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Everything posted by Kurun

  1. New track that ive made, more of a goa style. Check it out, and say what it´s like! //Kai http://soundcloud.com/kurun/consciousness
  2. Heya, another project that i been working on for a while. A psytrance attempt again =) Check it out on Soundcloud, and as usual, comments are appriciated. //Kai http://soundcloud.com/kurun/kurun-off-the-grid
  3. Heya all! Here i go again, and this time i got this track scrathing my back and i wonder, did i do it? =) I hope some of you might say something, and i say to the rest, judge it, good or bad, its a good lesson. Cheers, BotsKnots for you all, for your liking or hating =)
  4. Listened to several of your tracks, really relaxing =) Great work, keep it up! /Kai
  5. Great track. Missed the fact that your on Soundcloud, will follow the progress there, whenever you get new tracks. Keep it going =) /Kai
  6. Hello! Another track ive been working on. Not sure about the genre, surprise surprise Hope you all enjoy listening to it. Comments is appriciated =) /Kai http://soundcloud.com/kurun/a-trip-beyond
  7. Hey! New at this forum, so i thought id say hi, and share a track that ive been working on, to see if its something worth listening to. Its a bit slower, little bit darker experiment. Hope you all like it! /Kai
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