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Everything posted by pedro

  1. Given that the CD sales of psy trance have fallen over the years to the same levels as 17th century Bactrian music, I would say that calling it non-pay trance would be a better name!
  2. Like yourself, I find the subject matter absolutely fascinating. But I don't know how to explain it. However, I do encourage you to eat Marlin. It is very psychedelic. You will feel like a real, powerful game fish cutting through the water and breaking through the surface. I think it only works with Atlantic Blue Marlin which might be a but difficult to get in Bulgaria. But if you find it, try it! Pedro
  3. Yes, Radi604. It is very common for people who eat tuna to feel like a tuna. This also happens with some other fish as well including grey mullet and some species of sea bass. But the most amazing one is Marlin. Try it Radi.
  4. 14 years - time passes quickly when you are enjoying pay trance. It was great that psynews appeared to take the mantle from TRiP. So grateful. Big thank you to those who made (and still making) it work.
  5. Radi = troll, troll, troll. Always was. From the very beginning.
  6. I assume you are being sarcastic. You do know that Growling Mad Scientists = GMS? At one point, their sound (and worse, their style of sound) was everywhere. One could barely escape it. SUN Project are also a very productive group (although with only a handful of decent tracks). And to call Tristan a one track wonder? Wow. As far as Overlords are concerned -> Sundown is THE track. Not Naked People. I suppose this might be a generation thing. Some of you weren't born when Sundown came out in 1991. But believe me, it made a big impact. Pedro
  7. I would bet all the money I have (and even the money I don't have) that most psy trance producers do (or have done) drugs, whether they admit to it or not. When it comes to when they are actually producing music, it may well be that most of the time they are relatively sober. At the same time, can excess drugs interfere with creativity and making music? Excess drugs can interfere with lots of things. But for me personally, on balance I can safely say drugs have been a wonderful thing over the decades. Pedro
  8. Haldolium is not a one hit wonder.
  9. Sandman's Witchcraft album is a wonderful classic. He is not even close to being a one hit wonder.
  10. You are still relatively young so you still have time to further recover and strengthen the mind. Best of luck. Pedro
  11. Few things in excess are healthy. But I can't think of anything more horrible or useless as living my whole life without doing mind altering substances. Some choose abstinence and it obviously works for them, but that would never be my path. Pedro
  12. I think we all have the right to slate artists (or styles) that we don't like. But I think Radi's approach is sometimes quite unpalatable. One among his various sins. Pedro
  13. I do think Filteria (at least at first) sounded much too similar to Pleiadians for my taste. And that put me off personally although now I am more receptive of people using older sounds and styles. Have seen him live a couple of times and he does do a good set. Space Elves was a good purchase for me. Enjoyed it. Pedro
  14. Yep. That sounds like an absurd amount of drugs. Not surprised you damaged yourself. I wish you the best and hopefully you are now getting the proper treatment (drugs and therapy). Pedro
  15. Smoke the herb because it is good for the soul, a weekend thing. Drink booze because it is a shame not to do so (now that I am old, usually also just on weekends). Once or twice a year (at festivals) I do psychedelics : LSD or synthetic mescaline. Because life would be pointless without the odd psychedelic here and there. Pedro
  16. You need to relax. You can call it FYROM (and indeed some people do) but you must accept most people will call it just Macedonia. And let us leave it at that and move on.
  17. And Bulgaria is named after the Bulgars who originally were anything but slavs. The country is called Macedonia and not FYROM (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Macedonia) and that is what people will call it international forums whether you like it or not. No use in creating unnecessary drama about it.
  18. Ahh, you are Greek. I now understand your posts. Listen, you might not like it but it is called Republic of Macedonia. And that is how people will call it. Deal with it.
  19. The country is no longer called FYROM. You should know that Radi, as a neighbouring Bulgarian. It is called Republic of Macedonia. And it is so nice that you are proud of your smooth Bulgarian roads. So charming of you to let us know. Would not think for a second that you are a boring troll. Pedro
  20. I think his review is spot on. The CD starts off promising then it quickly goes downhill. Not recommended. Pedro
  21. Mine stays the same but I add E-Mantra - Silence in downtempo.
  22. Disagree with you. Frankly speaking , on balance I think people have been far too indulgent with Radi. Pedro
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