electric test of the kool aid what an album to listen while tripping good good music one of my all time faves and definetly a classic recommended a million times original, psychedelic stuff
  8. Hello, This is my very very first attempt to start making music. This is the very first trial. I ve made this music solely for myself and my head. It can be downtempo tribal psychedelic trance or it is really stupid to even calla genre to a first attempt. I d be glad if you say something about it as this is a first for me Heres the link earth chakra (kundalini rising rmx) this is the manual if above doesnt work http://rapidshare.de/files/14597564/earthc...g_rmx_.mp3.html
  9. As far as I have understood from your taste (not much that i know but) I think you ll like it this album does not stand out like a classic But it is a rather nice add to your ambient collection You d put it and listen to it, it sounds good and new There is a nice variety of both sound and rhytm in the album If you like androcell you ll like it I listened to it through mp3 though now waiting for it as I ve heard has a nice booklet too takes a while to get here (now in turkey) oh and very nice use of samples enjoy the trip
  10. no it is not, it as close as antalya practically the same or even you could get a bus to antalya(2 hours) for the shuttle to festival site
  11. everything when being critisized is gotta be critisized within its context (space/time) according to me. So Nemo has a very good point. I would be happy if flying rhino was back with their attitude, then we would be having those unusual, experimental, interesting and good releases we were looking for now. Same goes for the blue room. I do not want them to be back with the old music but with the old attitude. Actually I always think now, that something as strong may have started and I am not aware. In 90s not much people were aware of this music, , and these guys were pumping.
  12. smooth and nice bought cds off from him good comunication too recommended
  13. hi-speed neat packaging friendly trader recommended 10/10
  14. I ve been adding a few more releases This is tiring job maaan I ll add more when I have time check the wantlist though
  15. and when I talk to them He said it s in the hands of hommega and they re also eagerly waiting it to be released man they didnt even have a promo copy with them damn labels sometimes they go harsh
  16. -PHI doesnt go in my case or my cd tower or anywhere -the first voyage into trance doesnt go into my hardcase and hardly gets out of the cd tower -altoughy my faves the rtts cd s yeah they re double but sacred sites is even bigger and hard to get out gets stuck but because of this they all have specific locations that i know
  17. Well I was expecting something a little more psychedelic added having the other 3 tracks already It was a bit let down for me The tracks are good and his production skills have gone higher no words for that but rather than the production I think I look for something else like I enojyed the song elements from the first album more than any Shulman track and its basically like a remix of Ravis Shankars Mantram The Chants of India s 3 tracks, but its a lovely track that makes me float... Cant say its a bad idea, and it sounds like Random thoughts rather than an album, so I guess this is what Yanive was after
  18. Well definetly the answer by Infinity Project Glad to see someone felt the same. I have to put it down here: 'No one saw it's approach, a small point of light lost in the blair of the morning sun. It had been drifting for centuries with the inner solar system, like an iceberg in the ocean of inter-planetary space ' 'This is the age of planetary exploration, when our ships has began to sail the heavens' 'The infinitesimal and the infinite... and in that moment I knew the answer.' 'In our spaceship of imagination.' 'You can have anything you want in the whole universe.' 'There is million of things in this universe can have and there is million things that you cant have.'
  19. I heard them on Saturday in Istanbul/Turkey they played for 2 hours live (and it was live)
  20. Well after hearing the samples on the site I was thinking if it was worth going to MFG and ruin my old dreams when I first got into their stuff and how wrong I was... It was reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaly good First it was kind a full on ish but if that is full on I ll stick to it from now on, they kinda rerwrote fullon, It was full of energy yet very very psychedelic, yeah it had buildups an breakdowns but as the night continued that full on kinda beat/attitude changed too and everything went crazy, typical MFG with an incredible production... You gotta hear em live, they are still uber psychedelic and are very very danceable at the same time. As usual every single sound is crafted by them and not heard elsewhere, the melodies are there, at one point I lst which melody I was riding on and it was a long time since I felt that. It was a very small underground party with around 30 people and thats my luck I guess, every single face smiling and dancing their ass off. I ll buy the new album too and hope the samples do not justify the album and they sound like their liveact. I am happy and content, it was a long time since I heard that message from God.
  21. oh noooo MFG - Why go and have a listen and wonder how a track sounds like you re tripping on `cid even when you re not... MFG had so many crazy tunes and showed me that you dont have to have weird sounds or samples to sound out of this world and crazy. MFG always takes me on a trip where I forget space-time. The new samples though sound hopeless -->goes crying
  22. Have you watched South West 9 Its about a psychedelic party that is gonna happen at new year 2000 at a church in Brixton.
  23. Bodh Gaya and Elysium works for me
  24. Still couldnt finish adding my collection but on the way I started my wantlist please check it out and I want to add I am open to buying all these releases if logical prices are asked clicky clicky
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